1 hr


    • Video Games

Join Allen, Sean, and Andre (HE'S BACK) on another episode of the WeebGamerPodcast!

This episode we review seasons 4-6 of My Hero Acedamia! From weird clean freak guys with masks to giant mountain people we discuss our thoughts on the latter half of this very decent anime. Like so decent that I would probably use this anime as a staple if you ever need an example for the most average anime ever. It has its good points and bad points, it never really gets too crazy, and it has a pretty okay moral teachings. This anime's quirk is the power of being average.

Let us know if you hate it or love it!

Please enjoy and thanks for listening! 

Join Allen, Sean, and Andre (HE'S BACK) on another episode of the WeebGamerPodcast!

This episode we review seasons 4-6 of My Hero Acedamia! From weird clean freak guys with masks to giant mountain people we discuss our thoughts on the latter half of this very decent anime. Like so decent that I would probably use this anime as a staple if you ever need an example for the most average anime ever. It has its good points and bad points, it never really gets too crazy, and it has a pretty okay moral teachings. This anime's quirk is the power of being average.

Let us know if you hate it or love it!

Please enjoy and thanks for listening! 

1 hr