
Nila Patel: Fictioneer
Storyfeather Podcast

I'm Nila, and I have stories to tell you. Stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, fairy tale, mystery, and mythology. Mortals wield godly powers, eggs appear out of enchanted pockets, sentient substances are invented, and stars are incubated in the hearts of humans. Welcome to Storyfeather.

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    The Nimasterion

    A small team of marine explorers searches for a treasure from an arcane myth, a jewel that fell from the heavens.   Genre: Science Fiction   Excerpt: “So the gods order the sea fairies to wreck the ship,” Dalil continued. “I mean tear it apart until nothing is left, not even a single plank for the princess to grab onto to survive. But here’s the thing, the thing that the king didn’t know and the gods didn’t know—because they never paid attention to the girl. She was great friends with the fairies of the sea. She loved the beaches of her kingdom. And she loved the sea. And she would bring the fairies gifts from the gifts she received, and gifts that she had made herself, and she learned their language. So even though she didn’t ask them to save her, they saved her.”   “This story is about to take a turn, isn’t it?”    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? Rory’s Story Cubes.  Story Cubes Voyages.  Rolled all nine die.  In no particular order… Crown Open chest (treasure chest) Submarine Monkey on a branch Worried expression Six Beans Paramecium Camera Crab   MY BOOK IS HERE! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. And I talk all about it in my book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide: A Game Plan for Writing Short Stories. It’s now available as an eBook, paperback, and hardcover. For a limited time you can get all formats for a special launch price. The book title takes you straight to the sales page on Amazon. Or you can visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “The Nimasterion” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by LEE ROSEVERE “The Long Journey” “Thoughtful” “Cosmic Drifting” Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “Learning punch” “Under the mask” “The deal” “Negociation” “Doubts” “Master” “Trojan horse” “Men in black”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. View from inside a vessel. Two people, seen from the back, sit in chairs in front of a round window, a control console between them. The console bears a label with the letters “MAG.” The person at right pulls down on a throttle on the console. The person at left points out of the window with the right hand and holds the first two fingers of the left hand on a wall panel at left. Cables hang down from upper right. In the cabin behind the pilots’ section, part of a monitor is visible. The monitor is labeled “Station 3” along the vertical edge. The horizontal edge bears the label “Science,” though the last two letters are cut off. Below the monitor is a container bearing an arrow pointing up along one side, and the letters “AGILE,” presumably the word “fragile” with the first letters cut off. The top of the container is labeled “MAG.” At bottom left corner, partially visible, is a display labeled “CAM19.” O

    35 min
  2. 14 SEPT

    The Treasure of Gilda

    The heiress of an unexpected fortune learns the cost of becoming too attached to her newfound riches after she is cursed by a magical vagabond.  Genre: Fairy Tale   Excerpt: “But beware that you cling too tightly to your riches, madam. For gold likes best to glitter in the light, and if you confine it, it will seek to fly away. Your treasure will turn against you.”  “So says one who has no treasure,” Gilda said. “Your words are as empty as your pockets.”  The old man raised his voice, for the carriage was now moving away. “A necklace is a noose and a ring is a sting. What is yours is yours no more. You have lost everything.”   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? Write about a very rich person who loses everything. Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers     MY BOOK IS HERE! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. And I talk all about it in my book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide: A Game Plan for Writing Short Stories. It’s now available as an eBook, paperback, and hardcover. For a limited time you can get all formats for a special launch price. The book title takes you straight to the sales page on Amazon. Or you can visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “The Treasure of Gilda” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro) Music by BENJAMIN CARR (Scythuz)* “Crystal Caves” “Labyrinth” “Mystical Forest” “Ice Cavern”   Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “Evidence” “A story of gold” “Dark fields” “Unsolved” “Inspector” “Whispers” “Sun and moon” “Winterheart” “Emblem”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy and Benjamin Carr licensed from GameDev Market Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Benjamin Carr and Nicholas Jeudy at Find more stories by Nila at     Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At left, a chest seen from an angle with the lid partly open. A glowing yellow light bursts out from the chest. Several yellow birds, each surrounded with a glowing and sparkling light, are scattered in flight around the chest, one of them perched at one edge of the open chest. The rectangular image at center is made square with a border at top and bottom that show blurred portions of the main image. Watermark of “Storyfeather” on inside lid of chest.

    38 min
  3. 7 SEPT

    The Mage, the Troll, and the Gold Coins

    A young mage facing a difficult homecoming finds a treasure by the side of the road, a stolen treasure whose true owner she cannot find, and whose last owner is a terrible troll. Genre: Fairy Tale   Excerpt: With one hand, she raised the sack, as she waved the other before her eyes, casting a lensing spell that would allow her to see any magical markings upon the sack. Indeed there was a magical mark, not on the sack, but on its contents. The sack was filled with gold coins, and they all bore the scrawling scratching mark of a claim in a script she could not read, but recognized at once. The script of the trolls.   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? You find $1000 on the street.  What do you do with it? Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers   MY BOOK IS HERE! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. And I talk all about it in my book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. The eBook is out now. It’s a #1 new release, and for a limited time you can get it for a special launch price. (Print versions are imminent.) The book title takes you straight to the sales page on Amazon. Or you can find visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “The Mage, the Troll, and the Gold Coins” Copyright © 2019 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “A story of gold” “Compass” “The village” “Secret water” “Don’t move” “Shadow forest” “Home” “The plan” “Shields up” “Out of the temple” “They follow”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A cloaked woman seen from waist up facing and looking forward through half-closed eyes. Her left hand is held forward with palm up and fingers curled. Her bent right arm is held to the side with hand over the head, first two fingers flourished. Sparkling lights swirl around her. Faintly visible behind and above the woman are two eyes with vertical pupils and thick furrowed brows. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along woman’s cloak at bottom left.

