1h 26 min

87. Legend of the Drunken Master 1 1/2 Movie Mumble

    • Avaliações de filmes

Madness has come to Movie Mumble. One host short, two hosts who've watched one of the Drunken Master films, but not the same one, and Joel who chose this month trying to connect the strands between the two like Spider-Man in front of a train. For this month watch Drunken Master (1978), or Legend of Drunken Master (1994) or watch neither for the Hard Mode Setting!

Madness has come to Movie Mumble. One host short, two hosts who've watched one of the Drunken Master films, but not the same one, and Joel who chose this month trying to connect the strands between the two like Spider-Man in front of a train. For this month watch Drunken Master (1978), or Legend of Drunken Master (1994) or watch neither for the Hard Mode Setting!

1h 26 min