32 min

Ep. 71: Why we mourn the deaths of celebrities and public figures Cafecito Podcast

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In this episode, Xoel Cardenas and Yvette Cruz discuss why we mourn celebrities and public figures that we don’t know personally. The two share their own experiences mourning athletes, actors and musicians, and talk about the role social media now plays when someone dies.

Follow Cafecito and its hosts on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSLCafecito
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Xoel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/XoelCardenas
Yvette on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YvyCruz

In this episode, Xoel Cardenas and Yvette Cruz discuss why we mourn celebrities and public figures that we don’t know personally. The two share their own experiences mourning athletes, actors and musicians, and talk about the role social media now plays when someone dies.

Follow Cafecito and its hosts on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSLCafecito
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KSLcafecito
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kslcafecito/
Xoel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/XoelCardenas
Yvette on Twitter: https://twitter.com/YvyCruz

32 min