The I Don't Believe in Astrology Podcast

Debra Silverman
The I Don't Believe in Astrology Podcast Podcast

Debra interviews famous and not-so-famous characters who have a really good story to tell. Here you’ll find topics on everything from astrology to climate change. Get to know Debra and her cast of characters as they entertain you throughout the episodes and give you a glimpse into their lives, those they surround themselves with, and what they are passionate about.

  1. 11 JUN

    How To Love Your Life By Understanding Death pt. 2 with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

    How to love your life by understanding death and lean more into your experience this lifetime. Part two of this delectable conversation with Dr. Mary Helen is here, delivering so many empowering and perspective-shifting insights into the nature of our time here on Earth and connections to the other side. It’s time to fully see the design of your life.   This life is not a volunteer position and if you’re struggling to find your joie de vivre, or you find yourself playing the blame game for your circumstances, this conversation can help you reframe your perspective and release that which is no longer serving you.    Debra and Dr. Mary Helen explore human nature’s resistance to doing the right thing and the nature of our evolution as a collective species and as individuals. Our karmic paths and lessons show up as patterns and are written in our Astrological charts, and throughout our individual evolution we are guided by a higher intelligence, which Dr. Mary has quite the connection to.    Dr. Mary shares about her continued work with “The Council” in the spirit world and how it’s possible to connect with the other side, even if you haven’t had your own near-death experience.    This conversation will remind you of the importance of living in your own authentic frequency, changing the conversation around sacrifice, and to not fear the other side because death is just a doorway or a change of address.           Get your copy of Dr. Mary Helen Hensley’s Promised by Heaven here:    Connect with Debra on social media and get access to her latest offerings, workshops, and more:   Key Highlights From The Episode How to love your life by understanding death and lean more into your experience this lifetime by living in line with your unique design The similarities and differences between our world and the spirit world Exploring evolution and other worlds, as told by a higher intelligence How to connect with the other side without having a near-death experience Human nature’s resistance to doing the right thing Timestamps [0:55] Introducing part two of the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Dr. Mary Helen Hensley [2:04] How Dr. Mary describes her profession in her own words [2:55] Showing Dr. Mary’s Astrological chart as Debra shares her interpretation of Dr. Mary’s Gemini Rising and Mercury placement [4:32] A timely analogy for addressing the topic of death with children, and how to understand experiencing communication beyond the human plane [6:13] How Dr. Mary experiences the spirit world  [7:37] One of the notable gifts of Pisces [8:11] Speaking to the accessibility and evolution of the spirit world [9:30] Everyone asks this of an Astrologer…  [10:08] What are the similarities and differences between our world and the spirit world? [12:23] Are there other worlds? [13:45] The message Dr. Mary received from “The Council” and what her view of the future is [14:49] Discussing evolution and the infinity loop [15:32] The influence of the human on the host (Mother Earth) [17:38] Human nature’s resistance to doing the right thing  [19:40] Dr. Mary shares a story about taking out the garbage and the connection to the importance of your intention [21:19] Why did Dr. Mary make the choice to come back after death? [23:45] Ask yourself this question about life [24:44] Words of encouragement and perspective  [26:24] How can people connect with the other side without having a near-death experience? [28:24] Debra shares about her near-death experience at 15 years old [29:47] Changing frequency to connect with the other side [32:11] The longing for the deepest listening  [34:30] When does Dr. Mary’s emotional body get touched? [36:30] The nature of Dr. Mary’s trust [37:15] Does Dr. Mary feel like there is a higher intelligence that is witnessing what’s h

    56 min
  2. 14 MAY

    How To Love Your Life By Understanding Death with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

