117 episodes


Hi, I am Huimin, a Mandarin instructor from Taiwan. I've been teaching Mandarin since 2004. I would like to share some thoughts, insights, things that I enjoy, like movies and books, and also my experiences of learning and teaching languages.
Meanwhile, I hope your Mandarin will be improved while following my podcast.

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Learn Mandarin in Mandarin with Huimin Learn Mandarin in Mandarin with Huimin

    • Education


Hi, I am Huimin, a Mandarin instructor from Taiwan. I've been teaching Mandarin since 2004. I would like to share some thoughts, insights, things that I enjoy, like movies and books, and also my experiences of learning and teaching languages.
Meanwhile, I hope your Mandarin will be improved while following my podcast.

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    #116.澳門之旅A trip to Macau (Level:B1- B2)

    #116.澳門之旅A trip to Macau (Level:B1- B2)

    Book a free course consultation https://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    1.    清明節 , Qīngmíng jié , Ching Ming Festival
    2.    祭拜祖先 , jì bài zǔxiān , Worship ancestors
    3.    澳門 , àomén , Macau
    4.    葡式蛋塔 , pú shì dàn tǎ , Portuguese egg tart
    5.    廣東話 , guǎngdōng huà , Cantonese
    6.    類似 , lèisì , similar
    7.    茶餐廳 , chá cāntīng , Hong Kong-style café
    8.    面積 , miànjī , area
    9.    平方公里 , píngfāng gōnglǐ , square kilometers
    10.   度假 , dùjià , vacation
    11.   行程 , xíngchéng , itinerary
    12.   宗教之城 , zōngjiào zhī chéng , city ​​of religion
    13.   信仰媽祖 , xìnyǎng māzǔ , Belief in Mazu
    14.   天主教堂 , tiānzhǔ jiàotáng , catholic church
    15.   葡萄牙人 , pútáoyá rén , Portuguese
    16.   傳教 , chuánjiào , missionary
    17.   航海技術 , hánghǎi jìshù , Navigation Technology
    18.   傳播 , chuánbò , to spread
    19.   天主教 , tiānzhǔjiào , catholic
    20.   中繼站 , zhōngjìzhàn , transfer point
    21.   傳教士 , chuánjiào shì , missionaries
    22.   成立 , chénglì , established
    23.   西式大學 , xīshì dàxué , western university
    24.   大三巴牌坊 , dà sān bā páifāng , Ruins of St. Paul's
    25.   火災 , huǒzāi , fire
    26.   燒掉了 , shāo diàole , burned
    27.   牆壁 , qiángbì , wall
    28.   牌坊 , páifāng , archway
    29.   建立 , jiànlì , establish
    30.   人山人海 , rénshānrénhǎi , crowds of people
    31.   交通管制 , jiāotōng guǎnzhì , Traffic control
    32.   巴洛克風格 , bāluòkè fēnggé , Baroque style
    33.   當時 , dāngshí , back then, at that time
    34.   技術 , jìshù , technology
    35.   雕刻 , diāokè , Sculpture
    36.   菊花 , júhuā , chrysanthemum
    37.   文化交融 , wénhuà jiāoróng , Cultures
    38.   文化交流 , wénhuà jiāoliú , cultural exchange
    39.   世界遺產 , shìjiè yíchǎn , World Heritage
    40.   土產店 , tǔchǎn diàn , Native Store
    41.   伴手禮 , bàn shǒu lǐ , Souvenir
    42.   杏仁餅 , xìngrén bǐng , almond cookies
    43.   悠閒的時光 , yōuxián de shíguāng , leisurely time
    44.   路標 , lùbiāo , road sign
    45.   一模一樣 , yīmúyīyàng , exactly the same
    46.   觀察 , guānchá , observe
    47.   賭場 , dǔchǎng , casino
    48.   賭博 , dǔbó , gamble
    49.   合法 , héfǎ , legal
    50.   唯一 , wéiyī , only
    51.   隱密 , yǐn mì , secret
    52.   低調 , dīdiào , low profile
    53.   合法化 , héfǎ huà , legalization
    54.   觀光化 , guānguāng huà , touristization
    55.   超過 , chāoguò , Exceed
    56.   擲骰子 , zhí shǎizi , roll the dice
    57.   莊家 , zhuāngjiā , Banker
    58.   下注 , xià zhù , Place a bet
    59.   金額 , jīn'é , Amount
    60.   把錢輸光 , bǎ qián shū guāng , lose all the money

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    • 22 min
    #115. 你覺得寂寞嗎? Do you feel lonely? (Level: B1-B2)

    #115. 你覺得寂寞嗎? Do you feel lonely? (Level: B1-B2)

    Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    1 寂寞 , Jìmò , lonely
    2 待在台灣 , dài zài táiwān , stay in Taiwan
    3 外向 , wàixiàng , Outgoing
    4 活潑 , huópō , Lively
    5 交不到朋友 , jiāo bù dào péngyǒu , Can't make friends
    6 鄉村 , xiāngcūn , rural
    7 以家庭為重 , yǐ jiātíng wéizhòng , Family first
    8 沿海城市 , yánhǎi chéngshì , Coastal cities
    9 老弱婦孺 , lǎo ruò fùrú , old, weak, women and children
    10 生活重心 , shēnghuó zhòngxīn , the center of life
    11 管孩子的功課 , guǎn háizi de gōngkè , Manage children’s homework
    12 成績進步 , chéngjī jìnbù , school grades improved
    13 一般來說 , yībān lái shuō , Generally speaking
    14 就算..也 , jiùsuàn.. Yě , Even if...
    15 交通費 , jiāotōng fèi , transportation expenses
    16 住宿費 , zhùsù fèi , Accommodation fee
    17 預算 , yùsuàn , Budget
    18 把房貸付清 , bǎ fángdài fù qīng , Pay off the mortgage
    19 保障 , bǎozhàng , secure
    20 負擔不起 , fùdān bù qǐ , Can not afford
    21 寧願…也 , nìngyuàn…yě , Rather…
    22 培養興趣 , péiyǎng xìngqù , cultivate interest
    23 失敗 , shībài , fail
    24 根本沒有機會 , gēnběn méiyǒu jīhuì , No chance at all
    25 面對面 , miànduìmiàn , face to face
    26 讀書會 , dúshū huì , book club
    27 閱讀 , yuèdú , read
    28 個性不合 , gèxìng bùhé , Personality incompatibility
    29 封閉 , fēngbì , isolated
    30 接近大自然 , jiējìn dà zìrán , Close to nature
    31 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    32 憂鬱 , yōuyù , melancholy
    33 悲傷 , bēishāng , sad
    34 被困住 , bèi kùn zhù , trapped
    35 熟悉的地方 , shúxī dì dìfāng , familiar place
    36 恢復 , huīfù , to recover
    37 自動推薦 , zìdòng tuījiàn , Automatic recommendation
    38 創辦人 , chuàngbàn rén , founder
    39 興奮 , xīngfèn , excited
    40 同時 , tóngshí , at the same time
    41 成立 , chénglì , established
    42 組織 , zǔzhī , organization
    43 社團 , shètuán , Societies, clubs
    44 人生地不熟 , rénshēng dì bù shú , Unfamiliar place

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    • 19 min
    #114.去安養院看奶奶 Visiting Grandma (Level: B1-B2)

    #114.去安養院看奶奶 Visiting Grandma (Level: B1-B2)

    ·Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 19 min
    #113.地震來了 The earthquake rocked Taiwan(Level: B2)

    #113.地震來了 The earthquake rocked Taiwan(Level: B2)

    Get daily stories in Chinese for your level at Maayot: https://www.maayot.comBook a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 18 min
    #112.一日導遊體驗 Tour guide experience (Level: B1-B2)

    #112.一日導遊體驗 Tour guide experience (Level: B1-B2)

    Book a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

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    • 16 min
    #111. 去健身房的理由 The reason why I go to the gym(Level A2-B1)

    #111. 去健身房的理由 The reason why I go to the gym(Level A2-B1)

    Book a free consultationhttps://calendly.com/d/zzg-xx9-gjdMandarin Lessons: https://yunfei.world/languages/learn-mandarin/Email: zhuimin9698@gmail.comIG@ huimin_taiwan_mandarin留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9bl3vd660p0805d1apvgrd/commentsPaypal: PayPal.Me/ZhanghuiminTW

    生詞 vocabulary
    1 . 眼光 , Yǎnguāng , a taste of selecting good things
    2 . 互動 , hùdòng , interaction
    3 . 培養閱讀習慣 , péiyǎng , develop reading habits
    4 . 滿牆的書 , mǎn qiáng de shū , wall full of books
    5 . 這一幕 , zhè yīmù , This scene
    6 . 親密的時光 , qīnmì de shíguāng , intimate time
    7 . 被愛的感覺 , bèi ài de gǎnjué , feeling of being loved
    8 . 聽眾的回饋 , tīngzhòng de huíkuì , audience feedback
    9 . 上健身房 , shàng jiànshēnfáng , Go to the gym
    10 . 精神不好 , jīngshén , tired
    11 . 困難 , kùnnán , difficulty
    12 . 心情轉換一下 , xīnqíng zhuǎnhuàn yīxià , change your mood
    13 . 民營健身房 , mínyíng jiànshēnfáng , Private gym
    14 . 會員制 , huìyuán zhì , membership
    15 . 器材 , qìcái , equipment
    16 . 設備 , shèbèi , facilities
    17 . 爭取客戶 , zhēngqǔ kèhù , win customers
    18 . 重視客戶感受 , zhòngshì kèhù gǎnshòu , Pay attention to customer feelings
    19 . 業務專員 , yèwù zhuānyuán , sales person
    20 . 積極 , jījí , aggressive
    21 . 專業化 , zhuānyè huà , specialization
    22 . 有效率 , yǒu xiàolǜ , Efficient
    23 . 運動量 , yùndòngliàng , amount of exercise
    24 . 比例 , bǐlì , Proportion
    25 . 海報 , hǎibào , poster
    26 . 肌肉 , jīròu , muscle
    27 . 印象 , yìnxiàng , impression
    28 . 鍛鍊肌肉 , duànliàn jīròu , build muscle
    29 . 重量訓練 , zhòngliàng xùnliàn , weight training
    30 . 舉重 , jǔzhòng , weightlifting
    31 . 啞鈴 , yǎlíng , dumbbel
    32 . 壺鈴 , hú líng , kettlebell
    33 . 金剛芭比 , jīngāng bābǐ , King Kong Barbie(Pretty girl with toned muscles)
    34 . 飲食方式 , yǐnshí fāngshì , diet
    35 . 專業知識 , zhuānyè zhīshì , expertise
    36 . 心肺運動 , xīnfèi yùndòng , cardiorespiratory exercise
    37 . 伸展 , shēnzhǎn , stretch
    38 . 拉筋 , lā jīn , stretch
    39 . 遙控器 , yáokòng qì , remote control
    40 . 肌耐力 , jī nàilì , muscular endurance

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    • 15 min

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