The Young Black Educator-Part 2 Her Real Life

    • Relationships

From The Beginning: Episode 3 (Part 1)

There are so many things that can be said about my guest. A doctoral student at Western Carolina University pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Equity and Social Justice. She is fashionable, intelligent and proactive. She has a heart for children and how they should be equally educated. Not only is my guest all those things, she’s also my baby cousin, Cassandra Farley Martin. 

This episode is rich with the story of humble beginnings, many childhood memories, and all the foundational things of our real life. From discussing the way our parents raised us, to our ancestors who braved the Middle Passage, (LITERALLY an inside joke. You have to listen to the episode to understand.) to believing that we could do anything. We cover all the things; lack of diversity and cultural awareness in teachers and students that we personally experienced and the lack of awareness of those same areas in our education system today. As a solution to these current problems and disparities, Cassandra, aka (Punkin) created Cardinal Ed., LLC to provide training and curriculum that can help school districts become better equipped for the menagerie of students they may encounter.

In Part 1, you’ll hear statistics that will blow your mind. You’ll hear information and data that shows how the system, educational and otherwise, really isn’t set up to create lots of winners. The amount of knowledge Cassandra gives to us will make your head spin. Her attention to detail and passion for children and their growth is astounding. Her desire to create a classroom environment that will produce a successful generation, while also educating the current teaching generation cultural and social awareness, educational equity, and inclusion. The goal is to have educational leaders consciously recognize that their classroom is not as monochromatic as history has tailored the curriculum to be. 

The Sound of A Bird: Episode 4 (Part 2)

In Part 2 the discussion about disparity in education continues with Cassandra Farley Martin. We learn more about her passion for cultural competence and assisting her fellow colleagues to not only open their eyes to the issues, but actually realize that their eyes are closed. We get into her love for being a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and the history of that beautiful organization. Cassandra expresses her heart’s mission to make all children and educators knowledgeable of other races, genders, cultures and socioeconomic statuses. We discuss unity and how we’ve been trained to not be united. As you listen to the conversation, you’ll gather insight on biases in our society, but also question your own personal biases. 

The sound of birds mean there is life. Bird sounds are awakening and refreshing; calming. Cardinals bring peace and comfort. It’s the state bird for North Carolina and it happens to be one of  Cassandra’s favorite birds as well. The name of her business is no coincidence as Cardinal Ed., LLC has been constructed to bring peace and inclusion to all. Cardinal Ed., LLC: Culturally Aware Racially Diverse Intentionally Nurturing All Learners Ed., LLC is an independent education consultant firm where, Cassandra is the owner, creator and founder. The services of Cardinal Ed., LLC, offers cultural competence training that school districts and leaders need to be equitable in their practices and behaviors in the classroom. Amongst the services offered, Cassandra is able to assist in developing curriculum that is culturally inclusive as well as helping with personal biases. Mrs. Martin is ready to identify the need, look at data and put things in place strategically and intentionally for the best result. Cassandra wants leaders in the educational arena to not be afraid to deconstruct and reconstruct the broken system they’ve worked with for so long, so it works for all students. Being culturally responsive and sensitive are more th

From The Beginning: Episode 3 (Part 1)

There are so many things that can be said about my guest. A doctoral student at Western Carolina University pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Equity and Social Justice. She is fashionable, intelligent and proactive. She has a heart for children and how they should be equally educated. Not only is my guest all those things, she’s also my baby cousin, Cassandra Farley Martin. 

This episode is rich with the story of humble beginnings, many childhood memories, and all the foundational things of our real life. From discussing the way our parents raised us, to our ancestors who braved the Middle Passage, (LITERALLY an inside joke. You have to listen to the episode to understand.) to believing that we could do anything. We cover all the things; lack of diversity and cultural awareness in teachers and students that we personally experienced and the lack of awareness of those same areas in our education system today. As a solution to these current problems and disparities, Cassandra, aka (Punkin) created Cardinal Ed., LLC to provide training and curriculum that can help school districts become better equipped for the menagerie of students they may encounter.

In Part 1, you’ll hear statistics that will blow your mind. You’ll hear information and data that shows how the system, educational and otherwise, really isn’t set up to create lots of winners. The amount of knowledge Cassandra gives to us will make your head spin. Her attention to detail and passion for children and their growth is astounding. Her desire to create a classroom environment that will produce a successful generation, while also educating the current teaching generation cultural and social awareness, educational equity, and inclusion. The goal is to have educational leaders consciously recognize that their classroom is not as monochromatic as history has tailored the curriculum to be. 

The Sound of A Bird: Episode 4 (Part 2)

In Part 2 the discussion about disparity in education continues with Cassandra Farley Martin. We learn more about her passion for cultural competence and assisting her fellow colleagues to not only open their eyes to the issues, but actually realize that their eyes are closed. We get into her love for being a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha and the history of that beautiful organization. Cassandra expresses her heart’s mission to make all children and educators knowledgeable of other races, genders, cultures and socioeconomic statuses. We discuss unity and how we’ve been trained to not be united. As you listen to the conversation, you’ll gather insight on biases in our society, but also question your own personal biases. 

The sound of birds mean there is life. Bird sounds are awakening and refreshing; calming. Cardinals bring peace and comfort. It’s the state bird for North Carolina and it happens to be one of  Cassandra’s favorite birds as well. The name of her business is no coincidence as Cardinal Ed., LLC has been constructed to bring peace and inclusion to all. Cardinal Ed., LLC: Culturally Aware Racially Diverse Intentionally Nurturing All Learners Ed., LLC is an independent education consultant firm where, Cassandra is the owner, creator and founder. The services of Cardinal Ed., LLC, offers cultural competence training that school districts and leaders need to be equitable in their practices and behaviors in the classroom. Amongst the services offered, Cassandra is able to assist in developing curriculum that is culturally inclusive as well as helping with personal biases. Mrs. Martin is ready to identify the need, look at data and put things in place strategically and intentionally for the best result. Cassandra wants leaders in the educational arena to not be afraid to deconstruct and reconstruct the broken system they’ve worked with for so long, so it works for all students. Being culturally responsive and sensitive are more th