    TW: Death, abortion, rape How to love your life by understanding death- whether you have an irrepressible zest for life or you’re struggling to find joy and make this life make sense, we can all connect more deeply with life through its opposite… death.   This is part one of an absolutely fascinating (and quite fun) interview with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley where we re-examine our relationship with death and life. Dr. Mary Helen brings her insights into the human nervous system through her work as a chiropractor, author, and healer, with a very unique twist- she had a near-death experience in her twenties that changed everything.   Dr. Mary Helen shares the story of her near-death experience as well as her deep connection to the spiritual realm as a child, despite growing up in a household that didn’t naturally accept her gifts. With Dr. Mary Helen’s Astrological chart on hand, Debra immediately connects Dr. Mary Helen’s experiences beyond the veil with components of her chart.    This conversation holds practical, easy-to-understand analogies and insights on what happens beyond this life, and through a richer understanding of our karmic paths (as indicated through our Astrological charts) and what happens beyond life, we can lean more into loving our experience in this lifetime.   Get your copy of Dr. Mary Helen Hensley’s Promised by Heaven here:  Key Highlights From The Episode How to love your life by understanding death and reexamining your relationships with life and death Incredible recollections from a near-death experience The relevance and importance of regulating your nervous system in the physical and spiritual realms Understanding the energies of Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Gemini within different applications in a natal chart Insights from beyond the veil and beyond our human constructs of time Timestamps [0:46] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Dr. Mary Helen Hensley [1:45] “Having an affair on life” as we are called to re-examine our relationship with death and life [2:21] Debra shares a personal story of dealing with death and honors her friend Tim in this conversation [3:50] Dr. Mary introduces herself  [4:50] Interpreting Dr. Mary’s Astrological chart highlighting Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio energy [7:13] Dr. Mary shares about her upbringing with a southern baptist father  [8:44] Dr. Mary’s mother had the German measles while pregnant with her and her father’s “event” that helped give him clarity around Dr. Mary’s life path [10:45] The importance of “Judge” in Dr. Mary’s story [12:43] “The kitchen table talk” and Dr. Mary’s ability to see spirits [13:40] Dr. Mary’s practical analogy around how she sees people in spirit [14:38] Dr. Mary’s tells the story of her near death experience [17:38] Details around Dr. Mary’s out of body experience and the awareness of being “the master of your own ship” [19:20] Debra seeks confirmation around a premonition and a car accident [20:55] What happened after the first sound Dr. Mary heard and its connection to our soul frequency [22:37] Dr. Mary describes what happened just before her life review moment and connection to elderly people [25:25] Debra echoes the imprint of NDEs and where most people can’t connect to the experience [26:18] How long Dr. Mary was outside of her body and the breakdown of the constructs of time [27:32] The life review moment that changed everything for Dr. Mary [29:27] What happens in a near-death experience that juxtaposes when we attach the ego to this reality [30:48] Experiencing different realities and the spinning plates analogy [31:43] Astrology enters the past-life karma chat [33:08] Debra shares about her new book that will come out in 2025 [34:01] When Dr. Mary was given the choice to come back into this lifetime [37:20] “You

    55 min
  3. 16 APR

    How To Find Pleasure In Being In a Body with Liz Letchford

    How to find pleasure in being in a body, creating a dialogue between your emotional and physical body. These two human systems are critical to our well-being and experiences in life, yet we tend to evaluate and feel them separately, which can create dis-ease. Finding pleasure in the body can be key to fully embracing your incarnation in this lifetime.   Debra is joined by Liz Letchford who, by way of the evolution of her work, has embodied a mission to bridge these two worlds. As Liz says, “We came from the stars,” and she has actually learned components of Astrology by relating the signs to the systems of the body.    Liz speaks to marrying the two oppositional worlds of science, through her sports medicine and PhD in biomechanics, and the mystical world within her somatic and intuitive work, which she shares about within this episode. Sitting in the middle between opposing energies and showing how one can support the other is one of Liz’s great abilities, as evidenced by her Mercury in Pisces.   You’ll get to experience Liz’s Aries energy, her fun-loving Sagittarius vibe, and the intuitive, sensual nature of her Cancer Moon and Venus in Taurus. Tune in and refresh your perspective on the pleasure of being in a body, whether you have left that behind or have yet to feel it. It’s time to reconnect our physical and emotional planes.     Connect with Liz Letchford here:  Key Highlights From The Episode How to find pleasure in being in a body by creating a dialogue between the emotional and physical  How an event in infancy charted the course for Liz’s focus in this life An exploration of how unprocessed emotions create physical symptoms  The interpretation of similar Astrological components Liz and Albert Einstein share  The need for creating bridges between seemingly opposite worlds, like the physical and emotional and the logical and mystical Timestamps [01:04] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Liz Letchford, who shares about her relationship with Astrology [02:34] Liz introduces herself   [03:55] Where we need to give Pisces credit as Debra interprets Liz’s Mercury in Pisces [05:57] The connection between Liz and Albert Einstein’s Astrological charts [06:32] Liz shares about her shift into embodying her science and work [07:18] “Unprocessed emotions create physical symptoms.” [08:20] Sharing Liz’s Astrological chart and breaking down some key components [09:36] The last time Liz cried and why it’s part of her embodiment practice [10:49] Debra shares her gratitude for people like Liz [11:42] How Liz’s lifestyle had to change to match her intuitive and emotional needs [13:32] Why people come to see Liz in her professional work [14:21] What Liz wishes people would do [14:54] Liz shares something shocking she did as a child, the moment she got disconnected from her body, and how it lead her to where she is now [17:23] Bringing the unconscious imprint up, as Debra works through in Tell Me A Story [18:03] Debra shares about what it means to have your Moon placement in a Water sign and a Water House [19:34] Appreciating your incarnation no matter where you are at in your soul’s evolution [20:28] Liz shares about a recurring dream about a spiral and Debra connects that symbol to the soul’s evolution [21:17] What Liz couldn’t live without [22:17] Liz shares something somewhat “hidden” about her work and a story of it coming into play during a session [26:14] The slogan Debra had on the back of her business card [26:43] Debra shares a key takeaway for the audience  [27:17] Someone alive or passed on that Liz wishes she could have a conversation with [28:46] If Liz wasn’t talking about the body, she would be interested in… [30:27] Debra’s feeling about Liz’s gift in this life [30:55] Where Debra and Liz met [31:34] Closing out the podcast

