36 min

Looking Abroad for Solutions to the Nursing Shortage in the US: Bhavdeep Singh, Founder and CEO of Global MedTeam Raise the Line

    • Medicine

Today, we add another voice to our ongoing conversation on Raise the Line about how to improve the nurse staffing crisis faced by the US healthcare system. That voice belongs to Bhavdeep Singh, founder and CEO of Global MedTeam, a startup focused on bringing foreign-born nurses to the US to fill staff shortages. When Singh, who has deep experience in healthcare management, learned from a hospital executive that the annualized cost of employing one travel nurse can reach into hundreds of thousands of dollars in some locations, he realized there was room, and a need, for new approaches. “There's some wonderful work being done in this space, whether it's process improvement, remote monitoring, or software to make sure that we have the right kind of scheduling…all of these things are very helpful, but that's not going to get us to where we need to be. We will still have a huge shortage.” Singh believes employing pre-credentialed nurses from abroad, especially from the Philippines which has a long history of sending nurses to the US, is a viable part of the solution and his firm has put processes in place to make it a turnkey experience for employers. “We handle everything for the client including immigration from start to finish.” Join host Michael Carrese as he explores potential healthcare impacts on the “supplying” countries, the storied reputation of Filipino nurses and how this approach might also work for shortages in allied health professions.

Mentioned in this episode: https://globalmedteam.com/

Today, we add another voice to our ongoing conversation on Raise the Line about how to improve the nurse staffing crisis faced by the US healthcare system. That voice belongs to Bhavdeep Singh, founder and CEO of Global MedTeam, a startup focused on bringing foreign-born nurses to the US to fill staff shortages. When Singh, who has deep experience in healthcare management, learned from a hospital executive that the annualized cost of employing one travel nurse can reach into hundreds of thousands of dollars in some locations, he realized there was room, and a need, for new approaches. “There's some wonderful work being done in this space, whether it's process improvement, remote monitoring, or software to make sure that we have the right kind of scheduling…all of these things are very helpful, but that's not going to get us to where we need to be. We will still have a huge shortage.” Singh believes employing pre-credentialed nurses from abroad, especially from the Philippines which has a long history of sending nurses to the US, is a viable part of the solution and his firm has put processes in place to make it a turnkey experience for employers. “We handle everything for the client including immigration from start to finish.” Join host Michael Carrese as he explores potential healthcare impacts on the “supplying” countries, the storied reputation of Filipino nurses and how this approach might also work for shortages in allied health professions.

Mentioned in this episode: https://globalmedteam.com/

36 min