1h 21 min

28. The Sumida River Romeo Japanglish Chat

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Episode Description:

Mako’s hospitalized with the Coronavirus and everything that happened in the hospital. How the pandemic has created even more loneliness in Japan’s elderly population. Is Tokyo’s samurai past the reason why they have a reputation for being less friendly than other cities in Japan? Why does Japan still hold on to the emperor system and what does he do? Challenging Japanese public holidays. How is valentine's day celebrated in Japan? The origins of the Godiva chocolatier name. Looking for Line dates on the Sumida River.









Vocabulary Power

Apple - Ringo - りんご

Squeaky - GYUGYU - ぎゅうぎゅう

Snack - Okashi - おかし

Expensive - Takai - たかい

Once in a while - Tamani - たまに


Email: JapanglishChat@gmail.com

Visit us: https://www.JapanglishChat.com

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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-F-gqEREeXwkwmt7uFwB0Q



Episode Description:

Mako’s hospitalized with the Coronavirus and everything that happened in the hospital. How the pandemic has created even more loneliness in Japan’s elderly population. Is Tokyo’s samurai past the reason why they have a reputation for being less friendly than other cities in Japan? Why does Japan still hold on to the emperor system and what does he do? Challenging Japanese public holidays. How is valentine's day celebrated in Japan? The origins of the Godiva chocolatier name. Looking for Line dates on the Sumida River.









Vocabulary Power

Apple - Ringo - りんご

Squeaky - GYUGYU - ぎゅうぎゅう

Snack - Okashi - おかし

Expensive - Takai - たかい

Once in a while - Tamani - たまに


Email: JapanglishChat@gmail.com

Visit us: https://www.JapanglishChat.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/japanglishchat

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/japanglishchat

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-F-gqEREeXwkwmt7uFwB0Q

1h 21 min