    34 min
  4. 19 MAR

    How To Feel More and Dream Bigger with Ayesha Ophelia

    How to feel more and dream bigger in a world full of chaos and comparisonitis. We have all felt the need to numb ourselves out and avoid feelings of heartbreak or even grief; we’ve also all been victim to the sense of being not good enough or experiencing alienation.    This is a recipe to squash our life-force and suffocate our dreams. Our guest Ayesha Ophelia has her own Astrological recipe for transmuting our pain body into power and dreaming as big as possible.    Ayesha has also unlocked more facets to her abilities from her studies in Level 1 of Debra’s Applied Astrology school. Debra shares her hopes to have Ayesha join her therapeutic writing course, Tell Me A Story, which is a powerful avenue for personal transformation and creativity.   Ayesha Ophelia is a rising voice in spirituality and wellness. Her work meets at the intersection of creativity and the seen and unseen realms. She walks the path of the muses which are; art, creativity, and the spark of inspiration living in us all.    Ayesha and Debra dive into the dominant Scorpio energy of Ayesha’s chart, in the Astrological House of networking and communication, allowing her to feel with the depths and operate with the heights of this human experience.  Debra also speaks to the Astrological component in Ayesha’s chart that powers her dream world and manifestation prowess, as well as the Astrological component that has given her quite the streak of luck. Maybe you have these Astrological flavors, too- tune in to find out!    Connect with Ayesha Ophelia here: Join our next Tell Me A Story writing course here:   Key Highlights From The Episode How to feel more and dream bigger and how that can impact your experience in this lifetime Collective and cultural experiences of feeling alienated and how Astrology can help soothe those feelings The high road and low road of Scorpio  Ayesha’s experience in Level 1 of Applied Astrology and Debra’s hopes of her joining a cohort of Tell Me A Story Debra’s permission slips around authenticity and embracing our creativity Timestamps [00:54] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Ayesha Ophelia and her entrance into Level 1 of Applied Astrology [01:37] Ayesha introducing herself in her own words [03:12] Bringing up Ayesha’s natal chart with a quick review of her chart [04:27] Speaking to the component in Ayesha’s chart that shows the futuristic and revolutionary part of her character [05:30] Debra speaks to feeling resistance to her revolutionary way of approaching therapy with Astrology [05:54] Ayesha speaks to the connection between a childhood memory of watching E.T. and the current collective vibe [08:13] Everyone has an alienated part of them; that’s where Astrology can help [09:39] Debra shares an inspiring permission slip around authenticity and finding your voice [09:58] The transition of Ayesha being a support to others and then “leaving the nest” and speaking her own message [10:56] Ayesha speaks to what happened during her Saturn return [12:18] Debra connects pieces of Ayesha’s chart to a past company she ran [12:45] Ayesha shares about moving through grief as her mother left this realm and her connection to her mother then and now [13:57] What Ayesha couldn’t live without in this lifetime [15:22] Ayesha’s strong 12th House in her Astrological chart and a concrete story about her big dreams and using her voice [17:13] What Ayesha would do if she wasn’t a voice on social media [17:50] Debra’s reminder to carry your creativity and child-like spirit into adulthood [18:24] Who Ayesha would love to have a conversation with throughout time and Debra sharing a similar reflection from a past podcast guest [21:09] The last time Ayesha cried and her wisdom around welcoming heartbreak [22:41] Debra shares an encounter wi

