131 episodios

The Cosmic Matrix Podcast is hosted by Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue. Together, they explore various topics relating to spirituality, psychology, esotericism, self-work, embodiment, relationships, the occult, and hyperdimensional realities as well as current events in light of the evolution of consciousness and the process of awakening in order to transcend the Matrix. Periodically, they’ll have guests on the show as well.

The Cosmic Matrix Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

    • Religión y espiritualidad

The Cosmic Matrix Podcast is hosted by Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsue. Together, they explore various topics relating to spirituality, psychology, esotericism, self-work, embodiment, relationships, the occult, and hyperdimensional realities as well as current events in light of the evolution of consciousness and the process of awakening in order to transcend the Matrix. Periodically, they’ll have guests on the show as well.

    Spiritual Psychology and Astrology w/ Mark Jones | TCM #132 (Part 1)

    Spiritual Psychology and Astrology w/ Mark Jones | TCM #132 (Part 1)

    Laura and Bernhard talk to astrologer, psychotherapist, and author Mark Jones about Spiritual Psychology and Evolutionary Astrology and why we need a more holistic psychos-spiritual approach in self-work and the therapy space. Mark talks about the pitfalls of dogmatic traditional astrology when not combined with psycho-spiritual work, the trap of working on the false self, the issue with mainstream self-help and generic coaching, PsychoSynthesis, the shadow side and future of astrology, and more.

    Mark's website: markjonesastrology.com

    Show Notes Part 1:

    * The limitation of using astrology without psycho-spiritual work

    * Mark's journey and how he got into spiritual psychology and evolutionary astrology

    * The limitation of classic psycho-analysis

    * Mark's experience of studying with David Hawkins and what he learned

    * The map of consciousness and how people live out specific states of consciousness

    * The importance of the will and willingness

    * The will in spiritual work is different than the will of the ego

    * The issue with mainstream self-help (Tony Robbins, etc) and generic coaching

    * The trap of working on the wrong/false self

    * Personality vs Essence

    * Quality vs. Quantity

    * Astrology and the potential for Psycho-Spiritual work

    * Mistaking gathering intellectual information for the work and understanding

    * Mark's experience with Gurdjieff's work

    * Mark's take on Pluto in Aquarius and the splitting of humanity

    * Assigioli and PsychoSynthesis

    * The necessity for psychological work AND spiritual work

    * The necessity to aspire to the Divine

    * The real war is within

    In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

    * Mark's experience of studying Evolutionary Astrology with the founder, Jeffrey Wolf-Green

    * The uniqueness of evolutionary astrology in the context of soul evolution and Pluto transits

    * Mark's approach to evolutionary astrology

    * Collective evolution, history, and the planetary nodes

    * A person's birth chart becomes "alive" by the level of consciousness it is lived out

    * The issue with traditional "black and white" astrology and predictive astrology

    * The space-time moment of a birth chart

    * Astrology and Cosmic Paranoia

    * When astrologers take the birth chart too seriously with their black-and-white literal interpretations

    * Embracing the Unknown

    * The danger of astrology when in the hands of an incompetent "overconfident" astrologer

    * The shadow side of astrology

    * The necessity of combining astrology with PsychoSpiritual work

    * The level of being of the astrologer determines the quality of the reading

    * The limitation of taking any one modality/teaching as the sole foundation

    * Truth is a pathless land

    * The future of astrology

    * Information and stimulation overload, the loss of creativity, and the way out

    Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to access the membership section (including the membership forum.)

    [Intro and outro music clip by Seeded Vision]

    • 48 min
    Facing Cancel Culture With Courage | TCM #131 (Part 1)

    Facing Cancel Culture With Courage | TCM #131 (Part 1)

    The current climate of cancel culture is affecting people's lives and mental health in all sorts of detrimental ways. People are afraid of having conversations. They are scared of sharing their opinions in fear that someone or some group of people will decide that they are "problematic" and go on a campaign to ruin their lives.

    In this podcast, Bernhard and Laura discuss the emergence of cancel culture, how canceling links in with the idea of cultural Marxism, and how it has characteristics of Mao's struggle sessions of the Cultural Revolution and Orwell's "Two Minutes of Hate."They explore how cancel culture links to the BLM and now Palestine protests, the issue of mobs of social justice warriors, and some tips on how to face cancel culture with courage.

