37 episodes

This podcast is for people who have the courage to learn and to do what it takes to design the life of their dreams. Many people think success is something that just happens to you if you’re lucky or work hard enough. We believe that behind every success is a system in action. Join Lonnie Gienger and his family as they share real life stories and learnings from our journey to create specific processes that produce success in business and in life.

Systems for Success Lonnie Gienger

    • Business

This podcast is for people who have the courage to learn and to do what it takes to design the life of their dreams. Many people think success is something that just happens to you if you’re lucky or work hard enough. We believe that behind every success is a system in action. Join Lonnie Gienger and his family as they share real life stories and learnings from our journey to create specific processes that produce success in business and in life.

    Introduction: The Secret to Living the Life of Your Dreams

    Introduction: The Secret to Living the Life of Your Dreams

    How to Turn Your Grandest Visions for Your Life into Realities Why is it that some people just seem to get everything they want in life?  Great relationships, plenty of money, great health and time to enjoy it all?   And why is that other people who seem to work equally as hard or seem to be equally deserving constantly struggle with a life that is always far short of their ideals?
    This podcast grows out of a deep conviction the grand design for life is that everyone should have an equal shot at achieving the success they want in all areas of life.  This podcast is based on the proposition that anyone who really wants to, can actually learn and apply some next steps that they can take to move toward their dreams for success in any area of their life. This podcast grows out of a deep belief that our grandest visions for any area of our life are most likely to become reality when we understand and implement certain universal principles and processes that create success in any particular area of life….when people understand and live by what we call, universal systems for success.  
    I don't know many people who don't want to be more successful in at least some area of their life...however they uniquely define success. But I don't know of many people who take the time to understand, develop and implement the specific processes, steps, or systems it takes to create that next level of success.  
    What the Secret? I'm not here to tell you that I have all the secret systems.  I am here to tell you that systems, is the secret.  And if we don't know the systems needed to produce success in any area of our life, I'm here to tell you that you can find someone who knows those systems and you can learn from how they implemented those systems and apply the principles you learn from them to create the success you want in your own life.  
    The secret to success is only a secret if you don't know where to find the secret.  And the secret to success in any area of life is found is in the systems that cause the success.  And the great news is that anyone who is hungry enough can seek out, understand and implement the systems they need to cause success.
    Not Just Another “How-To” With today's globalized information availability, we can find information and how-tos on just about anything.   So, it is not just another how-to that is needed.  If the possession of checklists of systems to follow were the key to success, every capable Googler in the world would be enormously successful!   The key to success is not just learning about some systems.  It’s not just hearing more how-to’s.  It is gaining a deep real-life understanding of the right systems you need at the right time AND creating a doable pathway to actually implement those systems in the unique situations of your life.  
    Real-Life Learning for Real-Life Successes Our passion in this podcast is to unpack the specific systems we are learning that bring success in various areas of life…and to do that in the context of real-life learning.  In the context of the real trial and error rodeo of implementation.  We'd like to take you on a journey with us.  To open our lives (past and present) to let you share in our learnings as we have been seeking to implement our own systems for success in life.  
    The goal here is not to come across as people who know it all…because we certainly don't. If anything, I've made more mistakes than the average guy. The goal here is to simply be transparent about what we have learned and what are learning about the systems…the specific processes that produce success in key areas of life.  And our hope is not that you just take any of these things we share and implement them verbatim in your life.  But rather that you take the principles and processes you learn from the stories from our lives, our businesses and our families and apply them to creating your own unique systems for success.
    Only Listen If You’re Serious Abou

