3 min

01/15 TOP NEWS|习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世‪界‬ 魔都英语新闻丨ShanghaiLive

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NEWS ON 01/15
DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust
破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界
DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust
破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界
Hi andwelcome to another China Buzzwords - I'm Timothy Pope.
嗨,欢迎收看China Buzzwords,我是Timothy Pope
The 54thWorld Economic Forum is getting under way in the luxurious Swiss ski resort ofDavos. And we're going to bring you a couple of videos this week examining thisannual event.
第 54 届世界经济论坛正在瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯举行。本周,我们将为您带来几段视频,探讨这一年度盛事。
The themeof this year's WEF is 'Rebuilding Trust'. It's an interesting theme since manyof those attending are the ones whose trust rating among ordinary people hasplunged so sharply in recent years. Trust in leaders who have presided overslowing global growth. Trust in billionaires perceived as exploiting andexpanding global inequality. Trust that both these groups can work together tomake the future better for everyone.
今年世界经济论坛的主题是 "重建信任"。这是个有趣的主题,因为许多与会者都是近年来在民众中信任度急剧下降的人,那些导致全球经济增长放缓的领导人的信任,被认为利用和扩大全球不平等的亿万富翁的信任。相信他们能够携手合作,为每个人创造更美好的未来。
Buildingthat kind of trust is a tall order.
Securingeconomic growth has always been one of the WEF's aims, but it says it'slaunching a campaign to balance growth with social and environmental prioritiestoo. One of the forum's recent studies of 107 global economies found that mostof them are not growing in socially inclusive or environmentally sustainableways. It's also identified misinformation and disinformation【虚假信息】as the most severe global risk in the shortterm as it's been the most significant factor in the erosion of public trust.
The WEF-- the people at the top of global society -- seems to be acknowledging thatthey need to rebuild the public's trust that they're still a force willing andcapable of making the world a better place.
Anotherthing that's going to be up for plenty of discussion is economic and monetarypolicy. Financial markets remain completely obsessed with interest rates, andwhen major central banks like the US Fed and the ECB might start to bring themdown. Many consider this a key step towards shifting back to global growth.
Therewill also be sideline meetings trying to deal with issues ranging from the conflicts in Gazaand Ukraine. With high-level delegations【代表团】 from China, the United States, Ukr

NEWS ON 01/15
DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust
破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界
DAVOS: China's Premier to deliver aspecial address as world leaders and big business seek to rebuild trust
破解时代之问 引领发展之路——习近平主席在达沃斯论坛的演讲和致辞深刻启迪世界
Hi andwelcome to another China Buzzwords - I'm Timothy Pope.
嗨,欢迎收看China Buzzwords,我是Timothy Pope
The 54thWorld Economic Forum is getting under way in the luxurious Swiss ski resort ofDavos. And we're going to bring you a couple of videos this week examining thisannual event.
第 54 届世界经济论坛正在瑞士滑雪胜地达沃斯举行。本周,我们将为您带来几段视频,探讨这一年度盛事。
The themeof this year's WEF is 'Rebuilding Trust'. It's an interesting theme since manyof those attending are the ones whose trust rating among ordinary people hasplunged so sharply in recent years. Trust in leaders who have presided overslowing global growth. Trust in billionaires perceived as exploiting andexpanding global inequality. Trust that both these groups can work together tomake the future better for everyone.
今年世界经济论坛的主题是 "重建信任"。这是个有趣的主题,因为许多与会者都是近年来在民众中信任度急剧下降的人,那些导致全球经济增长放缓的领导人的信任,被认为利用和扩大全球不平等的亿万富翁的信任。相信他们能够携手合作,为每个人创造更美好的未来。
Buildingthat kind of trust is a tall order.
Securingeconomic growth has always been one of the WEF's aims, but it says it'slaunching a campaign to balance growth with social and environmental prioritiestoo. One of the forum's recent studies of 107 global economies found that mostof them are not growing in socially inclusive or environmentally sustainableways. It's also identified misinformation and disinformation【虚假信息】as the most severe global risk in the shortterm as it's been the most significant factor in the erosion of public trust.
The WEF-- the people at the top of global society -- seems to be acknowledging thatthey need to rebuild the public's trust that they're still a force willing andcapable of making the world a better place.
Anotherthing that's going to be up for plenty of discussion is economic and monetarypolicy. Financial markets remain completely obsessed with interest rates, andwhen major central banks like the US Fed and the ECB might start to bring themdown. Many consider this a key step towards shifting back to global growth.
Therewill also be sideline meetings trying to deal with issues ranging from the conflicts in Gazaand Ukraine. With high-level delegations【代表团】 from China, the United States, Ukr

3 min