    In the Second hour, Laura and Bernhard explore this issue from an esoteric occult perspective, how cancel culture and cultural Marxism tie into the concept of wetiko, occult forces, entity possession, thought form hive mind entities, and egregores. They share personal stories about getting canceled and how they handled it. They also talk about how it links into Pluto in Capricorn and Totalitarianism (on both sides, left and right), how it relates to Pluto generations coming of age, how to step into your courage, raise your consciousness, and much more.

    Show Notes Part 1:

    * Cancel culture is a form of social ostracization and social isolation - Canceling creates a social environment of fear

    * People lose jobs, lose friends, lose their business because a group of people has decided to disapprove of them or find them offensive

    * "The issue is never the issue. The issue is revolution"

    * How the pro-Palestine protests have been hijacked by Neo-Marxists (see also past podcast: Israel, Palestine, and War – A PsychoSpiritual & Occult Perspective | TCM# 118

    * The witch hunt of J.K. Rowling (she got "canceled" by the Christian Right and the Woke Left)

    * Cancel culture first emerged in the early 2000s on Tumbler

    * The issue with "accountability" according to someone else's values and ideology

    * Why canceling is a primary tool of cultural Marxism (ties into Neo-Marxism and Critical Social Justice)

    * Mao's Cultural Revolution in the 60s

    * Mao's Red Guards were comprised of university and high school students - a type of "mob justice"

    * Mao's Cultural Revolution and Red Guards are very similar to what cancel culture and "social justice warriors" are today

    * The psychological pressure of "bystanders" and how people censor and cancel themselves

    * Struggle sessions were a way that Mao used to gain compliance and to make sure everyone had the right political opinions

    * How today's cancel culture on social media, campuses, and workplaces is an extension of Mao's "Struggle Sessions"

    * Palestine is being used as another Trojan horse for the cultural Marxist agenda

    * There are now "cancel mobs" regarding the issue of Palestine. Mobs of social justice warriors are convinced that in order to "decolonize" the world, they must cancel people en masse who they feel aren't "speaking up enough"

    * Socially engineered Palestine protests on campuses and in major cities are manipulating naive people as "useful idiots" by hijacking their idealism and compassion

    * How people take on neo-Marxist Woke language like an NPC program

    * James Lindsay's excellent explanation of what struggle sessions are and how it ties into Cancel Culture

    * The weaponization of social accountably and selling your soul

    * Courage is the antidote to the cancel culture

    * Courage is a crucial gateway to higher states of consciousness

    • 56 min
    How Can We Heal This Polarized World? | TCM #130 (Part 1)

    How Can We Heal This Polarized World? | TCM #130 (Part 1)

    People are becoming more extreme in their positions while projecting onto the other side, blaming them for everything that's wrong with the world. But there is also, in the midst of this, a group of people who are not identifying with either side. These people, in Carl Jung's words, are holding the tension of opposites.

    In this podcast, Laura and Bernhard discuss how we can heal this polarized world by being the ones who can hold the tension of opposites. They talk about what it means to hold the tension of opposites, how it relates to shadow work and individuation, the dangers of identifying with one polarized side of the opposites, how it relates to the esoteric concept of igniting the alchemical fire within and more.

    Show Notes Part 1:

    * The polarization in the world seems to be increasing exponentially

    * Extreme forms of tribal and group identifications on all sides

    * Holding the tension of opposites is necessary on the path of individuation

    * How holding the tension of opposites relates to Shadow Work

    * Paradox has a profound spiritual meaning to it

    * Most people in this world can't hold paradoxes - instead, they revert to a one-sided position in order to feel more secure

    * The alchemical Axiom of Maria and how a new state of consciousness emerges by holding the tension of opposites

    * The point of the opposites is they temper and restore each other, rather than one overcoming the other

    * The madness of trying to "get rid of the other side"

    * It’s harder to hold the tension when we are emotionally invested in an issue

    * Laura's story of swinging between left and right (politically) to holding the tension of opposites

    * How to hold the tension of opposites and how it relates to "conscious suffering"

    * With a lack of sincere introspection, you don't know who you really are

    * The true Self lies beyond like and dislike, attraction and repulsion, preference and rejection

    * The misconceptions about shadow work

    * The difference between conscious suffering (necessary for spiritual work) and unconscious/mechanical suffering (keeping you "in the matrix")

    * The esoteric concept of igniting the alchemical fire within to "fuse the magnetic center within" [the real "I"] via holding the tension of opposites within

    * Most people lack the capacity and attention span for true introspection

    * The esoteric idea of different false "I's" and IFS

    * The Law of Chance/Accident and how to "exit the matrix"

