Chronically Human Podcast

Chronically Human
Chronically Human Podcast Podcast

We have conversations aimed at creating a better world with more individual freedom and less unnecessary suffering.

  1. 24/09/2022

    Justin Goodman - White Coat Waste Project - Uniting Liberty Lovers and Animal Lovers - CHP S2 EP2

    CHP - S2 Ep2 Our Guest today is Justin Goodman. He is the VP of Policy for the White Coat Waste Project. They are a highly effective, non-partisan, advocacy group that is dedicated to ending taxpayer funding for the medical experimentation on animals. If you've not heard of The White Coat Waste Project, you have definitely heard about their work. They were the group that first broke the story know as "Beagle Gate", their research uncovered documents that showed that the US government was involved in gain of function research, and they were one of the first to find official documents that showed that the "Lab Leak Theory," was a real possibility.  In this episode Justin Goodman discusses The White Coat Waste Project's unique approach to advocacy. They unite the Left and the Right, animal lovers and liberty lovers, to end tax payer funded experiments on animals. He explains how US Taxpayers fund over $20 billion each year on animal testing mainly through the NIH. Justin lays out the case why The White Coat Waste Project believes that these type of experiments are in many cases unnecessary, wasteful and causes the suffering of animals for little or no gain in useful information.  If you love animals, if you're concerned about how the government is spending your money, if you want to see lower taxes, then check out this episode and let us know what you think. You can continue this conversation and more like it concerning expanding Liberty and Reducing Unnecessary Suffering over at ChronicallyHuman.Locals.Com  Thanks for listening.  Brad The Chronically Human Podcast

    1h 4m
  2. 30/04/2019

    Cannabis as Medicine - Dr. Peter Grinspoon CHPodcast Ep. 36

    Welcome to The Chronically Human Podcast Ep. 36 Our guest today is Dr. Peter Grinspoon. He  is a primary care doctor in Boston, teaches at Harvard Medical School, is the author of “Free Refills”, a book detailing his addiction and recovery with pain pills,  and he is an advocate for legalizing and utilizing Cannabis as Medicine.   (At the 38 minute mark we had an issue with the audio. There is an echo or reverb when Dr. Grinspoon speaks. I apologize for this. We’ve left that portion of the conversation in because it's full of great information even though the audio isn't perfect) We have a great discussion about his unique perspective on the perceived opioid crisis, his take on how the government’s response to reducing opioid overdose deaths has negatively impacted people in chronic pain, and his work advocating for the use of Medical Cannabis. He explains why the current "Reefer Madness" proponents are wrong and exposes who the institutional forces are that are working to keep Cannabis illegal.  We also talk about his father Dr. Lester Grinspoon and his pionnering work advocating for Cannabis and psychedelics.  Dr. Peter Grinspoon's Book "Free Refills" You can find Peter's artciles on The Opioid Crisis, Medical Cannabis and Health and Wellness at the Harvard Medical School's Blog Follow Peter on Twitter:  @Peter_Grinspoon   Peter is an active member of "Doctors For Cannabis Regulation" which is an organziation of Doctors who are working to legalize Cannabis and educate other healthcare professionals about using Cannabis as medicine.  I exercise my health freedom by consuming Kratom. I’ve been in chronic pain for over 30 years and I now use Kratom and CBD oil to help improve my pain and allow me to live a fuller more productive life.  The only brand of Kratom I trust is Urban Ice Organics. They test their Kratom, they utilize Good Manufacturing Practices, they stand behind their product, they are active in keeping Kratom legal and they fund vital Kratom research.  Use the promo code “ChronicallyHuman20” at checkout to get 20 percent off your next order. If you'd like to hear more about my experience with Kratom email me Please consider supporting the show by subscribing and sharing this episode with friends and family.  I apologize for the quality of the audio in the last 20 minutes. The Skype connection went in and out and we weren’t aware of the reverb/echo issue until we re-listened to the conversation. I wasn’t able to fix it. I decided to leave it in even with the audio issue because Peter provided a lot of great information. I understand audio quality is important and we strive to do our best to present useful information in the best possible way.  Check out our Youtube Channel where you can see the video version of the podcast. Thanks for listeni...

