14 afleveringen

WORM begon in 2005 met de experimentele radiokunst serie ‘Horspil’. Dat had meerdere aanleidingen; de eerste was het megalomane 4 uur durende oerhoorspel ‘Grindpad naar las Palmas’ dat live voor de VPRO radio werd opgevoerd en door de toenmalige Worm-crew werd gemaakt -en naar meer smaakte.

Het tweede was een zak geld die ons toegegooid werd door het onvolprezen (toen nog wel) Mondriaan fonds.
Ten derde; het samengaan met het Centrum (contactorgaan?) voor Electronische Muziek dat Worm, behalve een electronische studio ook de aanwezigheid van radioman Armeno Alberts bracht die het programma (oook VPRO) ‘Cafe Sonore’ maakte. Daar werden voortaan de radiostukken gespeeld.

Besloten werd een 5tal hoorspelen per jaar te maken, soms geproduceerd door een Worm-crew, altijd gemaakt met gasten of op speciale uitnodiging. Zeer basaal concept was; maak een radiostuk waarbij text, inhoud en geluidscompositie een gelijk aandeel hebben. Waarbij krakende deuren, mensen die op grindpaden lopen en trappen bestijgen uit den boze waren.

De reeks loopt nog steeds en werd door de jaren heen ook nog zo nu en dan uitgebracht als Worm-uitgave, eerste als CD, later op cassette met speciale verpakkingen en in kleine oplages. Bij deze podcast serie een eerste, arbitraire greep met stukken uit verschillende periodes.

In 2005 WORM began 'Horspil’, an experimental radio art series. It came about for several reasons; the first was the megalomaniac 4 hour-long primal radio play 'Grindpad naar las Palmas', made by the then-WORM crew and performed live for VPRO radio.

The second came about thanks to a bag of money thrown at us by the (then still unsurpassed) Mondriaan fund. The third was initiated by the merger with the Center for Electronic Music that WORM, which brought with it both an electronic studio, and the presence of radio operator Armeno Alberts; who made the programme (also VPRO) 'Cafe Sonore'. From then on the radio pieces were played there.

It was then decided to make about 5 radio plays a year, sometimes produced by a WORM crew, always with guests or by special commission. The basic concept was; make a radio piece in which text, content and sound composition have an equal share. Where creaking doors, people walking on gravel paths and climbing stairs were out of the question.

The series is still running and has also been released every now and then as a WORM product, first as a CD, later on cassette with special packaging and in small editions. This podcast series is a first, arbitrary selection with pieces from different periods.


    • Maatschappij en cultuur

WORM begon in 2005 met de experimentele radiokunst serie ‘Horspil’. Dat had meerdere aanleidingen; de eerste was het megalomane 4 uur durende oerhoorspel ‘Grindpad naar las Palmas’ dat live voor de VPRO radio werd opgevoerd en door de toenmalige Worm-crew werd gemaakt -en naar meer smaakte.

Het tweede was een zak geld die ons toegegooid werd door het onvolprezen (toen nog wel) Mondriaan fonds.
Ten derde; het samengaan met het Centrum (contactorgaan?) voor Electronische Muziek dat Worm, behalve een electronische studio ook de aanwezigheid van radioman Armeno Alberts bracht die het programma (oook VPRO) ‘Cafe Sonore’ maakte. Daar werden voortaan de radiostukken gespeeld.

Besloten werd een 5tal hoorspelen per jaar te maken, soms geproduceerd door een Worm-crew, altijd gemaakt met gasten of op speciale uitnodiging. Zeer basaal concept was; maak een radiostuk waarbij text, inhoud en geluidscompositie een gelijk aandeel hebben. Waarbij krakende deuren, mensen die op grindpaden lopen en trappen bestijgen uit den boze waren.

De reeks loopt nog steeds en werd door de jaren heen ook nog zo nu en dan uitgebracht als Worm-uitgave, eerste als CD, later op cassette met speciale verpakkingen en in kleine oplages. Bij deze podcast serie een eerste, arbitraire greep met stukken uit verschillende periodes.

In 2005 WORM began 'Horspil’, an experimental radio art series. It came about for several reasons; the first was the megalomaniac 4 hour-long primal radio play 'Grindpad naar las Palmas', made by the then-WORM crew and performed live for VPRO radio.

