93 episodios

The Shift with CJ Podcast Series is for those who would like to dive deep into a world of health and wellness. Featuring interviews and conversations with the world-leading experts, the Podcast seeks to empower listeners to “Make a Shift towards a Healthier as well as Happier Life".

Our host Chiranjeev Malhotra leaped into the world of Biohacking and Nutrition about 10 years ago and has been thoroughly studying the same while venturing the globe extensively. He presents you with the most inspiring stories in this series covering Psychology, Mindfulness and Spirituality. If you struggle with myths about health and personal development, this Podcast is for you.

This Podcast Series covers intriguing topics such as Biohacking, the Keto Diet, Fasting and more providing the listeners the best methodologies, hacks and tips to make their fitness journey less complex and more fun. It aims to provide the most prominent ways in taking you a stride nearer to mastering your health and wellness experience. Each enlightening episode is brimming with ideas to inspire and uplift.

Join in on this fun and fact-filled series while learning from the best in the business.

Subscribe and start your prosperity adventure on the correct foot.

Shift with CJ Chiranjeev Malhotra

    • Educación

The Shift with CJ Podcast Series is for those who would like to dive deep into a world of health and wellness. Featuring interviews and conversations with the world-leading experts, the Podcast seeks to empower listeners to “Make a Shift towards a Healthier as well as Happier Life".

Our host Chiranjeev Malhotra leaped into the world of Biohacking and Nutrition about 10 years ago and has been thoroughly studying the same while venturing the globe extensively. He presents you with the most inspiring stories in this series covering Psychology, Mindfulness and Spirituality. If you struggle with myths about health and personal development, this Podcast is for you.

This Podcast Series covers intriguing topics such as Biohacking, the Keto Diet, Fasting and more providing the listeners the best methodologies, hacks and tips to make their fitness journey less complex and more fun. It aims to provide the most prominent ways in taking you a stride nearer to mastering your health and wellness experience. Each enlightening episode is brimming with ideas to inspire and uplift.

Join in on this fun and fact-filled series while learning from the best in the business.

Subscribe and start your prosperity adventure on the correct foot.

    The Hidden Dangers of EMF - Protect Yourself NOW!

    The Hidden Dangers of EMF - Protect Yourself NOW!

    Welcome to the Shift with CJ podcast! In this episode, CJ delves into the hidden dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from everyday devices and how they can impact our health. With extensive research and biohacking strategies, CJ provides valuable insights and practical tips to protect yourself and your loved ones from EMF radiation.
    Key Takeaways:
    Understanding EMF:EMF radiation comes from devices like Wi-Fi, cell towers, phones, laptops, and other electronics.EMF exposure can excite cells, increasing calcium levels via voltage-gated calcium channels, leading to cellular damage and health issues such as infertility, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and accelerated aging.Vulnerability of Children:Children are ten times more vulnerable to EMF radiation, affecting their bone marrow significantly more than adults.Exposure can scramble brainwaves, causing sleep and cognitive problems.Research Findings:Radiation levels have increased by 1 quintillion times over the past century.Over 90% of the world's cell phones exceed acceptable radiation standards.EMF can initiate cellular aging in just five seconds.Biohacking Strategies:Use wired or air tube headphones to reduce EMF exposure from audio devices.Maintain a safe distance from electronic devices, and use airplane mode when possible.Consider using EMF detectors to measure and manage exposure levels.Protective Measures:Install negative ion generators to counteract EMF.Use EMF protectors like Q Shield and bio geometry products.Minimize signal strength by turning off 5G/4G when not needed and switching off Wi-Fi at night.Hardwire your home with Ethernet cables to eliminate Wi-Fi radiation.Use anti-radiation clothing, blankets, and even paint your room with anti-radiation paint for added protection.Practical Tips to Implement Today:
    Switch to Wired Headphones:Reduce EMF exposure by using wired or air tube headphones instead of wireless ones.Create Distance:Keep electronic devices, especially phones and laptops, at a safe distance from your body and use airplane mode when possible.Turn Off Wi-Fi at Night:Decrease EMF exposure during sleep by turning off Wi-Fi routers at night.Use EMF Detectors:Invest in an EMF detector to monitor and manage the levels of radiation in your environment.Install Negative Ion Generators:Use negative ion generators to neutralize EMF in your living spaces, promoting a healthier environment.EMF radiation is unavoidable, but by understanding its impact and taking steps to mitigate exposure, you can protect yourself and enhance your well-being. Implement these biohacking strategies for a healthier lifestyle.
    Stay informed and take control of your health!
    For more on health risks, sustainable choices, and biohacking tips, follow us on social media and visit ShiftwithCJ.com. Start your journey towards a healthier, safer lifestyle now!