    • 1 hr 9 min
    The Primary System for Success in Any Area of Life

    The Primary System for Success in Any Area of Life

    Create Your Game Plan for Success
    In this episode we’re talking about developing the game plans to create success in different areas of life.  Most people would just rather play the game…or watch the game.  That’s a lot more fun than creating the game plans.  But winning the game starts with a good game plan and then playing to the plan. Creating the right plans and the right plays…or as we like to call it, systems…are key to accomplishing your dreams and goals.
    Can you imagine any sports team entering into competition without adequate preparation — or a game plan? Can you imagine showing up for the first day of practice and the coach saying, “Here’s your game schedule for the year.  Your position is written on the first page.  Just show up on time for each game and we’re gonna figure out how to whip the competition as we play.”
    Sounds crazy?!  It is!  Yet that’s how many people go through life every day.
    The failure to PLAN — to prepare a game plan — is one of the main reasons so many people fail in key areas of life.  Certainly one of main reasons people fail in business or in their financial life.  A key reason people fail to have the health or energy they want.  And a key reason people fail in relationships.
    Some people have never gone through a detailed planning process for something really important in their life.  Others have done some planning.  Some see it as a waste of time.  Others think it’s something only certain people need to do for certain things.
    Planning does take time. But it’s not a waste of time.
    Done right, it’s worth every minute it takes.  Your investment in strategic planning NOW will pay big benefits in the long run.  Big benefits in both time and money.
    Success is a Planned Event
    Success is not accidental.  It doesn’t just happen.  Success is a PLANNED event.
    A pilot needs a flight plan before getting off the ground.
    A house needs a blueprint before construction begins.
    A football team needs a strategy before playing the game.
    And YOU need Planning Systems to build a successful life.
    Planning means setting goals — both personal and professional.  And in setting goals, I’m not just talking about how much money you’re gonna make by a certain date.
    What’s Your Real Problem?
    Do you think your number one problem is lack of money or lack of time? It’s not.
    I’m sure you’re thinking, “That’s easy for you to say, Lonnie!  It’s not YOUR checkbook you’re talking about!”  It’s not your schedule you’re talking about!
    Let me explain.
    If you don’t have enough money to support your desired lifestyle, you have a problem with your money creation systems or money management SYSTEMS.  Do you hear the distinction I’m making?
    Lack of money isn’t the PROBLEM — it’s a SYMPTOM of poor money creation systems and/or poor money management systems.
    In the same way, health is a SYMPTOM of doing the right things in the right way.  
    For example, health the result of a well-planned, well-managed physical, mental and emotional life.  Focusing on just health will rarely accomplish your health goals.  It’s no more a plan for success than simply saying you want to be more healthy will make you more healthy.  Health is the result of doing the right things to make each system of your body work well and work well together.
    What Do You Really Want?
    Take an in-depth look at your life  —  every aspect of your life.  Decide what you want to achieve in your financial life, your physical life, your business life, your relational life, your spiritual life.  What you want your life to look like in each of these areas when it is at its optimal potential.  How you want to be viewed by your friends and family...by your next generations when they sit around talking about great, great grandma or grandpa you.
    What if you could write a plan of action for reaching your goals for each of these areas of your life? Call it

    • 59 min
    3. How to Stay On Course Despite Obstacles to Your Dreams

    3. How to Stay On Course Despite Obstacles to Your Dreams

    Stories about a backpacking adventure and what it takes to stay course toward accomplishing our dreams despite the inevitable and unknown obstacles and challenges that get in the way.
    The key in backpacking?  Following a map!  The key in life?  Following a strategic plan. What’s that? Simply put, it’s a map to turn your dreams for your life into reality.  It’s a way to turn your dreams for your business into reality, your dreams for your family into reality, your dreams for your health into reality, your dreams for your finances into reality.
    In a sense, it’s a like creating a recipe for success.  Big picture, strategic planning is the process you’ll use to actually get what you want from life.
    You’ll use strategic planning systems to build your ideal life, your ideal family, or your ideal business.
    How Does It Work?
    First you define what critical focus AREAS are most important to your life, your family, or your business at this point in time.  So, if you are in business you would decide what areas are important to focus on in your business this year.  Or if you want to develop a strategic plan for your health, you would decide what areas are important for you to focus on in your health this year.  Then you focus the necessary ATTENTION and RESOURCES on those issues.
    As the result of this process like this, a strategic PLAN is created that charts the path to your success.
    As you go through the planning process, you’ll begin to put write down the results of each planning stage.
    You will first write down your vision, your ideal for some area of your business or life. Then you will write down a few critical focus areas you can focus on to make progress toward that vision. Then for each critical focus area you will write down at least one objective. Then for each objective you will write down a few specific, measurable goals that will help you accomplish that objective. Then you will write on your calendar specific action plans that will help you accomplish each goal. Make Your Map
    Strategic planning bridges the GAP, between where you are TODAY and where you WANT to be.  It creates a bridge from where you are to where you want to be in some area of your life.   You create specific plans and action steps that form the road over that bridge from your current reality to your desired future.
    You create a strategic plan for the same reason you take a map along when you don’t know how to get to where you’re going.  You need direction.
    Think of your plan as a map you’ll follow to reach your destination…to the other side of your gap between how things are in some area of your life now to how you want things to be.
    Most people start journeys with some destination in mind.  Most people start new ventures with some vision in mind. Everyone starts their marriage with some vision I mind.  If you’ve had kids, everyone starts having kids with some vision in mind for the kind of family they’d like to have…the kind of relationship they’d like to have with their kids.  If you’re in business, when you started your business you had some destination in mind.
    But here’s the kicker.  Even though most people have some idea of where they want to end up, they rarely take the time to create a map for exactly HOW they are going to get there.
    So they still start on the journey toward where they want to end up but inevitably they hit some bumps in the road…some circumstances that threaten to take them off track or sideline them from achieving their dream.  Without a clear plan, you may make some progress toward your dream but you won’t know what to do when you hit that first bump in the road?
    Without clearly defined goals and a well-thought-out plan for how to get there, every time you hit a bump in the road, you’re likely to stop your vehicle, get out and analyze — the bump.  Or worse yet, decide to take a new direction. Or just throw in the towel.
    You may have tried a lot of thi

