10 episodes

GFILE Radio show discusses the latest in civil rights.


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GFILE Radio show discusses the latest in civil rights.

    20210226 – SB-46 Bill passed in Alabama Senate with guest Marty Schelper | GFILE Radio, Feb. 26, 2021

    20210226 – SB-46 Bill passed in Alabama Senate with guest Marty Schelper | GFILE Radio, Feb. 26, 2021

    In this episode, Trenton Garmon, ESQ., interviews with Marty Schleper about the SB-46 bill being passed in Alabama Senate and medical marijuana consideration in Alabama.

    Transcript - [Notice & Disclosure: TRANSCRIPT Not word-for-word AI Transcribed, but rather an unedited and unrevised Text version provided for key term searches and general outline, audio should be consulted for exact contexts.]

    Trenton Garmon 0:19
    Welcome one Welcome all to I Heart Radio. This is Trenton Garmon live, bringing to you a two part show today we've got Marty Schelper from the Alabama republicans against medical marijuana prohibition or just marijuana prohibition, she's going to be discussing the recent change that we have seen in some of the lawmakers perspectives in regard to natural medicine and where that's going, Marty, thank you for being with us here on the show. Tell us congratulations on your big win. Tell us what's going on in the world of Alabama's consideration of medical marijuana.

    Marty Schelper 0:58
    Well, thank you, Trenton. And it's a big win for the citizens of Alabama, I don't want to you know, overshadow that by any stretch of the imagination. And we are excited, you know, the SB-46, passed the Alabama Senate. It's moving on to the house HELP Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. And it'll pass those two committees and move on to a debate on the floor of the Alabama house.

    Trenton Garmon 1:25
    That's great to hear. So as I understand it, which is just part of the process. And I always like to sort through some of the most difficult elements First, the power hurdles, but there's been an additional committee that's required of this bill, is that true and accurate?

    Marty Schelper 1:40
    It is because of the legalization of cannabis for this Senate. And because it is considered a medical bill, it has to go through the Judiciary Committee and it has to go through the house Health Committee. That's why there's two committees that have been assigned to this. And we do not know at this time, which one it's going to go through first.

    Trenton Garmon 2:04
    Okay. And back in December of 2019 believe there was a report of medical cannabis that was issued by study commission 18 total, members of the Commission looks like seven medical doctors, two PhDs, three lawyers, two pharmacists, two psychiatrists turn to neurologists and a radiology oncologist. So we're seeing I think, progresses to natural medicine for the state, which is only one of five in the entire United States that has total prohibition against medical marijuana. And so thank you for what you're doing for the people that do suffer from the conditions that are covered. What are some of the conditions that that you think this bill will help because obviously, their citizens out there and others opposition that is going to be, you know, something that's going to have to be overcome in the Senate, I believe, or the house, believe the speaker is saying that he's going to do everything he can to delay the passing of it, which is extremely discouraging when you consider there's probably some child at some point in time that's going to have epileptic seizure. And you know, this church of god man is rooted in his radical Protestantism. So it seems for the moment, but what are some of the conditions that the bill and the commission that was appointed to study it have a viable way to to be beneficial? And what are your thoughts as to that report?

    Marty Schelper 3:23
    Okay, I do want to mention since you asked about the different conditions, there was one amendment from Senator Bobby Singleton that was added to the list, it was amended, and to include sickle cell anemia. So we were really happy about that. But you mentioned epileptic seizures, autism, cancer patients, people who have chronic pain. The list goes on and on. The legislation is out there. If people will go to our Facebook page, Alabama republicans against marijuana prohibition. We're posting tons of

    • 24 min
    COVID-19 Therapeutics & Other Solutions with Dr. Francis Koe | GFILE Radio, Feb. 19, 2021

    COVID-19 Therapeutics & Other Solutions with Dr. Francis Koe | GFILE Radio, Feb. 19, 2021

    In this episode, Trenton Garmon interviews Dr. Francis Koe about the COVID-19 Vaccine.


