22 min

Linda Coogan Byrne 20MinutesWith

    • Music Interviews

Linda Coogan Byrne, Gender Diversity & Equality Activist and CEO of Good Seed PR & Marketing on how the music sector can contribute making sure a range of voices are heard, why Linda chose the business side over her work as an artist, her podcast series and what she discovered and achieved with the inspiring Why Not Her campaign. Tune in and find out what makes Linda hopeful about the future and, of course, what she's listening to at the moment.On Linda's playlist: Yebba, Denise Chail...

Linda Coogan Byrne, Gender Diversity & Equality Activist and CEO of Good Seed PR & Marketing on how the music sector can contribute making sure a range of voices are heard, why Linda chose the business side over her work as an artist, her podcast series and what she discovered and achieved with the inspiring Why Not Her campaign. Tune in and find out what makes Linda hopeful about the future and, of course, what she's listening to at the moment.On Linda's playlist: Yebba, Denise Chail...

22 min