11 min

Daily News Brief for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 Daily News Brief

    • News Commentary

This is Garrison Hardie with your CrossPolitic Daily News Brief for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024. 


Sales Nexus LLC: 

SalesNexus is the platform Fight Laugh Feast uses to manage all of our subscribers and email updates.  If you’re using MailChimp, Hubspot or Salesforce for email marketing, CRM and sales, you probably know they’ve been canceling voices of freedom and truth.  That’s why we switched to SalesNexus.  SalesNexus is a complete business marketing and sales solution that won’t tell you what you should say or believe. For more information, visit salesnexus.com. That’s Salesnexus.com!




Trump leads Nikki Haley by 19 points in NH: Suffolk Boston poll


A poll published ahead of Tuesday’s primary election in New Hampshire has found that 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump leads Nikki Haley, the only remaining challenger, by nearly 20 points.


According to a Suffolk University/NBC10 Boston/Boston Globe tracking poll published on Monday, Trump leads Haley by 19 points. Trump received 57 percent support and Haley received 38 percent.


With DeSantis dropping out of the race on Sunday, Haley gained two points.


The poll was conducted between January 20 and 21 of 500 likely Republican primary voters in the state. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.


A Washington Post/Monmouth University poll, also released on Monday, placed Trump 18 points ahead of Haley, with 52 percent supporting the president and 34 percent backing Haley. 


DeSantis received 8 percent support, as the poll was conducted before the Florida governor dropped out of the race.


This poll was conducted between January 16 and 20 of 712 potential voters in the New Hampshire Republican primary and has a margin of error of 4.2 percent.




Vermont Resettled Somalis, Shootings Are Up 185%


Shootings are up 185% in Vermont from 2021 to 2022.


“We are not used to this level of violence in Vermont,” Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger complained after the city racked up 5 murders. That may not sound like much, but it gives the normally sleepy city, where Bernie Sanders got his start, a higher murder rate than Philly.


When James Eaton, a mentally unstable leftist who had praised Hamas, shot and wounded three Arab Muslim men outside his home, the media eagerly diverted attention from the crime wave to the shooter, who was conveniently white, while falsely blaming it on ‘Islamophobia’.


The discredited hoax was not only trying to rally support for terrorists, but also to distract attention from the real perpetrators of the violence that has overtaken Bernie’s old city.


The shooters in Burlington, VT are much more likely to be Muslim male teens.


Another recent shooting out of Burlington made the national news when Hussein Mohamed, the underage son of Somali immigrants who don’t speak English, shot and killed Madden: a local 14-year-old boy. It was reported that “state police were able to make an arrest despite at least two eyewitnesses from the car providing multiple false statements about the crime.”


The murder wave in Burlington was touched off in 2022 when a Muslim teen, shot and killed Hussein Mubarak, 21.


The 19-year-old had been part of a Somali Muslim refugee family profiled by the New York Times under the headline “U.S. a Place of Miracles for Somali Refugees.” Of that family, one son was convicted of assault with a firearm, another of “aggravated assault for shooting a man in November 2020” and the 19-year-old was the grandson of that same family.


The teen had allegedly become a member of a Somali gang that stole cars while “wearing surgical gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints behind” and two of them had attacked a man in broad daylig

This is Garrison Hardie with your CrossPolitic Daily News Brief for Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024. 


Sales Nexus LLC: 

SalesNexus is the platform Fight Laugh Feast uses to manage all of our subscribers and email updates.  If you’re using MailChimp, Hubspot or Salesforce for email marketing, CRM and sales, you probably know they’ve been canceling voices of freedom and truth.  That’s why we switched to SalesNexus.  SalesNexus is a complete business marketing and sales solution that won’t tell you what you should say or believe. For more information, visit salesnexus.com. That’s Salesnexus.com!




Trump leads Nikki Haley by 19 points in NH: Suffolk Boston poll


A poll published ahead of Tuesday’s primary election in New Hampshire has found that 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump leads Nikki Haley, the only remaining challenger, by nearly 20 points.


According to a Suffolk University/NBC10 Boston/Boston Globe tracking poll published on Monday, Trump leads Haley by 19 points. Trump received 57 percent support and Haley received 38 percent.


With DeSantis dropping out of the race on Sunday, Haley gained two points.


The poll was conducted between January 20 and 21 of 500 likely Republican primary voters in the state. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent.


A Washington Post/Monmouth University poll, also released on Monday, placed Trump 18 points ahead of Haley, with 52 percent supporting the president and 34 percent backing Haley. 


DeSantis received 8 percent support, as the poll was conducted before the Florida governor dropped out of the race.


This poll was conducted between January 16 and 20 of 712 potential voters in the New Hampshire Republican primary and has a margin of error of 4.2 percent.




Vermont Resettled Somalis, Shootings Are Up 185%


Shootings are up 185% in Vermont from 2021 to 2022.


“We are not used to this level of violence in Vermont,” Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger complained after the city racked up 5 murders. That may not sound like much, but it gives the normally sleepy city, where Bernie Sanders got his start, a higher murder rate than Philly.


When James Eaton, a mentally unstable leftist who had praised Hamas, shot and wounded three Arab Muslim men outside his home, the media eagerly diverted attention from the crime wave to the shooter, who was conveniently white, while falsely blaming it on ‘Islamophobia’.


The discredited hoax was not only trying to rally support for terrorists, but also to distract attention from the real perpetrators of the violence that has overtaken Bernie’s old city.


The shooters in Burlington, VT are much more likely to be Muslim male teens.


Another recent shooting out of Burlington made the national news when Hussein Mohamed, the underage son of Somali immigrants who don’t speak English, shot and killed Madden: a local 14-year-old boy. It was reported that “state police were able to make an arrest despite at least two eyewitnesses from the car providing multiple false statements about the crime.”


The murder wave in Burlington was touched off in 2022 when a Muslim teen, shot and killed Hussein Mubarak, 21.


The 19-year-old had been part of a Somali Muslim refugee family profiled by the New York Times under the headline “U.S. a Place of Miracles for Somali Refugees.” Of that family, one son was convicted of assault with a firearm, another of “aggravated assault for shooting a man in November 2020” and the 19-year-old was the grandson of that same family.


The teen had allegedly become a member of a Somali gang that stole cars while “wearing surgical gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints behind” and two of them had attacked a man in broad daylig

11 min