    • 5 min
    Daily lesson - Dopamine hacking

    Daily lesson - Dopamine hacking

    This episode focuses on dopamine, a critical neuromodulator in our brain that plays a significant role in motivation and reward systems.
    Key Points Discussed:
    Understanding Dopamine: Dopamine is released during activities, not just upon achievement but also in anticipation, driving goal pursuit and motivation.Role of the Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex, involved in setting contexts and pursuing ambitions, connects closely with the dopamine system to steer actions.Reward Prediction Error: Dopamine levels rise when approaching goals and drop if missed, helping to combat procrastination and boost motivation.Cues and Motivation: Signals of progress spike dopamine levels, and enjoyable activities with rewards further enhance motivation.Impact of Substances: Mixing enjoyable activities with substances like caffeine can amplify experiences but may cause energy crashes, so moderation is key.Dopamine Dynamics: Baseline dopamine levels drive motivation, with environmental cues causing peaks and drops that create a loop of desire and pursuit, so avoiding extremes, especially drugs like cocaine, is crucial to prevent addiction.Actionable Tips: Engaging in daily activities like early cold exposure and using supplements like L-tyrosine (cautiously with stimulants) can sustain motivation.Overcoming Procrastination: Making tasks more challenging than procrastination and engaging in activities like cold showers or intense workouts can propel action.Intrinsic Motivation: Finding joy in the effort process itself is essential to avoid burnout from dopamine peak-inducing behaviors.Further Reading: For more insights into dopamine and its role in addiction, read "Dopamine Nation" by Dr. Anna Lembke.Key Takeaways:
    Dopamine Drives Motivation: Understanding how dopamine works can help you stay motivated and chase after your goals effectively.Environmental Cues Matter: Small signals indicating progress can keep you motivated. Use them to your advantage.Moderation with Substances: Be cautious with substances that release dopamine, like caffeine, to avoid diminishing your zest for activities.Daily Foundational Activities: Incorporate cold exposure and possibly L-tyrosine to maintain high dopamine levels and motivation.Overcome Procrastination: Use challenging activities to make the effort more appealing than procrastination.5 Things to Start Doing Today:
    Set Small, Achievable Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller tasks and celebrate each achievement to maintain motivation.Incorporate Cold Exposure: Start your day with cold showers or ice baths to boost dopamine levels and stay motivated for hours.Moderate Dopamine-Releasing Substances: Be mindful of caffeine and other stimulants. Use them in moderation to maintain energy levels and enjoyment.Use Environmental Cues: Surround yourself with cues that signal progress toward your goals. This can be as simple as a checklist or a progress chart.Engage in Enjoyable Activities: Find activities you genuinely enjoy and ensure you get rewards for them, but avoid over-relying on these rewards to keep the activity pleasurable.Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Shift with CJ.

    • 5 min
    The TRUTH Behind Why You're Stuck in Life: Govind Haridas Explains!

    The TRUTH Behind Why You're Stuck in Life: Govind Haridas Explains!

