64 episodes

Church & Family Life is an equipping organization with a fourfold focus: to produce resources, furnish conferences, provide mentoring, and connect families to Christ-centered churches through our FIC network. The heart of our ministry has always been to build up God-centered churches and families and equip them to think biblically.

Church and Family Life Podcast Church & Family Life

    • Religion & Spirituality

Church & Family Life is an equipping organization with a fourfold focus: to produce resources, furnish conferences, provide mentoring, and connect families to Christ-centered churches through our FIC network. The heart of our ministry has always been to build up God-centered churches and families and equip them to think biblically.

    Answering Pragmatism in the Church – God’s Word is Enough!

    Answering Pragmatism in the Church – God’s Word is Enough!

    Cultural trends are insufficient, but God’s Word’s is sufficient to build His church. No other foundation will do. Yet for the last century, “do-what-works” pragmatism has been a driving force in how many churches have pursued evangelism, worship, and church life. Rather than believing God’s Word is enough,  results-oriented ministry has dominated, leading to entertainment-centered youth programs, seeker-sensitive worship, among many other ills. 


    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Josh Buice, discuss how pragmatism has undermined faithful Gospel preaching, encouraged congregations to not practice church discipline, and decreased standards of church membership—all stemming from a diminished trust in God’s sufficient Word. Their call to the church is this: Instead of every man doing “what [is] right in his own eyes” (Judg. 17:6), we must believe that the Scripture is all we need for “the man of God [to] be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).  

    • 31 min
    A Call for Young Deacons - Part 1

    A Call for Young Deacons - Part 1

    To flourish, a church not only needs a strong elder team, but a strong deacon team as well. That’s the message of Acts 6 when the apostles chose seven deacons to minister to widows who had been neglected. This division of labor is vital to the health of the local church. Even as elders are to focus on preaching and shepherding, the deacons are to meet the practical needs of the saints. 

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Chad Roach, discuss the high calling of deacons, and urge younger men to aspire to this church office, as the Lord leads. Drawing from his personal experience, Chad shares how serving as a deacon has been one of the most fulfilling roles he’s ever played. When done well, the labor of deacons becomes a force multiplier of the elders’ work, something Chad has seen in action. His conclusion affirms that of Scripture—for the good of Christ’s church, more godly men should seek this noble post. 

    • 27 min
    Gender Wars – Rediscovering True Manhood and Womanhood

    Gender Wars – Rediscovering True Manhood and Womanhood

    In today’s world, we’ve been flooded by a sea of lies on what manhood and womanhood really is. These weapons of mass confusion have led to tragic outcomes for boys, girls, marriage, as well as the local church. This distortion of gender roles has come about because we’ve rejected the plain teaching of Scripture—that “God created man in His own image,” and that He created every person either “male and female” (Gen. 1:27), with each having distinct roles they are called to fulfill. 


    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm outline four key pillars of manhood and womanhood: (1) Gender is not fluid, as God created men and women as distinctly different; (2) Men are to lead and women follow; (3) Women are not allowed to teach and exercise authority over men in the church; and (4) Women are not allowed to speak in the formal meeting of the church. Though the world finds these distinctives to be stifling, the full and glorious life of a godly woman is found when she embraces her complementary role, even as a godly man embraces his. 

    • 25 min
    Legalism vs. Liberty: Navigating God's Law with Grace

    Legalism vs. Liberty: Navigating God's Law with Grace

    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Joel Beeke, discuss how God’s law is not only a tool of conviction to bring us to Christ, but it is a positive rule of life for the believer. The Ten Commandments, they explain, gives a map for how to live the Christian life by earnestly loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves. While freely acknowledging that we’re saved by grace alone, our desire should be that of David’s, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97).  


    No one can be justified by keeping the law. Yet, as Christians, we should strive to obey God’s law out of sheer gratitude to Him for saving us. Once freed from the bondage of sin, our desire should be to do his will, viewing His law as a reflection of His personal holiness. Sadly, many professing Christians have adopted the antinomian falsehood that since we’re saved by grace, we don’t need to keep the law anymore—a point which Scripture soundly condemns: “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” (Rom. 6:1-2). 

    • 27 min
    Closed on Sunday – Why there are Ten Commandments and not Nine

    Closed on Sunday – Why there are Ten Commandments and not Nine

    In modern times, the church has dismissed the importance of keeping the Sabbath, viewing it as an abrogated part of the Mosaic Law. Yet this flies in the face of the entire witness of Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, we find an unbroken theme for man to set aside one day in seven to rest from his labors and worship God. This began following Creation Week with God Himself, who rested on the seventh day and sanctified the day for this purpose (Gen. 2:2-3), and it is reaffirmed in the Bible’s final book by the Apostle John who recognized the “Lord’s Day” as special (Rev. 1:10). 


    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tim Stephens, walk through the Bible, identifying (11) eleven scriptural reasons to keep the Sabbath, which was moved from the last to the first day of the week to honor Christ’s resurrection. Among the reasons they give: not only was it established at Creation (Gen. 2:2-3), but it was honored by God’s people prior to the Ten Commandments (Ex. 16:22-23); championed by the prophets (Isa. 58); celebrated by Jesus (Mark 2:27); and affirmed by the Apostles (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). Their charge to Christians—rather than focusing on negative prohibitions, make the Sabbath a day of delight by basking in the pleasures of the Lord. 

    • 26 min
    Children in the Worship Service - Getting Our Hearts Right First

    Children in the Worship Service - Getting Our Hearts Right First

    Preparing one’s children’s heart for weekly worship starts with the parents preparing their own. Dad and mom must set the tone, first, to please God, but second, because kids normally have an accurate radar that can detect if their parents are focused, or not, in worshipping Him. Going through the motions at church is a real danger we must guard against—preparing for worship must begin in the heart. 


    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guests Danny and Megan Craig, discuss this priority. With four children eight and under, the Craigs explain that the goal for their kids on Sundays is not simply to sit still in church, but to love God as they worship. To get in the right frame of mind, their practice is to devote time on Saturday night to tune their hearts as a family for the next day’s service. Other advice they give: communicate clear expectations to your children ahead of time and then lovingly hold them to those expectations during the worship service. 

    • 26 min

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