27 episódios

The School for Mystics is a coaching platform for everyone who seeks the truth

The School for Mystics The School for Mystics

    • Religião e espiritualidade

The School for Mystics is a coaching platform for everyone who seeks the truth

    Episode #27. Trying on coaches’ thoughts

    Episode #27. Trying on coaches’ thoughts

    When you meet people that are grounded, that evidently know what they want, that are experiencing life in a unique and deeply happy way, you cannot just pass by.

    - You want to talk to them.
    - Something in you is called to understand the way they think of life and what choices that point of view helps them make.
    - You are inspired to try their thoughts on for size, to live with them for some time, to discover what is true for you and see unconscious ways in which you are limiting yourself.

    Coaches can be this kind of people. Their guidance can help us see truth in the subject we are interested in.

    In this new episode you may find the answers to questions you’ve never even considered or didn’t even know you had.. Misha and Marina share their minds generously.

    You will understand:
    - Why you don’t need your past.
    - What happens when you are not in need of something in particular.
    - The difference between therapy, coaching, teaching and consulting, and what identifies a coach that can really and deeply transform you.
    - What can make you feel free and allow your mind to go to the most amazing places.

    The episode is really worth listening to.

    • 27 min
    Episode #26. Spiritual and physical clash

    Episode #26. Spiritual and physical clash

    We are all somehow looking for a better experience of life, but we often miss the fact that when we want to buy a bigger house or a better car, we are actually chasing the feelings we believe will come from that activity.

    And yet, if you’ve been listening to Misha and Marina’s podcasts enough, you probably know that given the thought/experience connection, any experience is available to us at any given moment.

    How can we then reconcile the fact that we are still looking for something more? Should we choose to give up our desires, or can we find a way to pursue our aspirations in life without forgetting we are already complete?

    In this contrarian episode, Marina and Misha explore the distinctions between spiritual and physical goals, bringing clarity to the way the illusions of our mind can be manifested into life more powerfully.

    From this podcast you will learn:
    - How to direct yourself to a full spectrum experience.
    - Whether thoughts can elate you to the same level physical experience can.
    - How we can help the present emerge for ourselves.

    There is still much uncovered truth about life, you can unveil it for yourself, listening to this episode.

    Leave your mind open and take advantage of the new insights that can come.

    • 43 min
    Episode #25. Sobering clarity

    Episode #25. Sobering clarity

    This episode is a big question in itself.

    Because we recognise that questions and curiosity are tools to help us get the information we need to have a better collaboration with life, that a state of openness and receptivity is necessary to access guidance, in this episode, we bring you vivid examples of the way we find clarity, but also offer seeds of explorations that lead to personal clarity and insight.

    Before you start listening, here are two questions for you to consider:
    1. Have you ever experienced clarity?
    2. What decisions have you made from this state?

    Yes, when you find the source of your very own music, when the tone is not interrupted by anything else, you start dancing. The same happens with clarity. And from clarity, we gain new information that points to the next step in our growth.

    - But how can we get centered and find clarity?
    - Do we need it all the time?
    - How do we get information from that deeper place beyond our intellect and awaken our innate wisdom?

    All the answers are in this new episode with Misha and Marina.

    And if by any chance you find that in the middle of the dialogue you feel like you’ve figured out how things work and what you should do… don’t make fast conclusions: listen up to the end.

    Go deep, find the source, feed from it. Allow the wisdom to guide you from that clarity.

    • 31 min
    Episode #24. Experience behind the “I”

    Episode #24. Experience behind the “I”

    When a baby is born, it has a pure experience of life. It’s identity, the “I” or ego, does not exist yet. For some time at least, the child simply takes life as it is.

    Later on, however, ego appears. From the creation of identity onwards, it is precisely through this sense of “I” that the experience everybody calls “personal” happens. Personal thoughts and personal feelings that, overtime, create a personal story… A story that is also influenced by millions of thoughts and desires of other people -parents, siblings, culture, media-

    If you have previously listened to Marina and Misha’s podcasts, you probably remember that every human emotion is created by a thought in real time.

    In episode #24 Marina and Misha go even deeper to find out more about the creation of personal experience..

    In this episode you will learn:
    - If it is possible to have pure experience after the birth of “I”,
    - What does a pure experience feel like,
    - In what moment does the story appear and how it begins to affect us,
    - What happens when you resist your thoughts.

    You will see the dance between the rational and the intuitive mind inside of you and probably understand when and how you can use them purposely.

    Go for it!

    • 49 min
    Episode #23. Coping mechanisms

    Episode #23. Coping mechanisms

    What does the expression “to cope” mean to you? Are you aware that you -and everyone around you- have been developing coping mechanisms throughout your life? How does that happen? How does a coping mechanism work? Think about it for a second before you continue reading...

    For some people, coping with emotions they don’t want to feel looks like escaping from them and isolating themselves from people and circumstances that evoke these feelings. For others, it looks like self-destructive behaviour or chasing extreme experiences.

    The modern world is certainly interesting in terms of the bashing amount of coping mechanisms it offers, always inviting us to run away from ourselves. We inadvertently build a reality in which the biggest threat is to feel… and the struggle feels very real.

    In this episode Marina and Misha will explore unknown paths for your thoughts and emotions...

    You will understand:
    - how to see the difference between a real threat and an imaginary one.
    - why in order to avoid rejection we create a situation where we can be rejected.
    - how understanding the design of the human mind helps to cope with undesired emotions.
    - why the inner struggle is always optional and how you can realize this impactful truth.

    Allow your feelings to flow freely through you, release them all and uncover a new experience full of joy.

    • 39 min
    Episode #22. Pleasures people chase to feel good

    Episode #22. Pleasures people chase to feel good

    Human beings experience. This is a universal truth. But not only do we have experience, we need it, we thrive on it, and sometimes, we crave extreme ones.

    However, out of the whole plethora of human experience, there are certain things we definitely want to feel while there are others we are desperately trying to avoid feeling, and will go to extreme lengths to accomplish just that.

    In this episode Misha and Marina dive deep into this very provocative topic in order to find out why some people can be perfectly happy without masturbation, drugs, self-injury or certain sex practices , while others are throwing themselves head first into those extreme experiences.

    In this episode, you may find answers to the following questions:
    - Is actively seeking these experiences a way to escape certain difficult emotions, avoid other experiences, or just an attempt to live new, exciting things?
    - Do these practices really satisfy a human need or do they end up creating an even more intense lack of contentment?
    - How to deal with such “hunger”?
    - What changes our relationship with all the “shoulds” and “shouldn'ts” we live with?

    You may even be surprised by finding out how the second law of Newton can help you understand the reasons behind human behaviour..

    The episode is really worth listening to.

    • 20 min

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