    In this enlightening episode, CJ welcomes Govind Haridas, a mindset reprogramming and spirituality coach. Govind shares his journey from a successful corporate career to becoming a spiritual guide, offering listeners profound insights into overcoming life's challenges and attaining inner peace.
    Key Discussion Points:
    Govind's Journey:Transition from corporate life to spirituality.Encounter with an enlightened master in India.Emphasis on holistic living and scientific spirituality.Mindset Reprogramming and Spirituality:Definition and importance of mindset reprogramming.Spirituality beyond retirement; applied spirituality.Govind's transformation through spiritual practices.The Role of a Master:Sticking with a spiritual master for guidance.The impact of spiritual shopping vs. dedicated practice.Examples of renowned masters and their teachings.Connection to Source/God:Establishing a physical and intellectual connection to the divine.The experience and significance of the third eye opening.Pineal gland's role in spiritual awakening and altered states of consciousness.Managing Relationships and Emotions:Common struggles in relationships and emotional management.Techniques to overcome emotional turmoil and enhance mental well-being.The importance of gratitude and detachment from materialistic outcomes.Key Takeaways:
    Holistic Approach to Life:Success is not just about material achievements but also includes health, relationships, and spiritual fulfillment.Role of Energy in Life:Understanding and managing bio-magnetic energy to attract positivity and repel negativity.Embracing Spiritual Practices:Meditation and mantras like "Om" and "Ho'oponopono" for cleansing negative emotions and connecting to higher consciousness.Perspective on Challenges:Shifting from a victim mentality to a creator mindset, using challenges as opportunities for growth.Spiritual and Material Balance:Integrating spiritual practices with material pursuits for a fulfilling and balanced life.5 Practical Tips to Improve Your Life:
    Daily Meditation Practice:Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and meditate for at least 10 minutes daily. Focus on your breath or use a mantra like "Om" to calm the mind.Practice Gratitude:Start and end your day by listing things you are grateful for. This helps shift focus from what you lack to what you have.Use Ho'oponopono Mantra:When faced with anger or conflict, silently repeat "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you" to cleanse negative emotions.Detachment from Outcomes:Work towards your goals with passion but detach from the results. Understand that not everything will happen on your timeline.Connect to Source:Cultivate a deep, personal relationship with the divine. Let your life revolve around this connection, providing a stable foundation amidst life's changes.

    • 50 min
    Dimitry Willems: The Mind and Muscle Behind HHP's

    Dimitry Willems: The Mind and Muscle Behind HHP's

    In this episode of The Shift with CJ, CJ interviews Dimitry Willems, a pioneer in the biohacking industry with over 20 years of experience. Dimitry shares his journey and the evolution of biohacking, emphasizing the importance of movement, sleep, and mental health. The episode covers various biohacking techniques, the science behind HHP products, and practical tips for improving overall well-being.
    Twenty years ago, Dimitry and Bruno started with a vision to enhance home health, creating a mattress that not only alleviates back pain but now also incorporates technology for broader wellness benefits. As sedentary lifestyles dominate, Dimitry highlights the necessity of minor daily movements for health, emphasizing the role of environmental and behavioral habits in combating the indoors' sedentariness.
    Highlighting sleep's pivotal role in wellness, Dimitry notes that improving sleep quality is a core benefit of their products, crucial for both decision-making and overall health. He links happiness directly to energy levels, crediting endorphins and detailing how their innovations have transformed his energy and recovery.
    In addressing weight management, Dimitry points to the confluence of technology and dietary habits, like intermittent fasting, for effective results. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, he stresses the importance of embracing AI and personal growth in navigating business dynamics.
    Finally, Dimitry advocates for instilling healthy habits early, focusing on diet and advocating for personalized education to foster children's unique abilities, setting a foundation for lifelong health and happiness.

    Key Takeaways
    Movement Matters: Incorporate small movements throughout your day to improve mobility and overall health.Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to support your decision-making and well-being.Boost Happiness: Focus on activities and relationships that bring joy and positive energy into your life.Strengthen Social Connections: Build and maintain strong social ties to enhance your happiness and longevity.Embrace Continuous Learning: Always seek ways to improve yourself and your business practices, leveraging new technologies like AI.5 Things You Can Start Doing Today
    Take Small Steps: Aim for at least 10,000-15,000 steps a day. Use a standing desk or take calls while walking.Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Create a sleep-friendly environment with minimal distractions. Consider biohacking tools like HHP’s sleep systems.Practice Gratitude and Happiness: Start each day by listing things you’re grateful for. Engage in activities that make you happy.Connect with Loved Ones: Reach out to friends and family regularly. Strengthen your support network.Reflect and Improve: Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what you did well and what you can improve. Make small adjustments for continuous growth.Instagram: dimitry_willems