    Trenton Garmon 0:17
    Welcome one Welcome all to I Heart Radio. This is attorney Trenton, Garmin. We've got a two part show for you today talking about the COVID vaccine with Dr. Francis Co. She's a medical doctor in Alabama, who I guess has a general practice from maybe a natural medicine perspective as much as anything while embracing the pharmaceutical side of things. And she's going to share with us her perspective on vaccine pushes and the safety tests that we've got. And, of course, we're gonna be talking through civil rights news and legal docket reports as well. Dr. Koe, welcome to the show. Thank you for spending time with us and joining us today. Thank you. And so as I understand that you have a general practice in Alabama, and I guess vaccines are something that any general practitioner has administered within their offices, you know, tell us what your practice is composed of the areas of medicine that you practice, primarily. And then we'll get into some of the known and the unknowns about COVID. And the vaccines that are being pushed today.

    Dr. Francis Koe 1:22
    So I have a family medicine practice. I did my residency, medical school and residency in Alabama. And so I practice in northeast Alabama, in a very small town of about 900 people. So I'm the only physician in the area in my town. And I have some nurse practitioners working with me and we see newborns all the way to death. I do home visits, nursing home care, clinic care. And then we also have what we call a direct primary care clinic means yes, people just pay $50 a month and they don't have to use their insurance or if they don't have insurance, they can get some family care at $50 a month. Is there a name for that program you have there with your practice? Well, the name of my clinic is the so I have wills Valley family medicine, which is my regular insurance clinic that we have had for 13 years at since residency. And then we have Valley care DPC. And we're in the same complex, you know, we have a just a little small office there. And so both clinics are basically in the same office. Well, you're perfect for this part of the show. Because I believe that having someone look at it from a general practitioner perspective is Uber important because you're taking into consideration all the different types of ailments and issues that people have and come to you with a plan a generalized knowledge. And then of course, specialty knowledge as well. Do you vaccinate in your practice?

    We used to, and for Medicaid for Medicaid children. That it was it was hard to do, because we didn't see enough to keep enough vaccine in the clinic. And so we just decided to stop several years ago, we do have some vaccines like t tap tetanus, and so we give those and tetanus shots. And we do do flu vaccines. So and we do write scripts for people who want to do pneumonia vaccines, but we also write scripts for people who want to do shingles vaccine.

    Trenton Garmon 3:37
    Well, we're in a crucial time, of course, in national medicine, and a lot of people want to know and I think there are some unknowns that we just have to be at peace about there's always going to be mysteries each year, there seems to be different strands that come out that evade the effectiveness if vaccines are truly overall safe and effective. So for those minds, those people that are not doctors and are curious, what what is your opinion with the new variant that's out and the two main vaccines that have been pushed in America right now? Do you think that it is safe and effective? Do you think that there are alternative methods that can be equally effective? Because I've seen where a lot of the medical community that then towards natural medicine are pushing a for vitamin solution, vitamin D, vitamin C and some some others? What are your thoughts with the two that we have out now? And what would you r

    • 24 min
    Civil Rights – Systematic Voter Fraud – Presidential Election 2020 – The Machines and the Methods.

    Civil Rights – Systematic Voter Fraud – Presidential Election 2020 – The Machines and the Methods.

    [Notice & Disclosure: Not word-for-word AI Transcribed, but rather an unedited and unrevised Text version provided for key term searches and general outline, audio should be consulted for exact contexts.]

    Week 8, Part 1

    Civil Rights - Systematic Voter Fraud - Presidential Election 2020 - The Machines and the Methods. 

    Studio Guest - John Mountz, iHeart Special Co-Host

    Week 8, Part 2

    Legal Docket Report - Mass Incarceration is Modern Slavery - DOJ rightly sues Alabama over prison conditions. 