    1h 1m
  3. 27/04/2019

    Crohn's, Cannabis and Kratom - Brandon and Ginger Ash CHPodcast Ep. 35

    Thank you for joining us today. My name is Brad Miller and this is The Chronically Human Podcast where we have discussion aimed at creating a better world with more individual freedom and less unnecessary suffering. Our guests today are Brandon Ash and his Mother Ginger Ash.  Brandon has suffered from a severe case of Crohn’s disease for over twenty years, he shares his story about how this terrible disease destroyed his life, how the medical establishment didn’t have the answers to help him and how he got his life back by using Medical Cannabis and Kratom. Ginger shares her story of what its like being a mother with a son with a terrible chronic illness, how painful it was for her to see her son’s life destroyed by it, her original opposition to Brandon when he’d started using Cannabis and how she now will tell anyone who will stand still long enough about her son’s amazing transformation from sick and suffering to being healthier and happier than he’s been in over twenty years.  I really enjoyed the conversation with Brandon and Ginger because it is something I can relate to. I was diagnosed at age 11 with a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis. None of the treatments worked for me so I had to have my entire colon removed. Since then I’ve had multiple surgeries, tens of hospital stays and over a hundred doctors visits. And during the last thirty years my mom has been a huge advocate for me as well.  I exercise my health freedom by using Kratom and CBD oil to help manage my chronic pain. The only Kratom I trust is Urban Ice Organics. I would recommend everyone do their own research to see if its right for you. If you’ve decided to take Kratom you should get the cleanest and highest quality you can find, and for me that’s Urban Ice Organics. They also offer an amazing CBD oil as well.  You can find Urban Ice Organics at  Use the Promo Code “ChronicallyHuman20” to get 20% off your next order.  If you’d like to learn more about my experience with Kratom email me This isn’t medical advice. Everyone is so different and everyone’s situation is different. Do your own research. Brandon and Ginger  are simply sharing how Cananbis and Kratom impacted their lives . Thanks for listening and let us know your experience with using Kratom and Cannabis. The more we share the more we all learn.

    1h 44m
  4. 24/04/2019

    How to improve your brain with Exercise - Dr. John Ratey CHPodcast Ep. 34

    Hi my name is Brad Miller and Welcome to the Chronically Human Podcast where we have discussions aimed at creating a better world with more individual freedom and less unnecessary suffering.  We have an amazing guest today, Dr. John Ratey. Dr. Ratey is a best selling author, An Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, an internationally recognized expert in the Neuropsychiatry and is the author of the Book “Spark - The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. Which shows that we can use our bodies to heal and protect our brains. He is also the author of Go Wild, that shows how we can achieve optimal physical and mental health by getting in touch with our cave man roots.  Dr. Ratey explains why along with exercise socializing is vitally important for physical and mental health. He also discusses what he means when he talks about the Dr. Paleolithic Rhythms of our ancestors and how we can use them as a guide to live a healthier and happier life.  I exercise my health freedom by choosing to consume Kratom. Kratom is a natural herbal supplement that’s been used for hundreds of years in Southeast asia. I’ve been in chronic pain for over 30 years and now I exclusively use Kratom along with CBD oil to manage my pain. The only Kratom I trust comes is Urban Ice Organics. They extensively test their products for quality and purity, they follow stringent manufacturing practicse, and they work tirelessly to keep Kratom Legal for us all.  You can find Urban Ice Organics at  Use the promo code “ChronicallyHuman20” at checkout to get 20% off your next order.  I really enjoyed our conversation because Dr. Ratey explains the science behind the old adage “If you don’t use it, you lose it”.  Thanks for listening and let us know your thoughts on using exercise to improve, protect and heal the brain.  Go Wild by Dr. John Ratey Amazon   Brad Miller Chronically Human Podcast

    1h 4m
  5. 19/04/2019

    Escaping Communism and Finding Freedom with Carmen Alexe - CHPodcast Ep. 33

    Carmen Alexe CHPodcast Ep 33 “How to find Freedom in an unfree world” Thanks for joining us today. My name is Brad Miller and this is the Chronically Human Podcast where we have conversations aimed at creating a better world with more individual freedom and less unnecessary suffering.  Our guest today is Carmen Alexe - we talk about her courageous escape from Romania during the Cold War, what it was like to live in Communist State, and her take on the rise of socialism in America and why she thinks that’s an extremely bad idea.  She has a great website called where she explains how you too can find more freedom in an increasingly unfree world. I exercise my health freedom by taking Kratom. I’ve been in chronic pain for over thirty years and I wanted to find an alternative to the traditional pain management system. For me Kratom works. The only Kratom I trust comes form Urban Ice Organics - you can find it here at  They test have all their products third party tested, they are a pioneer with using Good Manufacturing Practices and are committed to keeping Kratom legal for us all. If you’d like to learn more about Urban Ice Organics you can watch Kelly Dunn on The Chronically Human Podcast Ep. 25 on Youtube, iTunes, and Spotify.  Please support the show by subscribing to our Youtube channel, on iTunes, Spotify and Stitcher. Also leave a five star review if you enjoy our content.  We will be doing an Urban Ice Organics giveaway in May. We’ll announce details soon on our Instagram page @chronicallyhumanpodcast and on our Youtube page. I really enjoyed my conversation who is optimistic, full of life and about finding positive solutions that individuals can implement to find more freedom in an increasingly unfree world. Carmen’s great blog post about socialism, censorship and propaganda.  What Americans don’t understand about Freedom

