25 min

#44. How to Avoid Getting Distracted and Unlock your Full Potential with The Business Dad, Vincent Vandeputte Fail To Win: From Passion To Profit

    • Entrepreneurship

This week's podcast episode is hosted by The Business Dad, who dives into how an imbalance between your core values and the actions you take can drain you for energy, impact your ability to make sound decisions, and make your head move slower. All things that will ultimately lead to distractions and a lack of focus. The Business Dad will share with you how to turn around these challenges with 3 impactful exercises, so you can find direction and lead a balanced, happy, and intentional life. To...

This week's podcast episode is hosted by The Business Dad, who dives into how an imbalance between your core values and the actions you take can drain you for energy, impact your ability to make sound decisions, and make your head move slower. All things that will ultimately lead to distractions and a lack of focus. The Business Dad will share with you how to turn around these challenges with 3 impactful exercises, so you can find direction and lead a balanced, happy, and intentional life. To...

25 min