19 episodes

Welcome to the Groups podcast for leaders and hosts at Legacy Chapel. Each week I'll be sharing a Friday 5 with you! These are 5 minute devos to encourage and empower each of you in your growth groups! Thanks for joining us each week!

Legacy Groups Podcast Kari Joy

    • Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to the Groups podcast for leaders and hosts at Legacy Chapel. Each week I'll be sharing a Friday 5 with you! These are 5 minute devos to encourage and empower each of you in your growth groups! Thanks for joining us each week!

    Being The Initiator

    Being The Initiator

    “We love Him because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

    • 5 min
    Calling Others Out (The Fruit Of The Spirit)

    Calling Others Out (The Fruit Of The Spirit)


    • 5 min
    Calling Others Out (The Fruit Of The Spirit)

    Calling Others Out (The Fruit Of The Spirit)

    I believe that Baranabas got his nickname “the encourager” not just because he encouraged people in God’s truth. I believe he got his nickname because he encouraged believers by calling out specifically what God had placed in the individual. He could see their God potential - maybe even if it was just glimpses at times. He would speak to that and call that out of the person and get them stirred up and encouraged!

    • 5 min
    Intentional Questions

    Intentional Questions

    Today we are talking about asking others intentional questions! Maybe for some of you this comes easier than others. Maybe you can’t stand small talk and the somewhat mundane conversations that seem to always stay surface level and have no depth. Or maybe you find yourself getting uncomfortable when tough questions or topics are brought up. Perhaps you don’t mind others asking these questions but you find it hard to be the one that initiates these conversations?

    These questions are meant to help not only your group go deeper and have more meaningful conversations but your individual relationships. These intentional questions might happen in the group setting or they might happen during one on one conversations during times of fellowship or activity outside of group times. While we want conversation to be organic, we also want it to be intentional and not neglect the opportunity to really connect with others on a deeper level. When first getting to know your group the intentional questions start off more broad, but become more specific and challenging as you build deeper relationships.

    Asking intentional questions opens up the opportunity for others to share something they might not freely offer unless they were asked.

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

    Some people might never open up or ask for help unless they have someone showing up in their life consistently who will ask them deeper questions and check on how they are doing. This is particularly true of the spiritual and mental battles others face, while everything on the outside appears to be fine, it’s a different story internally.

    These intentional questions can help remind us to look for opportunities to speak life and bring encouragement to others. Instead of just hoping this happens naturally or the opportunity comes up, we pursue leading the way into deeper and more meaningful times spent together as believers. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    Again, as you grow deeper in your relationships, you will gain greater access to people and be able to ask these questions in a meaningful context. As long as you are not trying to push relationships to a depth you have not reached yet, leaving others feeling as if you are overstepping. These conversations will become significant and life-giving as you go past surface level conversations and grow deeper with others. These questions begin to reveal and help others realise what their “one step forward” in this season is

    Example Questions:

    What is happening in your life this week?

    Who has had a great impact on your life and why?

    Can you tell me about how you became saved?

    Do you have a favorite bible verse or story from the Bible?

    What are some goals you currently have? Career, Marriage, Personal?

    How would you describe your relationship with God?

    What is something God is speaking to you about currently? What are you currently learning about God?

    Are you happy in your marriage?

    Do you feel you are being successful as a parent?

    If you could do anything right now without the restraint of money or time, what would you do?

    Do you see your job as your ministry and mission?

    Do you have any passions or gifts right now that you want to use more?

    Do you feel like you are walking in the calling God has for your life?

    • 5 min
    Praying Scripture Over Others

    Praying Scripture Over Others

    The foundation of helping others move “one step forward” is laid with prayer.

    The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16) Especially when we combine our prayers with the word of God! The living and active word of God that does not  return void but accomplishes what it is set out to do!

    Praying for others gets our focus off ourselves and onto the needs around us. Praying for others also builds me up and benefits me.

    When I first met Kyle and we started dating and getting to know each other, he made a comment several times that came across to me as odd to me. He said to me one day “I just love people” as if to explain himself. He said it just like someone would say “I just love black licorice” You have to really love black licorice to say that….because I think amongst most people there is an understanding that black licorice is not lovable...at all. So I knew he wasn’t just saying this to impress me because that’s not really a line you use when trying to impress girls.