    Studio Guest - John Mountz

    Call to Action - Call 855-998-7368




    Trenton Garmon 0:00
    If your loved one has been the victim of police brutality, contact our firm Garmin and Associates 855 99 Trent, you or your loved one may be entitled to compensation to a federal civil rights case. So again, if you are loved them have been injured as a result of police brutality, contact us Garmin and Associates 855 99 Trent legal services to be performed case where the court of legal services before my call today.

    Welcome, welcome. Welcome to Trenton, Garmin live. This is a segment that I think is going to bless we the people here on iheart radio we're calling freedom of assembly. I title of course, is just drawn from principles that our nation was founded upon, which we believe are being significantly trampled on at this point in time. So it's important talk about what our founding documents say, what are we entitled to as people have a republic. And to do that I've got on the show this beautiful, beautiful day, John Mountz who's become a friend of mine, and is a very gifted and verse man. JOHN, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the show.

    John Mountz 1:34
    Thanks, friend. Thanks for having me.

    Trenton Garmon 1:35
    Let's just launch right in, I want to read the first amendment. And we can talk about some of the new releases that have been put out by the administration and NPR and The Washington Post, and CNN reports about something that is significant, that I don't think we're hearing a lot of chatter about the fact that for a presidential inauguration, the number one place intended by our great Republic, for the freedom of assembly being the National Mall was closed. That to me, is just absolutely mind boggling that we the people are not allowed to peacefully assemble. And it's just presumed because of the great show to not the cause for concern. But our First Amendment very clearly lays out, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of the press or speech and the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the government for redress. So Gentlemen, I bring that up, just as a topic from the beautiful, beautiful founding documents that we have as arguably the most prosperous nation. I mean, there's some things we could talk through that may have other economists be honored to say, yeah, these other countries may be less prosperous or more so but we're clearly a great nation. And we have a greatest military, which was used that the direction of obviously gets the Trump administration and then the Biden ministration. So we hope, you know, I don't know if Trump agreed to have a national law clothes or not. But, john, what are your thoughts after hearing that first amendment language, read the right people to peacefully assemble is something that Congress shall make no law. And there should be no branch of government that impairs that right of way that people? What do you think about that when cnn puts out the national malls close through the inauguration? This was put out, way back January the 15th. Not too far back with about a week plus ago. So what are your thoughts with that? And and as a member of way, the people, does that cause you concern?

    John Mountz 4:09
    Well, Trenton it definitely do

    • 25 min
    Civil Rights – COVID & Seasonal Vaccines: Safety, Effectiveness, Law & Ethics

    Civil Rights – COVID & Seasonal Vaccines: Safety, Effectiveness, Law & Ethics

    In this episode of GFILE News, Trenton Garmon interviews Dr. Francis Koe about the COVID-19 Vaccine and other issues concerning with it.

    Phone Guest - Dr. Francis Koe 

    Call to Action - Text or Call 855-998-7368

    [Notice & Disclosure: TRANSCRIPT Not word-for-word AI Transcribed, but rather an unedited and unrevised Text version provided for key term searches and general outline, audio should be consulted for exact contexts.]





    Week 10, Part 2 -

    Legal Docket & Admin Report - FDA Announces Vaccine Approvals and COVID medical products approval 

    Phone Guest - Dr. Francis Koe

    Call to Action - Text or Call 855-998-7368





    Trenton Garmon
    Welcome one Welcome all to I Heart Radio. This is attorney Trenton Garmon, we've got a two part show for you today talking about the COVID vaccine with Dr. Francis Koe. She's a medical doctor in Alabama, who I guess has a general practice from maybe a natural medicine perspective as much as anything while embracing the pharmaceutical side of things. And she's going to share with us her perspective on vaccine pushes in the safety tests that we've got. And, of course, we're gonna be talking through civil rights news and legal docket reports as well. Dr. Koe, welcome to the show. Thank you for spending time with us and joining us today.

    Dr. Francis Koe 1:27
    Thank you.

    Trenton Garmon 1:28
    And so as I understand it, you have a general practice in Alabama. And I guess vaccines are something that any general practitioner has administered within their offices, you know, tell us what your practice is composed of the areas of medicine that you practice, primarily. And then we'll get into some of the known and the unknowns about COVID. And the vaccines that are being pushed today.

