41 min

Observing the Olympic Lifts The USA Weightlifting Podcast

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In today’s recording we talk about how it is easy, especially for a newcomer, to look at a lift and just see general speed or strength, or a made or missed attempt. But, if someone is trying to learn and best understand the Olympic lifts, where should or can they direct their eye when observing a snatch, clean, or a jerk? What should they notice? What is most important? Tune in to hear our suggestions on the topic. Enjoy the show!

In today’s recording we talk about how it is easy, especially for a newcomer, to look at a lift and just see general speed or strength, or a made or missed attempt. But, if someone is trying to learn and best understand the Olympic lifts, where should or can they direct their eye when observing a snatch, clean, or a jerk? What should they notice? What is most important? Tune in to hear our suggestions on the topic. Enjoy the show!

41 min