    • 39 min
    Keys to Positive Relationships Between Parents and Adult Children

    Keys to Positive Relationships Between Parents and Adult Children

    Relationships are the greatest treasure in life that we could ever have. In this episode, you’ll learn how you can improve your relationship with your parents or adult children. 
    The quality of the relationship you have with your family does matter. Having that best friend type of relationship with your adult children or parents is one that you’ll truly enjoy for the rest of your life.
    Join us as we discuss how to identify and truly value the differences in each family member, how we can appreciate them through a love language that they speak and keep a mindset of grace. Find out how you can overcome challenges between adult-children and parent relationships, as we’ll also tackle topics related to forgiveness, honesty, and love.
    Episode Highlights:
    The friendship relationship between parents and their adult children Staying curious with your kids and having the same curiosity towards our parents Understanding and speaking their love language What it means to have a mindset of grace Thank you Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.   We’d also really appreciate any feedback or questions that might guide what we talk about in future episodes.
    Additionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and we read each and every one of them.
    JOIN THE SYSTEMS FOR SUCCESS COMMUNITY! Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on IOS or Apple Itunes. Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on Android or Windows OS. Enter your email in one of the email opt-ins on this site for regular emails from Lonnie Gienger or the Gienger Family on additional Systems for Success. Follow Systems for Success on Instagram @systemsforsuccess Follow Lonnie Gienger on Instagram @lonniegienger

    • 1 hr
    Integrating Work and Family

    Integrating Work and Family

    Never before have so many families struggled with incorporating what happens in business with what happens in the home. The pursuit of work-life integration has become more important now than ever.  But what exactly, does that mean, and how do you do it?
    Business can be an endlessly fascinating subject that encourages the exchange of ideas and eager discussions about the future. Or the constant demands of business creeping into the home can cause undue stress in the family and disintegrate relationships. How do you deal with the reality that the responsibilities of business can sometimes feel more urgent than the important everyday needs of your family?  How do you bring your work life into your home life in a way that is healthy for you and your family? 
    Join us in this episode as our family discusses how you can integrate your work into your family in ways that benefit both your business and your marriage. Find out how you can create healthy boundaries, support each other’s goals and use your work as an opportunity to build intimacy in your marriage.  
    Episode Highlights:
    How to integrate work into your life and family How spouses can understand and support each other’s work life in ways that build intimacy in the marriage Deciding what to share with your spouse about your business and professional life The benefits of integrating your business and professional life into your family life The challenges of integrating your business and professional life into your family life Creating healthy boundaries  Honoring your spouse’s needs and goals Thank you Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.   We’d also really appreciate any feedback or questions that might guide what we talk about in future episodes.
    Additionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and we read each and every one of them.
    JOIN THE SYSTEMS FOR SUCCESS COMMUNITY! Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on IOS or Apple Itunes. Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on Android or Windows OS. Enter your email in one of the email opt-ins on this site for regular emails from Lonnie Gienger or the Gienger Family on additional Systems for Success. Follow Systems for Success on Instagram @systemsforsuccess Follow Lonnie Gienger on Instagram @lonniegienger

    • 56 min
    Wisdom from America’s Wealthiest Multigenerational Families—An Interview with Pierre DuPont

    Wisdom from America’s Wealthiest Multigenerational Families—An Interview with Pierre DuPont

    Developing and preserving family wealth and strong values takes great effort. What can you do to make sure your next generations are building on what’s important to your family rather than blowing it? Why is the most common pattern “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations”? 
    Most families within one generation develop tangible and intangible values they are proud of. But all too often that which is valuable to one generation is not effectively transferred to future generations.
    In this episode, we’ll introduce you to two families that have managed to pass various forms of wealth to six or seven generations, including family businesses that have endured for over 200 years. Pierre DuPont shares a real-life case study of hard-earned lessons from his family which has been one of the wealthiest families in America for many generations. You’ll gain great wisdom from his intention to help other families and business leaders create a more positive, multi-generational legacy.
    Learn from the experience of world-renowned families how to manage, maintain, and preserve financial and non-financial family wealth in ways that benefit future generations. Find out how you can help your children, grandchildren, and all future descendants sustain principles that can multiply your family‘s success! 
    Episode Highlights:
    Pierre talks about his family history, inherited wealth, the businesses developed, and his definition of wealth. We discuss: Forms of financial and non-financial wealth The best paradigm for generational wealth transfer Positive and negative impacts of financial wealth to your future descendants The value of open, honest, inclusive communication about family traditions Common principles and practices about finance in relation to family wealth The importance of training and mentoring family members of what’s important to the family Purpose and goals for wealth And we talk about how to: Keep families together over multiple generations Guide your future descendants on how to preserve and wisely utilize their financial wealth Develop and maintain family bonds and traditions over the generation Engage family members in business and philanthropy Pass the wealth to your descendants with appropriate guidance  Thank you Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.   We’d also really appreciate any feedback or questions that might guide what we talk about in future episodes.
    Additionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and we read each and every one of them.
    JOIN THE SYSTEMS FOR SUCCESS COMMUNITY! Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on IOS or Apple Itunes. Subscribe to the Systems for Success Podcast on Android or Windows OS. Enter your email in one of the email opt-ins on this site for regular emails from Lonnie Gienger or the Gienger Family on additional Systems for Success. Follow Systems for Success on Instagram @systemsforsuccess Follow Lonnie Gienger on Instagram @lonniegienger

    • 1 hr 2 min

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