    Dr. Francis Koe 1:51
    So I have a family medicine practice. I did my residency, medical school and residency in Alabama. And so I practice in northeast Alabama, in a very small town of about 900 people. So I'm the only physician in the area in my town. And I have some nurse practitioners working with me and we see newborns all the way to death. I do home visits, nursing home care, clinic care. And then we also have what we call a direct primary care clinic means yes, people just pay $50 a month and they don't have to use their insurance or if they don't have insurance. They can get some family care at $50 a month.

    Trenton Garmon 2:35
    Is there a name for that program you have there with your practice?

    Dr. Francis Koe 2:38
    Well, the name of my clinic is the so I have wills Valley family medicine, which is my regular insurance clinic that we have had for 13 years at since residency. And then we have Valley care DPC. And we're in the same complex, you know, we have a just a little small office there. And so both clinics so basically in the same office, well, you're perfect for this part of the show, because I believe that having someone look at it from a general practitioner perspective is Uber important because you're taking into consideration all the different types of ailments and issues that people have and come to you with

    • 28 min
    Civil Rights – Vaccine Exemption? * FDA Notice regarding Jet7 Voluntary Recall * Was it too late? * Are physicians responsible for medical device failures?

    Civil Rights – Vaccine Exemption? * FDA Notice regarding Jet7 Voluntary Recall * Was it too late? * Are physicians responsible for medical device failures?

    Phone/Studio Guest - Daniel Lewis or John Mountz

    Call to Action

    [Notice & Disclosure: TRANSCRIPT Not word-for-word AI Transcribed, but rather an unedited and unrevised Text version provided for key term searches and general outline, audio should be consulted for exact contexts.]

    Week 9, Part 2 -

    Legal & Admin Docket Report - Chubb Insurance Claims  *  Travel with UM/UIM Coverage the New Year  *  FDA chain saw recall of 550k saws   

    Studio Guest -  Daniel Lewis or John Mountz

    Call to Action - Call 855-998-7368






    Penumbra has issued an urgent recall of all configurations of the Penumbra JET 7 Reperfusion Catheter With Xtra Flex Technology (JET 7 Xtra Flex), owing to the risk for "unexpected death or serious injury" during use for clot removal in stroke patients .The Penumbra JET® 7 Reperfusion Catheter is intended for use in the revascularization of patients with acute ischemic stroke secondary to large vessel occlusion. - Call 855-998-7368.


    Trenton Garmon
    Welcome one Welcome all to I Heart Radio. This is Trenton, Garmon, bringing to you g file news. We are your source for civil rights news. And legal docket reports. We're bringing to you credible information cases that involve encroachment on your civil rights or abuses by big government abuses by big insurance. Got a special guest today by phone mazing attorney, an associate of mine that I'm honored to know named Daniel Lewis. Daniel, welcome to today's show. It's good to have you on.

    Daniel Lewis 1:23
    I think you drink Good to be here, man.

    Trenton Garmon 1:25
    Well, tell me there's been some information that the FDA has pushed out, I see where there is a July 27 of 2020 letter that I guess the pronounciation is Penumbra. Is that the name of the company? Is that how you said?

    Daniel Lewis 1:40
    Correct? Yeah, that's a medical device company.

    Trenton Garmon 1:43
    So they issued a letter, I guess in July. And then as of December the 15th. Tell us kind of what has transpired with regard to that company. And I believe it's at least two, maybe three of their products.

    Daniel Lewis 1:58
    Sure. So in July, the number makes a catheter called the jet seven extra flags. And the FDA asked for pin number to voluntarily removed the catheter because of 14 reports of deaths, and then another 190 or so what they call adverse events. So this is a cash

    Trenton Garmon 2:24
    surgeon would m would use as a tool for stroke victims, is that correct?

