1h 13 min

13 - Aikido That Makes Sense • Ft. Christopher Hein • Rediscovering Aikido The Questioning Podcast

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I was recommended by numerous people to talk to Christopher Hein, an Aikido Sensei who also went on a Martial Arts Journey to train mixed martial arts and BJJ after already receiving a black belt in Aikido. Sensei Chris in this talk offers a lot of unique perspectives and really well developed thoughts, while also describing his own unique approach to Aikido.

I was recommended by numerous people to talk to Christopher Hein, an Aikido Sensei who also went on a Martial Arts Journey to train mixed martial arts and BJJ after already receiving a black belt in Aikido. Sensei Chris in this talk offers a lot of unique perspectives and really well developed thoughts, while also describing his own unique approach to Aikido.

1h 13 min