    • 1h 5 min
    The Miracle Morning inspired by Hal Elrod's bestselling book

    The Miracle Morning inspired by Hal Elrod's bestselling book

    Join CJ as he dives into the incredible world of the "Miracle Morning" routine, inspired by Hal Elrod's bestselling book. Discover how simple morning habits can transform your life and set a positive tone for your day.
    Key Points:
    Introduction to Miracle Morning:
    The Miracle Morning Magic: Learn how millions have changed their lives with this powerful morning routine.Hal Elrod's Journey: Discover Hal's inspiring story of overcoming a near-death experience and how it led him to create the "Miracle Morning."Core Lessons from Hal Elrod’s Journey:
    Take Charge of Your Life: Understand the importance of taking ownership and responsibility.Turn Challenges into Success: Find out how facing adversities head-on can lead to amazing achievements.Life is an Adventure: Embrace a mindset of possibilities and control your life's narrative.The Life S.A.V.E.R.S. Acronym:
    CJ breaks down the S.A.V.E.R.S. practices that form the core of the Miracle Morning routine:
    Start with Stillness: Begin your day with meditation, prayer, or quiet reflection.Benefits: Gain clarity, calmness, and a deeper connection to your purpose.Affirmations:
    Power of Positive Talk: Boost your confidence with daily affirmations.Crafting Tips: Learn how to write effective affirmations and the importance of repetition.Visualization:
    Mental Rehearsal: Imagine your goals and the steps to achieve them.Practical Tips: Visualize both the process and the outcomes you desire.Exercise:
    Get Moving: Energize your body with morning exercise.Health Benefits: Discover how exercise improves mood, focus, and overall health.Reading:
    Daily Learning: Make a habit of reading for personal growth.Simple Goal: Read at least 10 pages a day to expand your knowledge.Scribing (Journaling):
    Write it Down: Journal your thoughts, goals, and reflections.Gain Clarity: Use journaling to organize your mind and set daily intentions.Forming New Habits:
    Three Stages of Habits: Unbearable, uncomfortable, and unstoppable.Push Through: Overcome the initial discomfort to make new habits second nature.Quick Start Plan:
    For those with busy mornings, here’s a 25-minute Miracle Morning routine:
    Hydrate: Drink water first thing.5 Minutes Silence: Meditate or sit quietly.5 Minutes Visualization: Picture your perfect day.10 Positive Affirmations: Write and read them.3 Minutes Intentions: Set your goals for the day.5 Minutes Exercise: Get your body moving.5 Minutes Reading: Read something uplifting.Takeaways:
    Transform your life with the Miracle Morning routine. Start small, gradually build your routine, and set a positive tone for the day. Experience the transformative benefits in personal growth and well-being.

    • 20 min
    Biohacking Secrets with James Jones

    Biohacking Secrets with James Jones

    Episode Overview:
    In this episode of the Shift with CJ podcast, CJ interviews James Jones (JJ), an elite biohacker, head coach, triathlete, CrossFit enthusiast, and performance coach based in Dubai. They delve into various aspects of biohacking, fitness, and longevity, sharing valuable insights and practical tips for optimizing health and performance.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Biohacking and Altitude Training:Explanation of VO2 max and its importance in aerobic fitness.Benefits of altitude training, include increased red blood cell count and enhanced oxygen transportation.Personal anecdotes from CJ's training with JJ at an altitude conditioning program.Components of Aerobic Fitness:Breakdown of oxygen utilization (mitochondria efficiency) and oxygen transportation (heart rate, stroke volume, red blood cell density).Discussion on the physiological responses to altitude training and its impact on heart rate and fitness levels.Safety and Effectiveness of Altitude Training:Recommendations for who should consider altitude training based on VO2 max levels.Advice on the appropriate use of altitude training for peak performance.Longevity and Functional Age:JJ's functional age model incorporates body composition, strength, flexibility, VO2 max, heart rate reserve, and health markers (blood pressure, uric acid, cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobin).Discussion on the natural decline of VO2 max and strength after age 35 and strategies to mitigate this decline.Individualized Training Programs:Importance of personalized data and testing in creating effective training programs.Examples of how individualized programs address specific weaknesses in clients.Biohacking Basics and Practical Tips:Starting points for those new to biohacking, including sleep tracking, exercise, hydration, and nutrition.The role of wearables like Apple Watch, Garmin, and Huawei in monitoring health metrics.Blood Work and Supplementation:Importance of annual blood tests to monitor health markers.Discussion on supplements like NAD, NR, and their benefits for aging and cellular health.Insight into Brian Johnson's biohacking approach and his use of black box experiments.Emotional Wellness and HRV:The impact of emotions on HRV and overall health.JJ's background in psychology and neuroscience and its application in biohacking.JJ's Triathlon Journey:JJ's experiment of training for a triathlon with only one hour of training per week.His progression and success in triathlon competitions.The benefits of steady-state cardio for overall health and performance.Quick Fire Round:
    JJ shares the most valuable health and performance lesson he learned this year: the importance of steady-state cardio.
    Follow James Jones on @dubiohacker

    • 47 min

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