1h 48 min

12 - Cross Training Aikido Physically and Mentally • Ft. Nathanael Chawkin • Rediscovering Aikido The Questioning Podcast

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Aikido is famous for its philosophy, yet how do you actually practice it off the mat in a practical way? If Aikido is introduced as a means of personal development, shouldn't Aikido instructor educate themselves in personal development practices outside of Aikido? These and many more great questions are discussed in this episode of Rediscovering Aikido featuring Nathanael Chawkin - former Aikido practitioner, coaching expert and mixed martial artist.

Aikido is famous for its philosophy, yet how do you actually practice it off the mat in a practical way? If Aikido is introduced as a means of personal development, shouldn't Aikido instructor educate themselves in personal development practices outside of Aikido? These and many more great questions are discussed in this episode of Rediscovering Aikido featuring Nathanael Chawkin - former Aikido practitioner, coaching expert and mixed martial artist.

1h 48 min