2 min

Environment Take care of the environment

    • Language Learning

Ronald:Today, I’m interviewing Alejandra about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alejandra, how can we save the environment?

Alejandra: Well!!! I consider one way of saving the environment is by saving water.

Ronald: Okay, but how can we do that?

Alejandra: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

Ronald: Oh interesting, I think that is cool and many people should do that. What else?

Alejandra: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trash can to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

Ronald: No, honestly I don’t like it at all. Now, tell me Do you have any final suggestions that you want to say us?

Alejandra: Yes. We shouldn’t continuous deforesting to make fields for livestock  or waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, and not consuming too much meat we save the forests where animals live.

Ronald: So, how can children recycle paper and help to take care of the environment?

Alejandra Well, for example,  I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the people in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

Ronald: That’s fantastic. Well thanks Aleja for your ideas and contributions to this discussion.

Ronald:Today, I’m interviewing Alejandra about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alejandra, how can we save the environment?

Alejandra: Well!!! I consider one way of saving the environment is by saving water.

Ronald: Okay, but how can we do that?

Alejandra: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

Ronald: Oh interesting, I think that is cool and many people should do that. What else?

Alejandra: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trash can to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

Ronald: No, honestly I don’t like it at all. Now, tell me Do you have any final suggestions that you want to say us?

Alejandra: Yes. We shouldn’t continuous deforesting to make fields for livestock  or waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, and not consuming too much meat we save the forests where animals live.

Ronald: So, how can children recycle paper and help to take care of the environment?

Alejandra Well, for example,  I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the people in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

Ronald: That’s fantastic. Well thanks Aleja for your ideas and contributions to this discussion.

2 min