    40 min
  4. 31 AUG

    Baron Raven's Magnificent Gift

    When Baron Raven discovers a rare gem in his mines, he performs his duty by making a gift of the gem to his liege, King Monkey. Genre: Fable   Excerpt: In the mines within the five mountains that lay at the kingdom’s borders, Baron Raven discovered a most wondrous stone. Even in its raw form, it shone with a cosmic gleam that kindled the baron’s curiosity. The gears of his clever mind spun and whirred.     What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? Rory’s Story Cubes. Story Cubes Voyages Roll Mountains (five) with a path leading to them and a moon/sun in the sky Blackbird (raven) Old-timey ray gun (like 50’s sci-fi shows) Monkey on a branch Three gears Old camera Stick figure face looking sheepish(?) and wearing a bandanna over their head Closed sack full of something Necklace with a gemstone pendant that is octagon cut MY BOOK IS HERE! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. And I talk all about it in my first ever book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. The eBook is out now. It’s a #1 new release, and for a limited time you can get it for a special launch price. (Print versions are coming soon.) The book title takes you straight to the sales page on Amazon. Or you can visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE     CREDITS Story: “Baron Raven's Magnificent Gift ” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro) Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “Of sun and sand” “The bard” “A way to find the truth” “A way to find another truth” “Desert dance” “Scroll of the wind walker” “In the shadows” “Primal” “The lightkeeper” “Haven” “Infinite land”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Vocal effects created with Audacity Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A stained glass octagon-cut gem at center, each facet a different color. The lines of the outer facets extend beyond the gem, forming glowing rays around the gem, each ray a different color. The largest rays or sections contain symbols. The top section, the sun with nine rays; the left section, a five-pointed star; the bottom section, a flame; and the right section, a crescent moon. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along top of ray extending to bottom right.

    26 min
  5. 24 AUG

    The Celestial Gobbler

    The seemingly empty cardboard box that a student uses for a school project still contains something.  Something unexpected…and unnerving. Genre: Science Fiction   Excerpt: “What?” I asked. “Is it a bug?” “There’s an eye, Mallow. It’s looking.” I leaned over the box, now thinking that a picture of an eye from something my mom ordered had scared my brother. Just as I peeked inside, he said, “It’s blinking.”   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? List as many uses as you can think of for a cardboard box. Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers   MY FIRST EVER BOOK IS HERE! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. And I talk all about it in my book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. The eBook is out now. It’s a #1 new release, and for a limited time you can get it for the special launch price. (Print versions are coming soon.) The book title takes you straight to the sales page on Amazon. Or you can find it on my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “The Celestial Gobbler” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by JONATHAN SHAW* “Checking Inventory” “Thoughts” “Midnight Creeping” “Treading the Unknown”   Music by ANDREW SITKOV (MuzStation Game Music)* “Story at Night” “Scary Theme #3” “Evil is Near” “Scary Theme #1” “Scary Theme #5” “Scary Theme #4”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Andrew Sitkov and Jonathan Shaw licensed from GameDev Market Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Vocal effects created with Audacity Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Jonathan Shaw and Andrew Sitkov at Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A cardboard box seen from one edge sitting on a tabletop. The box’s flaps are open. Inside, partly visible, is a sphere encircled by a ring. Extending out from beside the sphere are two thin limbs. One bends down and rests a three-digit appendage on the tabletop. Another extends through the ring and to the left behind the box, one digit visible on the tabletop. A thin tendril drops down over the corner of the box. Next to the box at right is a pencil holder containing several colored pencils. In front of the box is a glass globe ornament. A partly rolled tube of paint spills paint over the table edge from its uncapped opening. At left, several buttons are scattered over the tabletop. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along the box flap at left. The rectangular image at center is made square with a top and bottom border with blurs of color that extend from the colors of the main image.

