29 episodes

At "The Holy Script," we firmly believe that by exploring the depths of our souls and embracing the teachings of diverse spiritual traditions, we can forge a profound connection with ourselves, others, and the divine. Whether you're a devoted follower seeking to deepen your faith or an inquisitive seeker yearning to expand your knowledge, our channel provides a wealth of insights and revelations.

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-Sarah Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/divine-blessings/support

The Holy Script The Holy Script

    • Religion & Spirituality

At "The Holy Script," we firmly believe that by exploring the depths of our souls and embracing the teachings of diverse spiritual traditions, we can forge a profound connection with ourselves, others, and the divine. Whether you're a devoted follower seeking to deepen your faith or an inquisitive seeker yearning to expand your knowledge, our channel provides a wealth of insights and revelations.

Thanks for listening!
-Sarah Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/divine-blessings/support

    Lessons from Balaam's Story: The Power of Goodwill

    Lessons from Balaam's Story: The Power of Goodwill

    Lessons from Balaam's Story: The Power of Goodwill

    Embark on a transformative journey with our latest podcast episode, 'Divine Guidance and the Power of Goodwill: Lessons from Balaam's Story.' Explore the ancient narrative of Balaam from the Book of Numbers, where divine sovereignty shapes destinies and blessings prevail over curses. Delve into self-reflection with thought-provoking questions, discovering the relevance of divine guidance and the transformative influence of positive intentions in your own life. Join us in prayer as we seek wisdom, alignment with God's will, and the strength to be instruments of goodwill. Tune in for a captivating exploration of timeless truths!

    Self Reflection Questions:

    1. Am I actively seeking and listening to God's guidance in my decisions and actions?

    2. How do I respond when faced with conflicting desires or external pressures, and am I willing to align my will with God's will?

    3. In what ways can I harness the transformative power of positive words and intentions, fostering goodwill in my interactions with others?

    Read Numbers Chapter 22:22-24 for Balaam's Story.


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    • 16 min
    The Power of Prayer: John 16:23

    The Power of Prayer: John 16:23

    The Power of Prayer: John 16:23

    Welcome to "The Power of Prayer: John 16:23," a story dedicated to exploring the extraordinary power of prayer in our lives. In this episode, we dive deep into the profound scripture verse John 16:23, which reminds us of the incredible privilege we have through prayer. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey, discovering the life-changing impact of tapping into the direct line of communication with our Heavenly Father. Through captivating stories and insightful discussions, we unveil the immense power and blessings that await us when we embrace the true essence of prayer.

    Scripture: "In that day, you will not ask anything of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you." - John 16:23 (ESV)

    Questions of to reflect on:

    How has prayer impacted your life personally?
    Have you ever experienced a miraculous answer to prayer? Can you share that story?
    What role does faith play in the power of prayer?
    How do you approach prayer with confidence and humility?
    How has the scripture verse John 16:23 influenced your understanding of prayer?
    In what ways can prayer bring healing and restoration to our lives?
    How do you maintain a consistent prayer life amidst the busyness of everyday life?
    Can you share practical tips for deepening one's prayer life and connection with God?
    What do you believe is the purpose of unanswered prayers? How do we navigate through those moments?
    How can we cultivate a greater sense of trust in God's timing and His responses to our prayers?

    Check out our new YouTube channel for more inspiring scriptures:


    Etsy digital items (shop still growing stay tuned for more)


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    • 6 min
    The Unseen Path: A Story Embracing Proverbs 3:5-6

    The Unseen Path: A Story Embracing Proverbs 3:5-6

    The Unseen Path: A Story Embracing Proverbs 3:5-6

    In this episode of "The Unseen Path" we delve into the profound meaning of trust, faith, and surrendering to the unseen path. Through this inspiring story and thoughtful insight, we explore how Proverbs 3:5-6 guides us to navigate the uncertainties of life and find solace in God's divine plan. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of trust, and discover the peace that comes from leaning on a higher power.

    Meaning of the Episode:

    In this episode, we explore the timeless wisdom found in Proverbs 3:5-6, which urges us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. The episode emphasizes the significance of surrendering our desire for control and relying on a higher power's guidance. Through captivating stories, we illustrate the power of faith and how it can lead us through the fog of uncertainty. Ultimately, the episode highlights the importance of embracing the journey, even when the path is unclear, and finding peace in the knowledge that God is with us every step of the way.