    Daniel Lewis 2:30
    That's correct. Okay. So, right, and the FDA, they have databases for medical devices, pharmaceutical products, all of these that track these adverse events and bad things that happen. And that's how that's how the agency would learn about it. So even though the catheter is voluntarily removed, well, the question becomes, okay, how did we get here? Sure. And one of one of the indicators we're seeing about that is there the there's a hedge fund called quintessential Capital Management, that has has shorted the stock, which is to say they, they sold shares of the number they don't own. And it's a risky technique unless you know, that something is amiss with the company. So for those who are the victim of a number of

    Trenton Garmon 3:22
    jet seven catheter injury, you send that have a claim against the number and also against equitable, equitable company or the equity.

    Daniel Lewis 3:32
    It's looking rather, it looks like they would have a claim against the number and the equity companies actions just bolster the strength of that claim. Okay.

    Trenton Garmon 3:42
    And is that in rega

    • 24 min
    Civil Rights – Systematic Voter Fraud – Presidential Election 2020 – The Machines and the Methods

    Civil Rights – Systematic Voter Fraud – Presidential Election 2020 – The Machines and the Methods

    Studio Guest - John Mountz, iHeart Special Co-Host

    Week 8, Part 2 - Erica Kemmer 

    Legal Docket Report - Mass Incarceration is Modern Slavery - DOJ rightly sues Alabama over prison conditions. 

    Studio Guest - John Mountz

    Call to Action - Call 855-998-7368




    Trenton Garmon 0:46
    Welcome one welcome all. This is Trenton Garmon with a special co host today. JOHN mounts, we're going to be talking about the election. You're on iheart radio bring to you gee file, news. So many things going on in the world that really makes you curious as to what you can believe and what you should question. But today, I'd like to give some credence to the Trump administration and his legal team and the challenges that they are mounting to the systematic voter fraud and the allegations of systematic voter fraud in the presidential election of 2020. So for segment one we've got titled, The machines and the method as a 12 minute conversation here that I hope will inform the public and john can chime in his perspective on should we push through as a way that people all the way into the time of the swearing in of Bob? And then what would it look like if there was significant evidence that continued to surface, the spot mainstream media's intentional unwillingness to report on what is a major concern for way to people and that's electronic voting International, undoubtedly, international companies, mainly dominion, who is based out of Toronto, they're telling us they're based out of Denver, Colorado, which is not untruth, per se. But it certainly is not full reflection and exhaustive reflection of how the company is operated. So we're gonna dive into that some today on this first part of the show, john, give me your perspective on it, are you for state dollars, because obviously, when in federal dollars when there are filings, the judicial system, it has a, an economic limitation to it, you know, there are people that file and pay the filing fee. But there also becomes prohibitive cost where there's a participation in the court system. And we the people pay that, I think they should push forward and continue to drive the argument, which seems to be true that the voting could have been manipulated. And there are interests that could run counter to the duty of each one election officials who contracted with dominion and the other companies and this is something I think that is right to be challenged. What are your perspectives on that job?

    John Mounts 3:19
    Well, Trenton, I think that there's a lot of manipulation that that was possible. And the way the machines were designed, they were designed for the to be able to be manipulated. And there was all these irregularities that happened. It seemed that people so bad, I won't say all people, but there were people involved in the process, who so badly wanted a win for anybody but Trump and I don't think for a minute they were they were rooting for Biden per se, they were just voting not for Trump. And that was, you know, de facto Biden.

    Trenton Garmon 3:50
    So in your perspective, then the anti trumpers because we didn't see a lot of public show support for Biden, but he allegedly has 80 million votes, a large percentage of which would have been calculated through the source coding of the Dominion system. There's a article that's come out recently that Dominion put out in a publication on their website, claiming that it's a reckless dis information campaign that Trump's attorneys are leading. Do you think that the public is informed at this point to really understand and dissect? What is the what is the claims being made by the Trump administration? Are they something that should be sold out? Do you think there's a general understanding of that? Do you think most people are still confused as to the dominion and the s and s and other company that other companies that ha

    • 25 min

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