    40 min
  5. 20 FEB

    How To Lead By Example and Help the Planet with Bobby Gill

    How to lead by example and help the planet- what’s more important than taking care of your home (Earth)? Debra sits down with biological resource engineer Bobby Gill to talk about the realities of the climate crisis and practical ways we can all help Mother Earth.    Bobby speaks about the importance of “voting with your dollar” and the importance of environmental legislation. Our home, and the future of the planet, are on the line.   From an Astrological perspective, Bobby didn’t know about Astrology; tune in to hear Debra translate his chart, easily pinpointing his innate nature. Bobby shares reflections of Debra’s Astrological insights and reflects on his Saturn return and the popularity of Astrology.    Bobby shares how he believes society is reinventing itself from a “dying way of living.” Tune in for an inspiring conversation around the climate crisis, learn about desertification, and get clues into the nature of a Capricorn and Sagittarius energy.  Key Highlights From The Episode How to lead by example and help the planet with small efforts that can have a big impact Understanding the process of desertification and its importance in the climate conversation Seeing an optimistic future after the planet being in “hospice” Voting with your dollar and the government’s part in the climate crisis How Capricorn and Sagittarius energy can show up in a personality Timestamps [01:00] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Bobby Gill [02:45] How Debra and Bobby met and Debra’s entrance into being literate around the climate crisis [03:50] Bobby’s familiarity with Astrology and Debra deciphering his natal chart [05:45] Bobby speaks to the relevance of his adventure-seeking nature as told by his Astrological chart [06:25] Bobby tells us about working at the Savory Institute and its mission [08:13] An explanation of desertification and how the Savory Institute helps to teach communities [12:15] A controversial thought within the climate crisis debate [14:28] Debra and Bobby share their thoughts about an incredible film, To Which We Belong, by Pamela Tanner Boll  [17:43] The doom and gloom of the climate crisis, and the optimism around the corner [20:11] The reality of the climate crisis from Bobby’s perspective [24:11] One of the things Bobby is most worried about as we navigate the changes ahead [26:10] Debra speaks to being passionate about our life’s work and taking the long view into account [27:52] How will the government come into play with supporting environmental legislation? [28:37] Bobby shares about “voting with your dollar” and other things individuals can do with the environment in mind [31:25] Thoughts on the use of plastics and the conveniences we have grown accustomed to  [33:01] Debra encourages the audience to be conscious of their choices [35:31] Reflecting on Bobby’s lack of the Air element in his chart [36:38] How Bobby’s Earth and Fire in his Astrological chart shows up so prominently in his demeanor [37:33] What Bobby would be talking about if he wasn’t talking about regenerative agriculture [38:00] One thing Bobby couldn’t live without  [38:20] The last time that Bobby cried  [38:52] Who, across time and history, Bobby would have a conversation with if he could [39:20] What’s next that Bobby is so excited about [40:05] The emergence of Astrology into the current collective mindset [40:55] The value Astrology can provide from Bobby’s perspective [42:00] Debra asks Bobby about his Saturn return [43:38] Thanking Bobby for his time on the podcast and Debra’s hope to ignite interest in Astrology and the climate crisis

