1h 1m

Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright : Part 2 Reichian-Orgonomy Therapist DISCOVER JOYOUS LOVE with Anita DeFrancesco

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Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright Part 2 : Reichian Orgonomy Therapist

DiscoverJoyousLove Podcast Episode #49 Anita DeFrancesco Host  


This is an educational Teach-in about the human psychological process.

I am here with my guest: Bond Wright, MA, CRT, CTA, CM

https://wrightbodymindtherapy.com⁠⁠ 310-450-3396

…Bond Wright is a fourth- generation Reichian Therapist.

…This means she was trained by two generations away from the FIRST Reichian Therapist:  Dr. Wilhelm Reich himself,

the creator of Reichian Orgonomy Therapy.

…She was trained at the California Family Study Center Reichian Training Program for Professionals, Burbank, Ca.

…She was also trained Dr. Henry Hill, an Orgonomist. Dr. Hill was trained by Elsworth Baker, Dr. Baker was tained by Dr. Reich.

… She was academically education in California.

…She is a trainer and has trained Therapists in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Denmark, San Francisco and London working

…with them and their client population developing healing strategies.

…She was a member of an 18-- person Therapist Training Program at the Santa Monica Therapy Center in the 70’s.

…She is a university lecturer and has lectured at various universities and Human Potential Growth Center here and Europe.

…She is a Certified Transactional Analysis Counselor.  TA was developed by Dr. Eric Berne, Carmel, Ca.

…REV. Bond is an ordained    minister with The Association For The
Integration Of The Whole Person (AIWP)  and 1).teaches cross-cultural
anthropological spirituality.


…Opening deep, powerful emotions and the SOMATIC  life of the body.

…Life Management

…Existential dIs-enchantment

…Depression and loss

…self-realization and Identity crisis

…Addiction and substance abuse

…Marriage/relationshipping  and conflict-resolution

…Human sexuality

…Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

…The Creative Process  as it relates to acting, music, art, writing, etc.

Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright Part 2 : Reichian Orgonomy Therapist

DiscoverJoyousLove Podcast Episode #49 Anita DeFrancesco Host  


This is an educational Teach-in about the human psychological process.

I am here with my guest: Bond Wright, MA, CRT, CTA, CM

https://wrightbodymindtherapy.com⁠⁠ 310-450-3396

…Bond Wright is a fourth- generation Reichian Therapist.

…This means she was trained by two generations away from the FIRST Reichian Therapist:  Dr. Wilhelm Reich himself,

the creator of Reichian Orgonomy Therapy.

…She was trained at the California Family Study Center Reichian Training Program for Professionals, Burbank, Ca.

…She was also trained Dr. Henry Hill, an Orgonomist. Dr. Hill was trained by Elsworth Baker, Dr. Baker was tained by Dr. Reich.

… She was academically education in California.

…She is a trainer and has trained Therapists in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Denmark, San Francisco and London working

…with them and their client population developing healing strategies.

…She was a member of an 18-- person Therapist Training Program at the Santa Monica Therapy Center in the 70’s.

…She is a university lecturer and has lectured at various universities and Human Potential Growth Center here and Europe.

…She is a Certified Transactional Analysis Counselor.  TA was developed by Dr. Eric Berne, Carmel, Ca.

…REV. Bond is an ordained    minister with The Association For The
Integration Of The Whole Person (AIWP)  and 1).teaches cross-cultural
anthropological spirituality.


…Opening deep, powerful emotions and the SOMATIC  life of the body.

…Life Management

…Existential dIs-enchantment

…Depression and loss

…self-realization and Identity crisis

…Addiction and substance abuse

…Marriage/relationshipping  and conflict-resolution

…Human sexuality

…Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

…The Creative Process  as it relates to acting, music, art, writing, etc.

1h 1m