    * Holding the tension of opposites is a painful process hence, most people project externally

    * According to Carl Jung, we need at least a "leading minority engaged in the inner work" to "avoid a global catastrophe"

    In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

    * Not holding the tension of opposites makes the other side you oppose grow in consciousness [via shadow propjection]

    * Example: Self-righteous “reborn” Christians calling everything that is not “Christian” demonic are actually channeling evil

    * Example: Lauren Southern – how her trad-life turned toxic

    * The pathology of the online trad-life ideology

    * The positive side of early feminism

    * The abuse of women in the manosphere and the popular trad movement

    * Her breakthrough when holding the tension between opposites (feminism vs traditional wife)

    * Bernhard’s example of holding the tension of opposites

    * The prerequisite for holding the tension of opposites and how to avoid psychological splitting

    * The law of three based on the esoteric traditions

    * Each activity is the result of a triad,

    • 50 min
    Detransitioning, Sub-personalities and Spirit Attachments w/ Layton | TCM #129 (Part 1)

    Detransitioning, Sub-personalities and Spirit Attachments w/ Layton | TCM #129 (Part 1)

    Laura and Bernhard talk to Layton about her journey of de-transitioning. Having left a religious cult and then the cult of gender ideology, she is passionate about educating others about mental health, healing, and spirituality in a way that is founded on the principles of Occult Science and heavily emphasizes personal autonomy, wholeness, embodiment, and self-transformation.

    Layton shares her experiences, what caused her to de-transition, how trauma, sub-personalities, and spirit attachments played a role, how she healed, and her advice for anyone who is or who you may know who is going through something similar.

    Layton's links:

    - Website: https://psychicsomatic.com

    - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PsychicSomatics

    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/origina1ange1


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    A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work To Embody Your True Self

    with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue


    Show Notes Part 1:

    * Layton's background

    * The importance of somatic work for psychic development

    * Trauma, dissociation, addiction, and Layton's experience in a religious cult

    * Layton's Near Death Experience and hitting rock bottom

    * Encounters with demonic entities from the lower astral realm

    * Layton seeing a therapist and being diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder (DID)

    * Layton's Introduction to Occult Science

    * Layton being encouraged by a therapist to embrace that part of her that feels like a man and change her gender

    * Sub-personalities [based on Trauma] and entities/spirit attachments that "inspired" her to "become a man"

    * Layton's confusion and how the gender clinic ignored her hesitancy and pressured her to change her gender via hormone therapy

    * Layton's physical and psychic experiences once she started the process

    * The detrimental effects of testosterone therapy

    * Different kinds of entity attachments and how they enter us

    * How earthbound spirit attachments of the opposite sex result in gender confusion

    * How locations can be hosting locations for entities

    * The social contagion of transgenderism and gender diversity

    * The importance of knowing the difference between a wounded part of yourself as opposed to an entity attachment

    * Any entity attachment/inference needs an entry point

    * How Layton learned to protect herself from entity interferences via somatic work

    * How artwork, used things/furniture, and clothes can contain malevolent energies

    * The teaching function of the occult hostile forces

    * There is a necessity to recognize the spiritual reality with the psychological work

    In Part 2 (only for members),

    • 59 min
    Eclipses – Endings, Beginnings, And The Changes Ahead | TCM #128 (Part 1)

    Eclipses – Endings, Beginnings, And The Changes Ahead | TCM #128 (Part 1)

    Laura and Bernhard do a deep dive into the topic of eclipses in light of the April 8th total solar eclipse that will move across the US. They discuss the long-term effects of the eclipse and the spiritual and occult esoteric significance of eclipses (and the moon) in general, the specific lessons of the April 8th eclipse, the outer events associated with it, and why it's necessary to do your healing work during this next cycle.

    In the second hour, they talk about the various shamanic, spiritual, and religious views of eclipses and how they relate to the lesson of facing evil and the opportunities they hold. They share deep insights about the upcoming Mars-Saturn conjunction, the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that starts a new 14-year cycle, and much more.