    45 min
  6. 12/12/2023

    How To Have A Consistent Meditation Practice with Kilkenny Tremblay

    How to have a consistent meditation practice instead of adding it to your list of shoulds. Meditation is a hot topic that everyone talks about, yet so many of us find resistance in it being a consistent, fulfilling practice. You’re not the only one that struggles with meditating, whether you’re struggling in your current practice to stay consistent or struggling because you don’t have a practice in the first place.   This episode might help you fall in love with meditation!    Debra is joined by Kilkenny Tremblay, Yoga and Meditation professor and host of Modern Mystic Podcast, who in addition to being a lifelong lover of meditation, yoga, and other spiritual teachings, is an alumni of Debra’s Applied Astrology school.    Kilkenny and Debra discuss how meditation is a dynamic practice, not a one-size-fits-all approach. Debra sheds light on a part of Kilkenny’s Astrological chart that countless other professional Astrologers have seemed to avoid, making Kilkenny’s point of how solid Debra’s approach and Astrological method is, and how Astrology terminology will soon be as fluent to the masses as yoga has become.    The history and dynamics of Pluto are highlighted, bridging the connection between Kilkenny’s intense passion for life and her work, and her ability to speak to the seen and unseen, the magical and the mundane.    Here’s your chance to learn about the influence of Pluto in Astrology and update your perspective on why meditation is so powerful. Plus you’ll hear tips on how to integrate meditation fully into your life, and if you have children, how to get them interested, too!    Learn more about Kilkenny Tremblay at  Key Highlights From The Episode How to have a consistent meditation practice following simple tips from Kilkenny and Debra The question around meditation that everyone is thinking and no one likes to admit Kilkenny’s top tip on how to get children interested in meditation (it’s easy!) Discovering Pluto in historical terms and its Astrological symbolism and effects Why Kilkenny enrolled in Applied Astrology and what sets Debra’s method of Astrology apart from other Astrologers Timestamps [00:50] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Kilkenny Tremblay [04:17] What Kilkenny experienced at five years old that was her entrance into the spiritual world [05:23] Kilkenny shares about her mediation practice and matching meditations to the disposition of the person practicing [07:28] How often does Kilkenny practice meditation? [08:24] Sharing Kilkenny’s chart and the Astrological indicator that gives a nod to Kilkenny’s easy access to meditation [10:03] The question around meditation that everyone is thinking and no one likes to admit [11:53] A brief mention of Kilkenny’s time in Debra’s Applied Astrology school and the connection of the mind (Mercury) to meditation [13:33] The spiritual inheritance people experience (or don’t) in their lifetimes and the Astrological fluency that is coming soon  [15:34] Walking through Kilkenny’s chart again, speaking to an aspect in her Astrology chart that so many Astrologers didn’t speak to in Kilkenny’s life [19:13] How Pluto in Kilkenny’s Astrological chart shows her intense intention for her life, and discussing parts of the history of Pluto scientifically and spiritually  [21:24] Kilkenny speaks to how her strong Plutonian signature shows up in her life [23:48] Kilkenny shares some of her favorite episodes from her own podcast, Modern Mystic [25:23] Debra shares more on the history of Pluto and its representation of the invisible world [27:22] What Kilkenny always says to people about the benefit of meditation [29:23] The ability of meditation to put us out of the victim mentality and back into the driver’s seat [31:45] Debra and Kilkenny speak briefly to the initial resistance to m

    42 min
  7. 28/11/2023

    How To Follow Your Soul with Kute Blackson

    How to follow your soul, regardless of the path the outside world tells you to take. That is the message of this podcast interview with a deeply intuitive and charismatic person who could see his own soul-aligned future, leading him down a road that wouldn’t serve his father’s wishes, but would fulfill his own karmic purpose and healing.    (TW: mentions of war)   Debra is joined by Kute Blackson, a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. Kute is widely considered a next generation leader in the field of personal development. His mission is simple: To awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically and fulfill their true life’s purpose.    Kute shares miraculous stories from his childhood, along with life-changing moments that, with Sun in Cancer in the House of the futurist, were guided by his inner knowing. Kute echoes Debra’s interpretations of his Astrological chart, connecting her insights into pivotal moments of his life, including his life theme of karmic healing through his emotional bonds.     From saying no to a predetermined path chosen by his father, to following his intuition to go to the United States with very little to his name, Kute’s experiences moving through the humble beginnings of his career are another inspiring facet to who he is and has become in this lifetime. This is an interview that will have you captivated from the very beginning, leaving you empowered to continue on your unique journey of your soul’s calling.   Learn more about Kute Blackson at Get Kute’s books, The Magic of Surrender: Finding the Courage to Let Go and You Are The One: A Bold Adventure in Finding Purpose, Discovering the Real You, and Loving Fully  Key Highlights From The Episode How to follow your soul and listen to your inner knowing Nudges from God/the Universe when you are (or are not) living in alignment The Astrological meaning of Jupiter Return How to determine your life theme through your Astrological chart and how that has played out for Kute The importance of finding peace within our own lives Timestamps [00:55] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Kute Blackson [01:18] Kute shares about the spiritual dynamics of his father and his own upbringing, including an experience Kute’s father didn’t share with his congregates [02:11] Miraculous memories that Kute has from growing up [04:30] What happened to Kute at age 8 and age 14 and how those events did not align with his calling [06:07] Debra walks through Kute’s Astrological chart and interprets the theme of Kute’s life [07:18] How Kute navigated coming into alignment with his purpose and telling his father that he would not be following the path his father had decided for him [11:20] The way that God answered Kute’s calling [13:40] Kute set foot onto U.S. soil; what he does next [15:04] Kute recalls a collect call made to his mother in the midst of him worrying about whether he made the right choice [16:05] Kute’s humble beginnings as he started his journey in the U.S.  [17:26] Where is Kute now? His introduction of himself and his work [19:36] The titles of Kute’s two published books [20:02] What was the bridge between Kute having nothing to entering into his true destiny? [21:35] Kute has a promise to be a star yet his intuition tells him it’s not aligned; what he does next [23:13] Debra talks about Kute’s Jupiter Return, with Kute sharing how that has played out for him [23:50] Kute comes back to America after traveling the world, feeling at peace while having nothing, and the entrance of his coaching practice [24:42] A neighbor asks Kute to help her ex; Kute “downloads” a process of uncoaching to change this man’s life [26:01] How Kute’s “uncoaching” career began [27:36] How Kute’s parents ended up feeling about his career and