    1h 19m
  6. 18/04/2019

    Chronic Pain, CDC guidelines, and "unintended consequences" - Pat Anson CHPodcast Ep.32

    Pat Anson of The Pain News Network is our guest today.  The Pain News Network is a media outlet that covers the political and personal side of pain. Unfortunately millions of people in America are being undertreated or denied treatment for pain. A big reason for that is the CDC guidelines that came out in 2016. We discuss the origins of those guidelines and also the most recent comments by the FDA and CDC regarding them. Pat and I discuss Medical Marijuana and also Kratom as solutions some people are turning to for pain relief.   Pat had a great point during the conversation : that even if you are not in pain now one day you could be and that makes this an issue that is really important for us all. Check out Pain News Network here:  Twitter: @PainNewsNetwork  I exercise my health freedom by using Kratom to help with my chronic pain. After years of research the only brand I trust is Urban Ice Organics. You can find them at The owners of Urban Ice Organics are the producers of the Documentary “A leaf of Faith” directed by Chris Bell, they are the brand that Chris Bell gave to Joe Rogan during his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience and they test all their Kratom to ensure there aren’t any heavy metals, salmonella and other adulterants in it. Having been chronically ill all my life I am very cautious about what I put in my body and before I found Urban Ice Organics I was hesitant to try Kratom, not because I thought Kratom was unsafe (according to my research) but because I couldn’t find a reputable source. I thank God I found Urban Ice Organics. You can use the promo code "ChronicallyHuman20" at check out to get 20% at checkout. I urge everyone to do their own research. If you’d like to learn more about my experience with Kratom email me:  If you’d like to know more about Urban Ice Organics and Kratom please check out The Chronically Human Podcast Ep. 25 when I spoke with the owner, Kelly Dunn:  CDC Guidelines for 2016:   CDC comment 4/10/19 (they finally admit there “may” have been unintended consequences)   FDA letter 4/9/19 on Forced Tapers FDA%20Drug%20Safety%20Communication%20Opioid%20Tapering.pdf?ver=1554957604053  FDA forced Tapers:   Letter from 300 Health Professionals to the CDC

    1h 5m
  7. 16/04/2019

    The truth about the Opioid Crisis with Josh Bloom CHPodcast Ep. 31

    Josh Bloom is researcher, journalist, scientist and President of the American Council on Science and Health, which describes itself as a pro-science consumer advocacy group that goes after what they think is bad science. Josh and I don’t agree on many issues but we do agree that the government’s response to the so-called opioid crisis has left millions of people in chronic pain suffering unnecessarily.  Josh has done a lot of great work debunking the CDC’s numbers relating to the opioid crisis and exposing how as more draconian measures are instituted to restrict access to pain medicines - more people in pain are suffering and more people are dying of overdose. We talk about the real cause of the opioid crisis and how those in power and those who seek to benefit from that power have manipulated the data to present a false narrative to the American people.  This is very emotional issue for me since I’ve been in chronic pain for over thirty years and have seen first hand how people in pain are  treated in the current environment of opioid hysteria. I exercise my health freedom by taking Kratom for my chronic pain. Kratom isn’t for everyone and I recommend everyone do their own research to see if its right them. Thats exactly what I did and I found it extremely helpful for helping improve my over well being and help with the pain. The only Kratom I trust is from Urban Ice Organics which you can find at: Use the promo code “ChronciallyHuman20 with no spaces - to get 20% off your next order.  Urban Ice Organics now offers a great Full Spectrum CBD oil as well. In May we will be offering a giveaway of one free bottle of CBD oil plus two blisters packs of the three strains of Urban Ice Organics. We’ll be announcing more information on our:  Instagram:  ChronciallyHumanPodcst in the coming days.  Youtube: Chronically Human Podcast  If you'd like to hear more about my experience using Kratom send me an email: Follow Josh on Twitter: @joshbloomACHS and check out his blog posts on  Some of Josh's articles on The Opioid Crisis:—-real-cause-todays-opioid-deaths-11681  Iron law of Prohibition - During Alcohol Prohibition producers produced high strength liquor which was easier to smuggle and people switched from beer, which wasn’t available and instead drank high proof liquor. This is the analogy that I wanted to make when Josh was talking about Fentanyl being a unique event in American history. In reality Prohibition creates predictable and negative results.  I don’t agree with Josh on many topics but we do agree on how it's truly  terrible how those in pain are being treated today and its our own government who is spreading the half truths and misinformation that make this a reality.  .I advocate for the full legalization of all drugs, the end of the...

    1h 1m


We have conversations aimed at creating a better world with more individual freedom and less unnecessary suffering.

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