    A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work To Embody Your True Self

    with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

    NEW DATES: May 6th– August 12th, 2024

    Limited to 35 people – By Application Only

    UPDATE: 0 spots left - this round is full


    Show Notes Part 1:

    * Basic ideas and introduction to eclipses

    * What is so special about the April 8th solar eclipse? (it will have effects for years to come)

    * Many planets that will be activated by this eclipse

    * The foreshadowing of the 2017 eclipse

    * Outer world events on April 8th:

    * NASA rockets "Serpent Deity" and the APEP project (same name as an ancient Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder)

    * Rare sighting of the "Devil Horns" comet

    * CERN being re-activated

    * The superficial misconceptions about eclipses and cosmic paranoia

    * The Navajo beliefs about solar eclipses

    * Why it is not beneficial to look at the eclipse from a spiritual occult perspective

    * The Esoteric concept of "Food for the Moon"

    * Important points to understand about the eclipse

    * Eclipses are linked to karmic, fated events

    * Eclipses start a process of transformation

    * Chiron being activated by the eclipse

    * Why it's necessary to do your healing work during this period

    * From cosmic paranoia to pronoia

    * Eclipses can bring huge endings and new beginnings.

    * Laura and Bernhard share personal experiences with sudden loss and inner realizations around the lunar eclipse.

    * An inspiring example of how to face death and uncertainty like a spiritual warrior

    In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

    * Rudolf Steiner's view of the evil aspect of eclipses

    * How to work with evil

    * Texas may experience massive changes over the next year - ties into the Pluto Return of the US

    * Spiritual and Religious beliefs about eclipses

    * The shamanistic perspective

    * The Greeks and Egyptians viewed eclipses as a bad omen

    * The Hindu tradition and rituals to minimize the negative effects of eclipses

    * Judaism and the malefic effects of eclipses

    * Islamic writings on eclipses recognize their power for evil and punishment

    * The "I Ching" or Chinese Book of Changes seems to have the clearest understanding of how eclipses work in history

    * Buddhists believe that the subtle energies of the body are depleted during an eclipse

    * More themes of Eclipses

    * The Mars-Saturn conjunction

    • 51 min
    How To Embody Your Soul | TCM #127 (Part 1)

    How To Embody Your Soul | TCM #127 (Part 1)

    We live in the materialistic age where most people identify with their bodies, beliefs, and personalities. They don't know themselves beyond the superficial persona with all its programmed identifications, desires, and biological drives. We see the rise of superficially at the cost of essence, depth, and substance.

    People are lost and don't know who they are. They mistake the fake persona they identify with for their true soul being and, hence, are easily manipulated by seen and unseen forces.

    In this episode, Laura and Bernhard discuss the necessity of soul embodiment, what it means, how to do it, how it relates to true freedom, Divine Will, and much more.



    A 14-week Private Online Group Coaching Program in Psychological and Spiritual Self-Work

    with Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue

    Limited to 35 people – By Application Only

    "I was drawn to Laura and Bernhard's program because I felt there was no comparable program that offered the in-depth, comprehensive body of work, teachings, and applicable practices to cover all areas of physical reality (esoteric teachings, fundamentals of the matrix, universal laws, evolutionary astrology), psychological holistic healing modalities, spiritual healing modalities and tools, bodywork practices, and so much more.

    The program was everything I hoped for and so much more. Laura and Bernhard practice what they teach and embody what they help guide others through in terms of practical tools and modalities to help anyone along their conscious path of growth and soul evolution."

    - KATE R.


    Show Notes Part 1:

    * The materialistic age and Rudolf Steiner's warning

    * The necessity for soul embodiment to counteract the soul-harvesting agenda

    * The true meaning of embodiment and the misconceptions

    * What is the soul?

    * Emotions are the gateway to access soul qualities

    * The process of soul embodiment

    * How soul embodiment relates to soul purpose

    * The ultimate inner guidance system

    * Signs of being more connected to your soul and essence

    * Living from the soul (Self) is the ultimate protection from occult forces and psychic attacks

    * The difference between soul essence and personality

    * Steps on how to embody your soul and live from Essence

    * Armoring, head-centric living (dissociation), and unconscious defense mechanisms keep us disconnected from soul qualities

    * How the therapy space has become hijacked by the woke Left, and the conservative right is throwing out the baby with the bathwater

    In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

    * Soul fragmentation and how trauma disconnects you from your soul

    * Why inner child work is crucial for soul embodiment

    * How we create a false persona, identify with it, and mistake it for our soul being

    * The process of soul retrieval

    * The issue of Stoicism and "toughen up"

    * How pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs (including Cannabis) can numb the emotional body and disconnect us from the soul

    * The trap of intellectualizing the process

    * Parents need to be in touch with their own souls and engage in inner work for the sake of their children, especially nowadays!

    * Analytical talk therapy vs. somatic therapy

    * How soul embodiment relates to true Freedom and alignment with Divine Will

    * The ego lives under the illusion of "free will"

    • 54 min

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