40 min

Child Behavior Explained: Why They Do What They Do Kungfu Momma Show 功夫媽媽秀

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Often times we expect our children to listen to us, while we haven't been listening to them and what is going on developmentally for them.  Allana Robinson Registered Early Childhood Educator, Developmental Specialist, and Parenting Coach breaks down the developmental leaps that children 2-7 years old go through and help parents understand why their children are misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. With over 15 years of experience in the early childhood behavior management space, Allana also shares with us several common parenting misconceptions that can completely transform the way we think about parenting. "One of the reasons of why I do what I do is because parents were making decisions based on bad information, old information."  Tune into this week's podcast to really find out what's going on in your child's brain.  

很多時候,我們都希望孩子乖乖聽我們的話,而我們卻時常忽略他們的意見以及他們的發展情況。 Allana Robinson 是位註冊幼兒教育家、幼兒發展專家也是育兒教練,她打破了 2-7 歲兒童經歷的飛躍期,幫助父母了解他們的孩子行為不合適的原因以及如何在不大吼大叫,羞辱或暫停他們的娛樂的情況下解決問題。憑藉在幼兒行為管理領域超過 15 年的經驗,Allana 還與我們分享了一些日常生活中常見的育兒小錯誤,瞭解並修正這些誤解可以完全改變我們對育兒的看法。 「我之所以從事我的工作的原因之一是因為新手父母常常根據不確定的信息、老舊信息做出決定。」收聽本週的Podcast,來真正了解各位孩子大腦中正在發生的事情。

For more info 更多訊息:www.allanarobinson.com

Often times we expect our children to listen to us, while we haven't been listening to them and what is going on developmentally for them.  Allana Robinson Registered Early Childhood Educator, Developmental Specialist, and Parenting Coach breaks down the developmental leaps that children 2-7 years old go through and help parents understand why their children are misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. With over 15 years of experience in the early childhood behavior management space, Allana also shares with us several common parenting misconceptions that can completely transform the way we think about parenting. "One of the reasons of why I do what I do is because parents were making decisions based on bad information, old information."  Tune into this week's podcast to really find out what's going on in your child's brain.  

很多時候,我們都希望孩子乖乖聽我們的話,而我們卻時常忽略他們的意見以及他們的發展情況。 Allana Robinson 是位註冊幼兒教育家、幼兒發展專家也是育兒教練,她打破了 2-7 歲兒童經歷的飛躍期,幫助父母了解他們的孩子行為不合適的原因以及如何在不大吼大叫,羞辱或暫停他們的娛樂的情況下解決問題。憑藉在幼兒行為管理領域超過 15 年的經驗,Allana 還與我們分享了一些日常生活中常見的育兒小錯誤,瞭解並修正這些誤解可以完全改變我們對育兒的看法。 「我之所以從事我的工作的原因之一是因為新手父母常常根據不確定的信息、老舊信息做出決定。」收聽本週的Podcast,來真正了解各位孩子大腦中正在發生的事情。

For more info 更多訊息:www.allanarobinson.com

40 min