38 min

Get Familiar With the Lode.One and Cryptocurrencies with Nicholas Prouten R U Familiar With This!

    • Arts

Witness The honest money revolution. A global system built with real money.
Created by the people, for the people. - Lode.One
I am sharing the mic with Nicholas Prouten A SPAC Member and Spokesperson,
THE LODE PROJECT and yes we are talking about Moneyyy but Modern and Digital stable money backed by GOLD and SILVER. yeah, COMMODITIES.

"It's important to distinguish the difference between blockchain and cryptocurrency."  
                                                                                                                                     Nicholas Prouten 

Get familiar with Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Wallets, Dogecoin, and a lot more with Nicholas Prouten from Lode.One so much insightful episode
Nicholas also shared about how Lode is reinventing money powered gold and silver money system and about the borderless Lodepay wallet.
Download AGX Wallet now on App Store and Google Play
To know more about Lode's mission click on Medium
Join Lode community here and
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Stay well and safe.

Witness The honest money revolution. A global system built with real money.
Created by the people, for the people. - Lode.One
I am sharing the mic with Nicholas Prouten A SPAC Member and Spokesperson,
THE LODE PROJECT and yes we are talking about Moneyyy but Modern and Digital stable money backed by GOLD and SILVER. yeah, COMMODITIES.

"It's important to distinguish the difference between blockchain and cryptocurrency."  
                                                                                                                                     Nicholas Prouten 

Get familiar with Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Wallets, Dogecoin, and a lot more with Nicholas Prouten from Lode.One so much insightful episode
Nicholas also shared about how Lode is reinventing money powered gold and silver money system and about the borderless Lodepay wallet.
Download AGX Wallet now on App Store and Google Play
To know more about Lode's mission click on Medium
Join Lode community here and
Subscribe to this Podcast to get familiar more with it and Rate this Podcast.
Stay well and safe.

38 min