47 min

Category Creation with Priya Rajan, Head of Marketing at DataVisor CMO Stories

    • Marketing

Building a new brand is difficult enough, but creating an entire category is the stuff of marketing legend. Priya Rajan brings an outsider's perspective to the topic, having started in Engineering and transitioned into a marketing leader for innovative, category defining technology company. In this episode, she explains how she searches for the breadcrumbs those early believers leave behind, and how you turn them into your best brand evangelists.

Building a new brand is difficult enough, but creating an entire category is the stuff of marketing legend. Priya Rajan brings an outsider's perspective to the topic, having started in Engineering and transitioned into a marketing leader for innovative, category defining technology company. In this episode, she explains how she searches for the breadcrumbs those early believers leave behind, and how you turn them into your best brand evangelists.

47 min