26 min

#97. 5 Decisions to Make Before Creating Your Website Fail To Win: From Passion To Profit

    • Entrepreneurship

When you start your business, you think you need a website, but is that really necessary? Can you sell your product or service without a website? Which platform should you pick, and how much money should you spend on creating a website? In this episode, Amy answers all your questions about websites; WHAT and WHAT NOT to focus on. This episode also includes 5 bonus tips on how to make your website convert even better, so make sure to listen till the end.Read the written recap of this episode v...

When you start your business, you think you need a website, but is that really necessary? Can you sell your product or service without a website? Which platform should you pick, and how much money should you spend on creating a website? In this episode, Amy answers all your questions about websites; WHAT and WHAT NOT to focus on. This episode also includes 5 bonus tips on how to make your website convert even better, so make sure to listen till the end.Read the written recap of this episode v...

26 min