31 min

How Anger Can Fuel Positive Change with Maxine Ali In This Body

    • Saúde mental

What's one way to push against the systems of oppression that prey upon our shame and insecurities? Get angry! In this show, wellness journalist and linguist, Maxine Ali, has constructive conversations about anger, self-care, body neutrality, and the wellness world at large.
"The biggest thing you can do is just exist openly and not shrink yourself. Not reduce yourself to a palatable version of what other people want you to be. Not hide yourself or conform yourself to ideals that we've been socialized into pursuing." -Maxine Ali

What's one way to push against the systems of oppression that prey upon our shame and insecurities? Get angry! In this show, wellness journalist and linguist, Maxine Ali, has constructive conversations about anger, self-care, body neutrality, and the wellness world at large.
"The biggest thing you can do is just exist openly and not shrink yourself. Not reduce yourself to a palatable version of what other people want you to be. Not hide yourself or conform yourself to ideals that we've been socialized into pursuing." -Maxine Ali

31 min