    50 min
  8. 14/11/2023

    How To Walk The Path Of The Mystic with Paul Selig

    How to walk the path of the mystic and tune into higher knowledge. Podcast guest Paul Selig says he has no advice for our listeners, yet his presence and his life’s work shows us the importance of opening ourselves up to a higher power.    Paul Selig is one of the foremost contributors to the field of channeled literature, after a spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. He attended New York University and earned a master’s from Yale. He is the author of Beyond the Known: Realization and The Book of Innocence.    As a double Scorpio personality with a prevalent Virgo energy in his chart, the richness and depth of Paul’s work and his loyalty to the purity of his path is impressive. Paul takes Debra through his journey to walking the path of the mystic, which admittedly began with resistance and a skeptic eye towards mysticism and his lifestyle was not in alignment with that path. Paul then experienced a series of events which led him to this new path, which would change the course of his life entirely.    Paul also shares about his first Astrological experience and as Debra walks through components of his chart, Paul connects them to avenues and events within his life. This is an interview packed with a Plutonian energy… tune in for what that means (and more).    Learn more about Paul Selig at  Get your copy of The Book Of Innocence: Get your copy of Beyond the Known: Realization:    Key Highlights From The Episode How to walk the path of the mystic and what might lead you to find it How channeled literature is birthed into our reality The energetics of double Scorpio and a powerful Pluto placement The definition of mysticism in modern times and where we are likely to find those enlightened beings today What happened for Paul during his second Saturn Return Timestamps [01:00] Introducing the I Don’t Believe In Astrology Podcast and an introduction of our guest, Paul Selig, in his own words [02:54] Debra interprets Paul’s Astrological chart [04:41] The initial resistance that Paul had around his gifts [05:28] The sequence of events that lead to Paul finding his channeling ability [07:05] Paul describes his experience of resistance, as described Astrologically by his Sun squaring his Moon [08:02] Debra’s insights on the destructive ability and sensitivity of Scorpio energy [08:47] How Paul protects his energy  [09:09] Paul describes the nature of his relationship with his spirit guides [10:50] “Spoken stenography” and psychic work makes Paul a radio [11:51] The projection and opinion of the spirit guides Paul has channeled about our human behavior and our future [13:22] Is Paul a pessimist or optimist? [14:01] The seriousness that Paul embodies as described by his Astrological chart [15:14] When Paul isn’t focused on channeling, these are the things he thinks about [16:17] The last time Paul cried [17:27] Paul’s profession before being a channeler and the reflections of his work now [18:50] Musings on Paul’s Moon in Leo that have rung true for him, as well as the energy major Astrological themes in his chart [20:55] The level of awareness and function of the higher beings that Paul communicates with [22:32] The physical effects that Paul has experienced when channeling [25:31] How Paul really feels about his channeling work [26:38] Debra recounts the history of Astrology and Paul’s communications with the higher guides about Astrology [28:27] Paul’s first Astrological chart reading experience [31:22]  Debra identifies 2020 as Paul’s second Saturn Return; he shares about his experience [33:54] The gift of Paul’s lifetime as told by Astrology [34:55] Paul shares about his father passing away when he was very young and his connection to him now [35:49] Paul’s most recent work, The Book Of Innocence, and his 12th book [36:39] Paul is not t

    49 min


Debra interviews famous and not-so-famous characters who have a really good story to tell. Here you’ll find topics on everything from astrology to climate change. Get to know Debra and her cast of characters as they entertain you throughout the episodes and give you a glimpse into their lives, those they surround themselves with, and what they are passionate about.

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