52 min

Testosterone and Fasting Insulin, Neu5Gc, Too Many Cals or Not Enough? | THRR180 The Healthy Rebellion Radio

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Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: 6 ways to LOWER LDL on Keto!
Tom Bilyeu Visibly Scared by Jordan Peterson's Warning of What’s Next
Tomas Pueyo on SO2 injection to stop global warming Show Notes: Coach Cinnamon Prime - Mindset Mastery Course
Uniquely human evolution of sialic acid genetics and biology
A Simple Method for Assessment of Human Anti-Neu5Gc Antibodies Applied to Kawasaki Disease
Testosterone levels and fasting insulin
Kevin writes:
Hey Robb and Nikki, I am 65 1/2 years young. The last couple of years my sex drive has not been like it had been (it comes and goes, but mostly goes). I did a self referred testosterone level test thinking my levels were low ( also was feeling sluggish and just not feeling quite like myself, but I was thinking that was from my age). To my surprise, my level came back at 1150! I have been taking a prostate supplement the last 6 months called Prostagenix. Before that I was taking flow-max for about 5 years and it just seemed to not be helping my symptoms (taking a lot longer to empty bladder and when I had the urge to go, I had to go, if you know what I mean!) so I switched to this natural supplement. It has a sterol blend on the supplement so I am thinking that maybe that is causing my elevated levels? I also googled it and seen that adrenal gland problems can also cause the high level. I had never had a testosterone level done before so I have nothing to compare this high level with. What are your thoughts on that?
Also I did a self referred fasting insulin test and it came back at 5.2. My last 2 fasting glucose test were at 112 and 117. I did a fasting A1C and it was 5.1. Just want to know if 5.2 is high and will lead to insulin resistance or am I there already? The test shows I am in the “normal” range between 2.4 and 26 something! I don’t trust what they think normal is.
I have been listening to you guys for a while now. I first heard of you when you were in the Tom Woods show and been following you since then! Keep up the great work!
Neu5 GC
Teresa writes:
Hi Robb and Niki I love your show and listen to it all of the time. I recently listened to Dr. Gundry speaking on Gabby Reese‘s podcast about Neu5 GC, which we get when we consume red meat. He says it causes inflammation and cancer, and that we should only eat it sparingly or only naturally fermented. Not exactly what I want to hear and I find it kind of hard to believe. I have cut out high fodmap vegetables, nightshades,high oxalate vegetables and I’ve adopted a higher protein diet, 1 g of protein per pound of desired body weight. Chicken is not my favorite and I find it hard to digest. Can you shed light on how much truth there is to this claim .
Thank you!
Am I Eating Too Much or Not Enough?
Jessica writes,
Hi Robb and Nicki,
Been listening to the podcast for a few years, and appreciate the content! Also love the way you interact with each other--the love and respect in your relationship comes through--it's encouraging!
My question is: Am I eating too much, or not enough?
For context, I'm 43 years old, 5'7, 211lbs, and while I am feeling better than I have in probably the last 5 years, I cannot get the scale to budge. My goal would be about 155 (I felt my best at this weight about 8 years ago)
I've spent the last 2 years working with a functional medicine practitioner who has helped me clear up some gut infections, mold, and sort out some other digestive concerns (constipation)
I've had all the tests: Dutch, GI Map, HTMA, OAT, full thyroid panel (not just TSH), and bloodwork. I'll mention that I'm MTHFR heterozygous, and FNP says based on HTMA, also a "slow oxidizer". Not sure how relevant those two things are to the question.
We redid the Dutch recently, and I do seem to be on the low side of progesterone, so she's having me supplement on days 1

Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS
Submit your questions for the podcast here News Topic: 6 ways to LOWER LDL on Keto!
Tom Bilyeu Visibly Scared by Jordan Peterson's Warning of What’s Next
Tomas Pueyo on SO2 injection to stop global warming Show Notes: Coach Cinnamon Prime - Mindset Mastery Course
Uniquely human evolution of sialic acid genetics and biology
A Simple Method for Assessment of Human Anti-Neu5Gc Antibodies Applied to Kawasaki Disease
Testosterone levels and fasting insulin
Kevin writes:
Hey Robb and Nikki, I am 65 1/2 years young. The last couple of years my sex drive has not been like it had been (it comes and goes, but mostly goes). I did a self referred testosterone level test thinking my levels were low ( also was feeling sluggish and just not feeling quite like myself, but I was thinking that was from my age). To my surprise, my level came back at 1150! I have been taking a prostate supplement the last 6 months called Prostagenix. Before that I was taking flow-max for about 5 years and it just seemed to not be helping my symptoms (taking a lot longer to empty bladder and when I had the urge to go, I had to go, if you know what I mean!) so I switched to this natural supplement. It has a sterol blend on the supplement so I am thinking that maybe that is causing my elevated levels? I also googled it and seen that adrenal gland problems can also cause the high level. I had never had a testosterone level done before so I have nothing to compare this high level with. What are your thoughts on that?
Also I did a self referred fasting insulin test and it came back at 5.2. My last 2 fasting glucose test were at 112 and 117. I did a fasting A1C and it was 5.1. Just want to know if 5.2 is high and will lead to insulin resistance or am I there already? The test shows I am in the “normal” range between 2.4 and 26 something! I don’t trust what they think normal is.
I have been listening to you guys for a while now. I first heard of you when you were in the Tom Woods show and been following you since then! Keep up the great work!
Neu5 GC
Teresa writes:
Hi Robb and Niki I love your show and listen to it all of the time. I recently listened to Dr. Gundry speaking on Gabby Reese‘s podcast about Neu5 GC, which we get when we consume red meat. He says it causes inflammation and cancer, and that we should only eat it sparingly or only naturally fermented. Not exactly what I want to hear and I find it kind of hard to believe. I have cut out high fodmap vegetables, nightshades,high oxalate vegetables and I’ve adopted a higher protein diet, 1 g of protein per pound of desired body weight. Chicken is not my favorite and I find it hard to digest. Can you shed light on how much truth there is to this claim .
Thank you!
Am I Eating Too Much or Not Enough?
Jessica writes,
Hi Robb and Nicki,
Been listening to the podcast for a few years, and appreciate the content! Also love the way you interact with each other--the love and respect in your relationship comes through--it's encouraging!
My question is: Am I eating too much, or not enough?
For context, I'm 43 years old, 5'7, 211lbs, and while I am feeling better than I have in probably the last 5 years, I cannot get the scale to budge. My goal would be about 155 (I felt my best at this weight about 8 years ago)
I've spent the last 2 years working with a functional medicine practitioner who has helped me clear up some gut infections, mold, and sort out some other digestive concerns (constipation)
I've had all the tests: Dutch, GI Map, HTMA, OAT, full thyroid panel (not just TSH), and bloodwork. I'll mention that I'm MTHFR heterozygous, and FNP says based on HTMA, also a "slow oxidizer". Not sure how relevant those two things are to the question.
We redid the Dutch recently, and I do seem to be on the low side of progesterone, so she's having me supplement on days 1

52 min