Michelle Piyapattra - Symetra Tour Player THE TAKEAWAY GOLF

    • Golf

Michelle Piyapattra grew up playing with the Takeaway Team in Southern California and after graduating from Columbia University in 2015, she threw her hat in to compete professionally. Now, five years laters, she is still swinging her way through the Symetra Tour. During her down time, Piyapattra keeps herself occupied by collecting skills including paralegalling, real estate, etc. but golf always finds its way back to her life. Even though 2020 has made life a little tougher, escaping to the first tournament of the year was her solace! With the support of her parents, boyfriend, amazing host families, and sponsors, she could not have asked of a better way to spend her years.

Michelle Piyapattra grew up playing with the Takeaway Team in Southern California and after graduating from Columbia University in 2015, she threw her hat in to compete professionally. Now, five years laters, she is still swinging her way through the Symetra Tour. During her down time, Piyapattra keeps herself occupied by collecting skills including paralegalling, real estate, etc. but golf always finds its way back to her life. Even though 2020 has made life a little tougher, escaping to the first tournament of the year was her solace! With the support of her parents, boyfriend, amazing host families, and sponsors, she could not have asked of a better way to spend her years.