    Check out our new YouTube channel for more inspiring scriptures:


    Etsy digital items (shop still growing stay tuned for more)













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    • 5 min
    The Difference Between Loneliness and Being Alone

    The Difference Between Loneliness and Being Alone

    Many people are under the impression that being alone goes hand in hand with being lonely. However, while solitude does sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness, this isn’t always the case. 

    In fact, some people feel less impact from being alone than others. This group of individuals prefer being by themselves and don’t feel lonely in the least... even after an extended period of solitude. That being said, what's the real difference between feeling lonely and being alone? Keep reading to find out.

    What Is Loneliness?

    Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling of isolation, disconnectedness, or abandonment. Feelings of loneliness have been linked to depression, loss of sleep, an increased risk of stroke, and high blood pressure. Sounds quite scary, doesn't it?

    Loneliness is a complex emotional response that affects people in many different ways. We feel loneliness when we can’t communicate or connect with other people. This means that you don’t necessarily have to be alone to feel lonely, especially if you’re surrounded by people that you don’t feel comfortable communicating. 

    Humans as a species are very social and many of us feel a need for contact on some level. It’s very common for a person to feel lonely at one point or another during their lifetime. Events such as a breakup or the loss of a loved one can lead to temporary feelings of loneliness. These feelings typically fade as time goes by. 

    On the other hand, when it comes to cases of chronically lonely, the dreadful feeling is brought on by the person rather than the environment. This means that the feelings of loneliness cannot be easily relieved and will likely be more permanent. 

    You can assume it's loneliness when:

    * You feel the isolation that comes with an unmet expectation or unreturned feeling

    * You cry when no one is watching

    * You feel a huge sense of emotional abandonment

    * You struggle to find distractions, to free yourself from what you're feeling

    * You start blaming yourself for how you feel

    The Effects of Solitude

    Being alone affects each of us differently. While many people tend to view being alone as a negative, there can be positive effects of social isolation. Being alone gives us time to think, which can help to improve our concentration and other cognitive functions. It also gives us time to reflect on our experiences and process what’s going on in our lives. 

    Getting a little time to yourself also helps in avoiding overstimulation or stress brought on by too much of a stimulus - in this case, social interaction.

    Being alone isn’t always a good thing, however. Studies show that complete social isolation can have a negative impact on our health, even if we don’t feel lonely. If we go for a long time without talking to anyone, it can also get us out of practice when it comes to listening and communication skills. It’s important to interact with someone every now and then, whether it’s a friend, relative, or even someone more distant like a stranger or a pen pal.

    You can assume you're alone when:

    * You feel a sense of freedom by being isolated

    * You feel so consumed with yourself that you smile for absolutely no reason

    * You feel mental or physical freedom

    * You feel like it's okay to follow your heart

    * You love yourself, so you want to be alone

    In conclusion, although being lonely and being alone are closely related, they are two entirely different things. Sometimes, being alone can be a good thing, especially if you need to unwind. 

    But, being lonely is almost never a positive thing. If you feel like you are lonely, take whatever steps you can to reach out and make a connection with someone. In the end, you'll be glad you did.

    Contact me today if you feel alone and need someone to talk to. TheDivineEmpath.com



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    • 4 min
    Steps to Combat Loneliness

    Steps to Combat Loneliness

    Loneliness is an unpleasant emotion that we usually feel due to social isolation or a lack of communication with other people. And, while nearly everyone feels lonely at some point in their lives, prolonged or intense feelings of loneliness can have a negative impact on both our mental and physical health. 

    Unfortunately, it can be difficult to pull yourself out of a lonely “slump” without some type of assistance. This help can come from almost anyone... be it a friend, family member, or professional. Whatever you do, try not to panic because things may just get worse. 

    If you're looking for a solution, here are some steps you can take to stop feeling lonely and start feeling better right away. It might be simpler to accomplish than you think.

    Find a Hobby

    When you have nothing but free time on your hands, it's easy to allow your mind to wander and stir up feelings of loneliness or negativity. If you find yourself in this position often, why not consider taking up a hobby? Honestly, there are so many interesting things to choose from. Chances are it won't be difficult to find something that you can be passionate about - something enjoyable you can turn to whenever you have time to spare. 

