43 min

Guy Johnston Musici Chats

    • Performing Arts

My guest today is the wonderful Cellist Guy Johnston. I am delighted to share this insightful conversation we had about Life, Music and the future. I must thank Guy for being so warm and open with me, this was a really special chat!We talked about Guys brother Rupert and the charityhttps://www.thedtgroup.org/brain-injurythrough that the Eyes Alight branch, which was set up by Guys' sister Izzy Judd Musici Chats is presented by Beth McNinch:Freelance violist living in Ireland.Artistic Dir...

My guest today is the wonderful Cellist Guy Johnston. I am delighted to share this insightful conversation we had about Life, Music and the future. I must thank Guy for being so warm and open with me, this was a really special chat!We talked about Guys brother Rupert and the charityhttps://www.thedtgroup.org/brain-injurythrough that the Eyes Alight branch, which was set up by Guys' sister Izzy Judd Musici Chats is presented by Beth McNinch:Freelance violist living in Ireland.Artistic Dir...

43 min