    36 min
  6. 17 AUG


    In a desperate moment, a mage casts an unpracticed spell to save himself, but may have doomed himself instead... Genre: Fantasy   Excerpt: Of course Panofus knew the procedures and had run many drills, but he had never expected to use that particular part of his training. He should have paid more attention to the rumblings and rumors of demonic invasion. He had a plan for escape. A simple plan. If he could see his whole self in a mirror and reverse the image in his mind, he would be able to cast the spell of invisibility upon himself and escape.   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? If you could be reincarnated as an animal, which animal would you choose and why?  Write about your first day living as that animal. Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers   COMING SOON…my book! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. I’ve put that method into my upcoming book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. Want to get a t-shirt with my artwork on it? Or maybe get a mug, sticker, notebook, a baby onesie, and more? To find out how to get my book or my merch please visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “Panofus” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “Runes” “Flames on ice” “The last stand” “Blood on snow” “Call of the wild” “Fallen leaves” “Northern dusk” “Winter guild” “White river” “Written in stones” “Adventure”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Vocal effects created with Audacity Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At bottom center, a man seen from shoulders up, facing forward and looking down. Five hazy glowing lines are arrayed behind his head. Each line leads to an animal, depicted as an outline filled with a different solid color. Clockwise from bottom left is a standing dog, a fish with body bent to the side, a bird positioned vertically with outstretched wings, a monkey sitting on a branch, and the head of a hippo emerging from water with mouth open. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along bottom center. The rectangular image is made square with borders at top and bottom that display a pattern of squares in colors that match the colors of the main drawing.

    36 min
  7. 10 AUG

    What the Tiger Remembered

    While authorities search for a tiger that escaped from the local zoo, a group of people take shelter in a diner, not really worried about their safety, until a stranger appears who seems to have been attacked. Genre: Fable   Excerpt: Sally got on the phone, and I could tell she was calling her neighbor to ask if they would look out for Frankenstein (their calico cat). He was an outdoor cat and young. He could probably run faster than other animals that were a threat, but another cat might be a different story. Sally pulled the phone away from her head. “Anyone know how fast it can run? Have they said?”   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? Prompt: You hear on the news that a dangerous animal has escaped from your local zoo and has been spotted in your neighborhood.  Write what happens next. Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers   COMING SOON…my book! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. I’ve put that method into my upcoming book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. Want to get a t-shirt with my artwork on it? Or maybe get a mug, sticker, notebook, a baby onesie, and more? To find out how to get my book or my merch please visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “What the Tiger Remembered” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by LEE ROSEVERE “Awkward Silences (version b)” “All the Answers” “Heat Haze” “Thoughtful” “Betrayal” “Awkward Silences (version a)”   Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)* “Reloaded” “As it happenned” “Secret agent” “DNA” “Creatures of the night”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket Vocal effects created with Audacity Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Head of a tiger from nose to base of ears, facing and looking forward, slightly offset to left, framed by shadow. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along left side of nose. Border at top and bottom to make the image square contains a pattern from the main image.

    36 min
  8. 2 AUG


    Ah, the curious ways in which the wonders of our childhood manifest when we are older. Genre: Fantasy   Excerpt: I woke up to watch it walking into my room through the open door. I didn’t remember closing the door. But I always closed the door, so it should have been closed. Part of its tail trailed off beyond the open door that I don’t remember leaving open. It just sat there, or stood there, and I sat in bed, watching it. I didn’t say anything. I felt so tired. My eyes were sore. They wanted to close. And I didn’t feel scared for some reason, even though there was a wild animal in my room.   What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story? Have you ever cheated on a school homework assignment or a test?  Do you still regret it today Answering as a character. (Didn’t write down source in draft!)   COMING SOON…my book! Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written?  I have a method. I’ve put that method into my upcoming book called Fictioneer’s Field Guide. The book details how to write a short story from start to finish. Want to get a t-shirt with my artwork on it? Or maybe get a mug, sticker, notebook, a baby onesie, and more? To find out how to get my book or my merch please visit my Store page: STORYFEATHER STORE   I’ve Got Issues For You The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE   CREDITS Story: “Opossumillo” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel   Music: “Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)   Music by ANDREW SITKOV (MuzStation Game Music)* “Story at Night” “Mystical House” “Scary Theme #1” “Medieval Theme #1” “Medieval Theme #2” “Hidden Fear” “Ice and Fire (peaceful part)”   *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.   Music by Andrew Sitkov licensed from GameDev Market Vocal effects created with Audacity Changes made to the musical tracks?  Just cropping to align with my narration.   Find more music by Digital_Emotions at Find more music by Andrew Sitkov at Find more stories by Nila at   Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Seen at an angle, the cover of a comic book. At bottom left a label reads, “Approved by the Kid Comics Alliance.” The last few letters of the last word are cut off. To the right of this is text reading, “They eat fear for breakfast…” with the rest of the words cut off. At top of frame is the word “Opossumillo.” Between the frames that contain text is the depiction of a creature, seen from the left side, with the body of an armadillo and the head of an opossum, and a frill around its neck. The creature’s mouth is open. Caught in the mouth is a creature whose bottom is a long stem and whose top has two outstretched limbs and a head with spiky protrusions.  The face bears wide eyes and an open mouth.  The shadows of other similar creatures extend across the page behind the opossumillo. The central image is made square with top and bottom borders that depict blurred grayscale portions of the main image. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at bottom left.

    25 min



I'm Nila, and I have stories to tell you. Stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, fairy tale, mystery, and mythology. Mortals wield godly powers, eggs appear out of enchanted pockets, sentient substances are invented, and stars are incubated in the hearts of humans. Welcome to Storyfeather.

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