15 min

Ep 32 - You are Love and Light What Would Love Do?

    • Spirituality

Why choose to live from Love over Fear?

"Between stimulus and response - there is space.

In that space is our power.

To choose our response.

In our response, lies our growth and our freedom."

Viktor Frankl

When we choose Love, we choose growth, we choose freedom, and we choose to honour the light that's within us. 

If we truly believe we are spiritual beings, having a human experience - we wouldn't choose Fear. Love is the access to connect to our spirit - and allow spirit to guide us.

Our true-self is joy. Our true-self is light. When we live from this place - how can life not be magnificent?!

It doesn't mean that there won't be challenges or pain - it just means that we choose to see that life is working for us. Each challenge and pain is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the powerful energy of Love.

Why choose to live from Love over Fear?

"Between stimulus and response - there is space.

In that space is our power.

To choose our response.

In our response, lies our growth and our freedom."

Viktor Frankl

When we choose Love, we choose growth, we choose freedom, and we choose to honour the light that's within us. 

If we truly believe we are spiritual beings, having a human experience - we wouldn't choose Fear. Love is the access to connect to our spirit - and allow spirit to guide us.

Our true-self is joy. Our true-self is light. When we live from this place - how can life not be magnificent?!

It doesn't mean that there won't be challenges or pain - it just means that we choose to see that life is working for us. Each challenge and pain is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the powerful energy of Love.

15 min