The second came about thanks to a bag of money thrown at us by the (then still unsurpassed) Mondriaan fund. The third was initiated by the merger with the Center for Electronic Music that WORM, which brought with it both an electronic studio, and the presence of radio operator Armeno Alberts; who made the programme (also VPRO) 'Cafe Sonore'. From then on the radio pieces were played there.

It was then decided to make about 5 radio plays a year, sometimes produced by a WORM crew, always with guests or by special commission. The basic concept was; make a radio piece in which text, content and sound composition have an equal share. Where creaking doors, people walking on gravel paths and climbing stairs were out of the question.

The series is still running and has also been released every now and then as a WORM product, first as a CD, later on cassette with special packaging and in small editions. This podcast series is a first, arbitrary selection with pieces from different periods.

    De goede Buurman (Dutch), 2013

    De goede Buurman (Dutch), 2013

    A documentary radio play inspired by ‘Morosophism in theory and practice’. Musician and furniture-maker Hansko Visser is searching for the grave of a former neighbour—“If your neighbour is building time machines, one never knows when will he be buried…”—and what eventually amounts to the search for the neighbour in himself, and the search for a musical instrument that might make the world a better place, and its people happier… 
    With a poem by William Carlos Williams, the voice of Klaske Oenema, the right bicycle wheel and the Symphony Of The New World by Antonin Dvorak. In Memory of neighbour Jaros.

    Director, sound design, editing: Hansko Visser.

    • 52 min.
    The Tabacconist (English), 2015

    The Tabacconist (English), 2015

    A radiophonic opera about smoking tobacco. The Tobacconists are Scott Foust (Idea Fire Company/Swill Radio), Mike Popovich, and Frans de Waard (Kapotte Muziek/Korm Plastics). But I’m not sure if Mike is on this radio gem. Produced and played by the lot.

    • 37 min.
    Wet dreams of the Pope (English), 2007

    Wet dreams of the Pope (English), 2007

    The story is about a hypocritical Pope, who a hypocritical mass of humanity are willing to forgive for his annoying political gestures to the far right and to spiritual oppression,  his spiritually kicking liberation theologists where it hurts most, and his beatifying and lionizing the most oppressive kingpins of Catholicism. It also deals with the political intrigues surrounding the mysterious death of the whistleblowing and house cleaning John Paul I to be replaced by II, who turned a blind eye to Opus Dei, to the Vatican bank scandals and other spiritual hypocrisies and became a champ of the good old boy network.
     Text: Black Sifichi, Bart Plantenga. Direction, sound design, editing: Lukas Simonis. Voices: Black Sifichi (Narrator), Roma Napoli (Velena), Yosel (The Pope), Bart Plantenga (Producer), Gondolier & Marcinckus (DJ Pausa, Lukas Simonis).

    • 56 min.
    Croatan N17 (English), 2015

    Croatan N17 (English), 2015

    An audio-play about interdimensional dropouts, alien refugees and going cosmic. Listen and hear. G Lucas Crane is a sound artist and sound performer working in the medium of analogue tape and obscured and recovered memory in the digital age. Angela Moor is an artist working in sound and video with the focus on the mythical and mystical.

    • 28 min.
    Van Diemens landt 1642 (English/Dutch), 2010

    Van Diemens landt 1642 (English/Dutch), 2010

    The British visual artist and electronic musician Phoebe Jeebe and the Australian soundscape artist Jonathan Bailey Cooke worked during the summer of 2009 in the WORM Studio on this radiophonic composition, a musical adaptation of the report by Dutch adventurer Abel Tasman on his discovery of the unknown south.
    Written and produced by Jeebe & Cooke.

    • 24 min.
    Dr. Naut (English), 2007

    Dr. Naut (English), 2007

     “Hello, my name is Dr. Naut...but please call me Kosmo. I am a doctor of Science and after Oxford, I got involved in an intensive study discovering structural tendencies within micro-organisms, for which I had to travel into the outer orbits of our solar system. Light-years away from anything familiar. An accident happened, I was sent back to Earth and now I am blind.”
    The music of Blatnova summons a magical biotope in which 1950s optimism, functionalism, UFO’s, and 1960s design, scifi and ecology peacefully coexist. This is a complete recipe, alchemical cookery. During the listening experience you see that in the boxes of your music installation there’s a little door. You step through it and you end up in a new cosmos. 
    Direction, sound design, editing: Jobina Tinnemans.

    • 28 min.

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