1h 21 min

Episode 131: Phantasy Star Online Special The Dreamcast Junkyard DreamPod

    • Videogames

You are now dialled in to a brand new DreamPod special on the Dreamcast's ultimate multiplayer killer app: Phantasy Star Online, or - in Lozz's words - "the greatest f***ing game in the world. Period." Back in 2001, PSO broke new ground by bringing an online RPG experience to console, but did you know that you can still play PSO online on your Dreamcast in 2024?Assembled in The Dreamcast Junkyard lobby this time round are Lozz, Mark (aka MazGamingUK), Brian and Harvey (aka Pizza Hotline) to t...

You are now dialled in to a brand new DreamPod special on the Dreamcast's ultimate multiplayer killer app: Phantasy Star Online, or - in Lozz's words - "the greatest f***ing game in the world. Period." Back in 2001, PSO broke new ground by bringing an online RPG experience to console, but did you know that you can still play PSO online on your Dreamcast in 2024?Assembled in The Dreamcast Junkyard lobby this time round are Lozz, Mark (aka MazGamingUK), Brian and Harvey (aka Pizza Hotline) to t...

1h 21 min