    Walking is a great hobby when it comes to combating loneliness. It allows you to get in a good workout and explore your community at the same time. Better yet, it's free. Make sure to say hello to the people you meet. You never know where the conversation will lead. 

    Meet New People

    It's difficult for some people to “put themselves out there” and meet new people, especially if they happen to be on the shy side. Make it your mission to meet new people as frequently as possible. Strike up a conversation with people around you at the store, gym, or even on the street. As the saying goes, "you can never have too many friends!"

    Chat with Old Friends

    A long chat with old friends does wonders to combat loneliness. Get in touch with someone you’ve been friends with for a while. Take a few minutes to fill them in on how you’ve been. It may seem daunting to get back in touch with someone you haven’t talked to for some time. But, if you reach out to them, your friendship will likely pick up right where it left off.

    Take Time to Reorganize

    While cleaning and reorganizing your house may not sound fun at first, it will give you something to stay focused on. Having a clean house will also make you feel better about having people over, and therefore encourage you to interact with people on a more frequent basis.

    Consider a Pet

    Pets are wonderful companions. However, it’s important to think very carefully about whether or not you want the responsibility of a pet before you decide to care for one. Unfortunately, if you don't you may end up regretting the decision later, which wouldn’t be good for you or the animal.

    Stay Positive

    Poor self-image and negative thoughts about yourself can make feelings of loneliness worse and keep you from seeking out contact with others. Always try to avoid having self-depreciating thoughts by being as positive as you can be.

    Loneliness can be a difficult feeling to deal with. If you still feel like you need help after taking these steps, you may want to reach out to your support network - whether it’s friends, family, or even co-workers. 

    If that's not an option, consider reaching out to professional help, which is oftentimes the most efficient way to get your loneliness in check.

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    • 3 min
    Physical Effects of Loneliness

    Physical Effects of Loneliness

    Loneliness is an unfortunate part of life sometimes - a feeling we are all familiar with and have our own methods to overcome. For some, however, it may be difficult to combat loneliness. Worse yet, it can have adverse health effects if left unmanaged for too long. 

    Chronic loneliness is a serious condition in which the person suffering from it is often depressed and unable to feel a sense of closeness with friends, family, and their loved ones - no matter how often they are in their company. Despite the categorization of loneliness as a psychological or social pain, it can have extreme physical effects on the body over time as well.

    Higher Blood Pressure

    Hypertension or HBP is a lifelong condition that increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. Studies have shown that people who are often lonely are more likely to develop high blood pressure later in their life. 

    And in fact, it was revealed that even people who experienced modest levels of loneliness were also affected. However, they were at less risk than people suffering from chronic loneliness. Blood pressure is as much as 30 points higher in people who experience loneliness than in people who do not.

    Loss of Sleep

    Research from the University of Chicago suggests that there is a connection between loneliness and insomnia. The study revealed that lonely people slept about 30 minutes less than other people. Depression is often associated with insomnia and may play a major role in why people suffering from loneliness experience a loss of sleep.

    Dietary Issues

    A study published in Nutrition Reviews revealed that people who live alone are more likely to suffer from a poor diet, due to a lack of important food groups such as fruits and vegetables. People suffering from loneliness are less motivated to cook meals for themselves and instead turn to ready-made meals or takeouts that very often lack key nutrients. Poor dietary choices may lead to weight gain, lack of energy, and increased health risks.

    Effects of Hormonal Imbalance

    The stress hormone known as cortisol is a very prevalent and dangerous issue in people experiencing loneliness. In fact, increased cortisol levels can be linked to most of the side effects of loneliness, some of which include weight gain, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and depression. 

    Prolonged cortisol production due to chronic loneliness can take a toll on your immune system, making it difficult to fight off infection and illness. It also raises prolactin levels, which increases your sensitivity to pain, making muscle aches and headaches seem worse than they actually are. Excessive levels of cortisol hyper-sensitizes your brain to pain, so headaches may happen very suddenly due to even slight nerve activity.

    When you think about it, being lonely is just as bad for you physically as it is mentally. Think about all of the conditions mentioned here, the next time loneliness strikes. Remember, by doing all that you can to interact with people, you'll be helping your physical being as well.

    Need to talk? I'm a great listener! TheDivineEmpath.com



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    • 3 min

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