2 min

Rainy Day Fun(下雨天的乐趣‪)‬ Tierra讲故事 100个睡前英文故事

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One rainy day afternoon(一个下雨天的下午), my friend Sharon and I decided to play grocery store(我的朋友莎伦和我决定玩杂货铺的游戏). We went to the garage and set up four empty boxes for our shelves. (我们去了车库,搭了四个空箱子做我们的货架。)Mom let us have all the canned food from the pantry to play with.(妈妈允许我们把所有的罐装食物从储藏室里拿出来玩。) We wrote prices on little strips of paper and taped them to the cans.(我们在小纸条上写了价格,t贴在了罐子上。)We put our cash register on the old table in the garage. (我们把收银机放在了车库的旧桌子上。)Then we got some play money out of a game in my closet.(然后我们从壁橱里拿了一些玩具钞票。) Sharon made signs that said, " Green Beans: 3 cans for $1." (莎伦装腔作势地说道:”青豆1块钱3罐。“There were lots of brown paper bags in the kitchen(在厨房有好多棕色的纸袋子), so we took some to put the groceries in.(我们就拿出了一些把杂货放进去。)When our cousins came over(当我们的表兄弟过来玩的时候), we gave them some play money and let them be the customers(我们就给他们一些巢片让他们扮演顾客。). Then we traded places(然后我们再交换角色。). Who cares if it rains when you are having so much fun?(当你这么开心的时候,谁还会在乎下雨天呢?)
Word list:(词汇列表)
pantry: a storage area for food in the kitchen;(食品储藏室)
customers: people who buy thinks in stores.(顾客)

One rainy day afternoon(一个下雨天的下午), my friend Sharon and I decided to play grocery store(我的朋友莎伦和我决定玩杂货铺的游戏). We went to the garage and set up four empty boxes for our shelves. (我们去了车库,搭了四个空箱子做我们的货架。)Mom let us have all the canned food from the pantry to play with.(妈妈允许我们把所有的罐装食物从储藏室里拿出来玩。) We wrote prices on little strips of paper and taped them to the cans.(我们在小纸条上写了价格,t贴在了罐子上。)We put our cash register on the old table in the garage. (我们把收银机放在了车库的旧桌子上。)Then we got some play money out of a game in my closet.(然后我们从壁橱里拿了一些玩具钞票。) Sharon made signs that said, " Green Beans: 3 cans for $1." (莎伦装腔作势地说道:”青豆1块钱3罐。“There were lots of brown paper bags in the kitchen(在厨房有好多棕色的纸袋子), so we took some to put the groceries in.(我们就拿出了一些把杂货放进去。)When our cousins came over(当我们的表兄弟过来玩的时候), we gave them some play money and let them be the customers(我们就给他们一些巢片让他们扮演顾客。). Then we traded places(然后我们再交换角色。). Who cares if it rains when you are having so much fun?(当你这么开心的时候,谁还会在乎下雨天呢?)
Word list:(词汇列表)
pantry: a storage area for food in the kitchen;(食品储藏室)
customers: people who buy thinks in stores.(顾客)

2 min