    The first time he said it I thought “Weird….I don’t know that I’ve ever actually thought that before? That I just love people” The second time he mentioned it I thought “Really? You love people? Like these people? The same people I know? Maybe he knows a different and more loveable kind of people than I do? Who just says they love people”

    The most significant time I recall him making this comment was when Kyle had gone out of his way to help another person. I commented on what I witnessed and his reply was “ I just love people” I was really challenged in that moment. I so clearly saw the heart of Jesus in Kyle that day. I saw the same love and compassion of Jesus. Kyle could see past someone's bad day, shy attitude, or even total rudeness and respond in kindness and compassion because he knew there was more going on.

    I was so challenged by watching his loving and thoughtful approach towards others. Previously, I couldn’t see the pain or turmoil others were in because it was masked in anger, pride, or even apathy at times. Where I would often dismiss someone or complain about them because of an interaction I was now challenged to look deeper. I was challenged to have the same love and compassion toward that person like Jesus.

    In Luke 19:41-44 Jesus wept over Jerusalem as he overlooked the city. There is a lot to unpack here, but he wept that they did not realize their savior had come! If anyone had a right to be upset or say “forget you Jerusalem” it’s Jesus! They rejected him! But instead he wept FOR them. The Lord desires that no-one should perish but everyone come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) He desires that we know him fully and grow in our knowledge of Him. Our hearts should be moved with compassion for others just like Jesus.

    The most effective way for us to reflect Jesus more and to respond to others with love and compassion is for our hearts to be transformed and renewed by God’s word! As we pray scriptures over other believers our relationships deepen as our compassion and love for others does as well!

    My love for others grows as I pray for them.

    Here are just a few of the many great verses you can pray over others this week!

    • 5 min
    Busy Being Present

    Busy Being Present

    Busy being present.

    Today we’re going to talk about Being present in people’s life!

    Mark 5:22-43 - I’m going to summarize this story

    In these verses we see one of the Synagogue leaders, Jairus, came to Jesus, pleading with him to heal his daughter who was dying. So Jesus and the disciples follow Jairus to his house and a large crowd starts to follow. Then a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Jesus in the crowd and touched his garment, and was instantly healed. Jesus stopped and turned around to ask who touched him (he felt the healing power go out of him) After he talked with this woman a servant came and said Jairus’ daughter was dead and to not bother the teacher. But Jesus went to Jairus house and raised her from the dead!

    In this story when Jesus is on his way to Jairus’ house he asks “who touched me” The disciples said literally everyone is touching you Jesus...we’re in the middle of a crowd!  I imagine the disciples being a little impatient! Like come on Jesus, let's go perform an incredible miracle for a girl who is on her deathbed! Everyone is touching you, why does it even matter!? We don’t have time for this. LET’S GO!!!!!

    Why does Jesus stop and ask who touched Him? After all Jesus was on a very important mission to heal a girl who was about to die. Surely Jesus could have gone on His way - knowing that just between the two of them she was healed. And yet the scripture said “HE TURNED AROUND” signifying Jesus saying “I’m changing direction” He kept looking for the person who had touched him. He listened to her and heard her story. He was present with her. God is relational; he is a present God. He’s not handing out miracles from heaven Oprah style...reach under your seat and grab your healing! You get a healing and you get a healing! He’s immanuel, God with us.

    Jesus TURNED AROUND when He felt healing power go out from Him. Sometimes I need to stop and TURN AROUND my priorities. Especially when I’m listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

    We want to be effective for the Lord. So this means being Spirit-led and hearing from God.

    Each day we start surrendered to the Lord, we yield to Him and his plan.

    We don’t want to miss the assignment God has for our day because we are busy doing what we think the assignment is. Rather God wants to do life with us and be invited into each moment. To help us be effective for His kingdom. And like we’re talking about today, to help us not miss opportunities to be present in other people’s life.

    When Jesus got news that the girl had died he didn’t say “well shoot I shouldn’t have taken this time to try to find the person who touched me, what a waste of time!” Instead He knew he was exactly where His father wanted him, doing exactly what His father wanted him to do. So it didn’t phase him when in the natural it looked like he “missed it”. Because he didn’t miss it. But he might have missed this divine moment if he kept going.

    If we keep saying I’ll do it next week. When things slow down. When I have less on my plate. That time may never come, and we could miss out on an opportunity.

    Are we willing to see interruptions as opportunities?

    I’m not saying you need to be late to work everyday because you’re always helping a new stranger. If the lord puts those people on your heart, then maybe try waking up earlier to get the day going. But God has put people in your life, in your neighborhood, family, and workplace to love and be present with! Often times it may not even mean changing our schedules, but rather changing our focus. Instead of a to do list with things to accomplish we see our day as people we will meet with, be present with, and can encourage and bring life and refreshment to!

    Who can you be present with this week? What does it look like to be present with others?

    • 5 min

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