The Church of Cultural Compromise Redemption Hill Church | Sermons

    • Cristianismo

Revelation 2:12-17 | Bret Capranica

Compromise is especially dangerous because it doesn’t require you to wholly reject Christ. Adding in a bit of the world here and there inoculates us to the true evil and peril in which we are participating. Let us instead look clearly upon the judgment we risk adding in false worship to our relationship with God. And above all, let us gaze ever more steadfastly upon our glorious savior who sustains us in the face of temptation!

Revelation 2:12-17 | Bret Capranica

Compromise is especially dangerous because it doesn’t require you to wholly reject Christ. Adding in a bit of the world here and there inoculates us to the true evil and peril in which we are participating. Let us instead look clearly upon the judgment we risk adding in false worship to our relationship with God. And above all, let us gaze ever more steadfastly upon our glorious savior who sustains us in the face of temptation!