1h 40 min

The Star Bright Project Season 2, Episode 11: A Portrait for Troian The Star Bright Project

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Hey Leapers. Join Michelle, Hayden and myself as we talk about A Portrait for Troian. This episode stars Debra Pratt herself with a guest appearance by the man, Donald

Sam leaps into a "Ghostbuster" and must save the beautiful Troian.

Available as usual at the usual haunts.

Most podcatchers (let me know if it's not on yours)

Directly at: https://anchor.fm/starbright

Be sure to let me know what you think. Contact us via:

E-mail: StarBright@Headspeaks.com

Twitter: Headcast Network

Or on our Facebook group:

or call us at 1-559-500-3182 and leave a message

Also is you like what we're doing, visit our Patreon page and throw a few bucks in the tin: http://patreon.com/HeadcastNetwork.

Hey Leapers. Join Michelle, Hayden and myself as we talk about A Portrait for Troian. This episode stars Debra Pratt herself with a guest appearance by the man, Donald

Sam leaps into a "Ghostbuster" and must save the beautiful Troian.

Available as usual at the usual haunts.

Most podcatchers (let me know if it's not on yours)

Directly at: https://anchor.fm/starbright

Be sure to let me know what you think. Contact us via:

E-mail: StarBright@Headspeaks.com

Twitter: Headcast Network

Or on our Facebook group:

or call us at 1-559-500-3182 and leave a message

Also is you like what we're doing, visit our Patreon page and throw a few bucks in the tin: http://patreon.com/HeadcastNetwork.

1h 40 min