
Break the Habit of Judging Sacred Rebels

    • Autoajuda

In this episode we discuss: 

-Examples of how we judge and catch our judgements

-Gene Key #18 Shadow of Judgement can be transmuted through Integrity

-Book Reference  “Judgement Detox” by Gabrielle Burnstein

Step 1- Witness your Judgement without Judgement

Step 2 Honor the wound

Step 3 Start Praying and surrender the judgment

Step 4 See Someone for the first time

Step 5 Bring the shadows into the Light

-Witnessing our judgement without judgement. Make it fun and get yourself a judgement partner to help hold yourself accountable.

-Honor the wound when feelings come up and recognize it is something about myself I am rejecting.

-Using language that supports our growth and realizing that we GET to look at our wounding instead of viewing it as a burdon and something we “have to do” in order to move forward in life. We get to take ownership of how we FEEL. Noone is making us feel any certain way.

-We dont need to understand or know where and why each judgement comes from. Its okay to just NOTICE it, HONOR it and say a PRAYER to release it.

-“Today I will judge nothing that occurs” Mantra and Intention to help release judgement


-The Spirit Accepts and the Ego analyzes

-EFT Tapping for energy release and cord cutting. Oils ( Tea Tree, Oregano and frankincense). Speaking. Writing. Sage. Drumming. Move and dance. Music. Sleeping

-BODY BREAK Prayer A Prayer for honoring grace by Pixie Lighthorse


Book- Prayers of honoring voice

In this episode we discuss: 

-Examples of how we judge and catch our judgements

-Gene Key #18 Shadow of Judgement can be transmuted through Integrity

-Book Reference  “Judgement Detox” by Gabrielle Burnstein

Step 1- Witness your Judgement without Judgement

Step 2 Honor the wound

Step 3 Start Praying and surrender the judgment

Step 4 See Someone for the first time

Step 5 Bring the shadows into the Light

-Witnessing our judgement without judgement. Make it fun and get yourself a judgement partner to help hold yourself accountable.

-Honor the wound when feelings come up and recognize it is something about myself I am rejecting.

-Using language that supports our growth and realizing that we GET to look at our wounding instead of viewing it as a burdon and something we “have to do” in order to move forward in life. We get to take ownership of how we FEEL. Noone is making us feel any certain way.

-We dont need to understand or know where and why each judgement comes from. Its okay to just NOTICE it, HONOR it and say a PRAYER to release it.

-“Today I will judge nothing that occurs” Mantra and Intention to help release judgement


-The Spirit Accepts and the Ego analyzes

-EFT Tapping for energy release and cord cutting. Oils ( Tea Tree, Oregano and frankincense). Speaking. Writing. Sage. Drumming. Move and dance. Music. Sleeping

-BODY BREAK Prayer A Prayer for honoring grace by Pixie Lighthorse


Book- Prayers of honoring voice
