65 episodes

I’m Jeff Walker, creator of Product Launch Formula® – THE formula that has generated over $1 billion in online sales.

I started my first online business in 1996 while I was a stay-at-home dad, and I’ve been teaching online marketing since 2003. Tens of thousands of students around the world – in hundreds of niches – have used my step-by-step methods to start and grow thriving online businesses.

In Dare to Launch, Chris Saunders and I will be having in-depth conversations about what’s working – and what’s not working – in online business. Listen in and learn from amazing entrepreneurs who are in the trenches building incredible businesses – while living the #launchlife.

Dare to Launch Jeff Walker

    • Business

I’m Jeff Walker, creator of Product Launch Formula® – THE formula that has generated over $1 billion in online sales.

I started my first online business in 1996 while I was a stay-at-home dad, and I’ve been teaching online marketing since 2003. Tens of thousands of students around the world – in hundreds of niches – have used my step-by-step methods to start and grow thriving online businesses.

In Dare to Launch, Chris Saunders and I will be having in-depth conversations about what’s working – and what’s not working – in online business. Listen in and learn from amazing entrepreneurs who are in the trenches building incredible businesses – while living the #launchlife.

    Building Your Money Machine with Mel Abraham

    Building Your Money Machine with Mel Abraham

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    Join your hosts Chris Saunders and Jeff Walker in welcoming Mel Abraham to the show this week! Mel is a renowned entrepreneur, speaker, author, and expert in the field of financial freedom. A recurring theme this season has been the reality that entrepreneurship, and really success in general, is hardly ever a straight line. And Mel’s story is yet another fascinating testament to that truth. In recounting his difficult journey from a working-class childhood to multi-millionaire entrepreneur, it seems like almost every major success was prelude to a period of difficulty. And instead of getting beaten down by these hard moments, he chose to pick himself up, learn from his mistakes, and push forward. Realizing he’d worked so hard he missed out on years of his son’s childhood was the first blow. Losing millions to a Ponzi scheme was the second. Discovering he had bladder cancer in 2019 was the third. But he was able to navigate all of the above and more because of his lifelong commitment to building what he calls the Money Machine. In today’s chat, Mel acts as financial guru and walks Jeff and Chris through how he built the money machine that has saved his life multiple times over. Even if you’re already a pro at money management, Mel’s story is a fascinating case study in self-awareness, proactive thinking, and the triumph of the human spirit. We highly recommend picking up a copy of Mel’s new book “Building Your Money Machine.”
    Key topics discussed: 
    Money and Freedom: Mel discusses the popular misconception that money will bring you freedom and happiness in life, and how that’s not always the case. 
    The Value of Hardship: As has become a theme this season, Mel shares some important hardships and how they helped him become a better person. 
    Financial Harmony: Another popular misconception is the idea of work-life balance. Mel reframes this concept as “financial harmony,” why it’s different, and how it works.
    Talking About Money: Many people are afraid to even discuss money and as Mel sees it, breaking down that barrier is the first step to financial liberation. 
    Resisting Temptation: When revenue starts to come in, people tend to want to dramatically level up their lifestyles. Mel lays out the smart way to level up. 
    Key takeaways: 
    Money is not the key to freedom. You can be rich and have no absolutely no control of your time or lifestyle. 
    Your relationship with money is literally a relationship. If you become passive in that dynamic, the relationship will wither. 
    You have to enjoy the journey to financial freedom or you won’t enjoy the end result. Rewarding yourself responsibly must be part of the process. 
    We need to assign a job description to every dollar we make before we earn it. That means understanding exactly where your money is going to go at all times. 
    We need to say “I will” instead of “I want.” Those declarations help you understand how all of your actions pull you closer towards achieving your goals. 
    Resources Referenced in the episode: 
    Mel’s book “Building Your Money Machine.”
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    • 1 hr 15 min
    Marketing Humor: Stand-Up Comedy and Copywriting with Will Hamilton

    Marketing Humor: Stand-Up Comedy and Copywriting with Will Hamilton

    In today’s episode of Dare to Launch, Jeff Walker and Chris Saunders welcome the hilarious Will Hamilton to the show! Will is the founder of Fuzzy Yellow Balls, a hugely successful platform for online tennis classes taught by legends like The Bryan Brothers and Martina Navratilova. He’s also a bonafide stand-up comedian in Washington D.C., which is why today’s discussion centers around the connection between comedy writing and copywriting. In his experience, Will has found that humor can be a fantastic tool in copywriting when used correctly. He’s also found that joke structures mirror copywriting in a fascinating way, especially in terms of building and releasing tension. We also dive into the ways in which high-performance tennis mirrors high performance in the business world. And finally, Will shares a few golden nuggets he’s learned from churning out content over the years which we know you folks will really enjoy. As a skilled tennis player and entrepreneur, Will has tons of valuable insight into the mindset and discipline you need to put yourself out there and keep at it no matter what. 
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    Key topics discussed:
    Lessons from Tennis Pros: Working with tennis legends over the years has taught Will countless lessons about focus, discipline, and preparation. 
    Setting Goals: As Will started to find success as an entrepreneur, he found himself adjusting his goals and expectations to build the life he wanted to live. 
    Comedy and Copywriting: The craft of writing jokes is actually incredibly similar to the craft of writing copy. Will breaks down the similarities and differences. 
    The Content Grind: Will emphasizes that the only way to get better at making content is to keep at it, ignore the haters, and use the helpful comments to get better. 
    Key takeaways: 
    Certainty is a Necessity: Starting out as an entrepreneur is tricky, but you have to believe in yourself extra hard to overcome those initial struggles. 
    Play the game you want to win. Running a billion-dollar business involves massive sacrifice, so make sure you set the bar at the right level for you and your goals. 
    Humor is Valuable: If you’re able to be appropriately funny in a presentation or in your marketing you’ll stand out from the crowd. 
    Nobody Cares About You: Be willing to not be the best in the world right away. If your content flops, nobody saw it. Keep trying, tweaking, and reframing your ideas. 
    Got a question for us? 
    Go to DaretoLaunchShow.com to submit a voicemail with your question, and you might hear the answer on one of our next episodes!
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    • 1 hr 9 min
    Cultivating Resilient Leadership

    Cultivating Resilient Leadership

    Join your hosts Chris Saunders and Jeff Walker this week as they dive into an evergreen topic: mental resilience. Growing Product Launch Formula from a one-man operation to a robust 40-person team has taught Jeff countless lessons about leadership, communication, and organizational flow. And like any business venture, there have been peaks and valleys along the way. One of the biggest factors in Jeff’s success has been his ability to maintain a sense of mental resilience through thick and thin. Key to today’s discussion is a concept from the great Jim Collins book “Good to Great”: the Stockdale Paradox or “Stockdale Moment” as Jeff calls it. Collins believes that in difficult moments, great organizations and leaders thrive by maintaining unwavering belief in their mission and tackling challenges head-on. This idea has been a kind of north star for Jeff in times of struggle, with the COVID-19 pandemic serving as an important example. Jeff looks back on the hysteria and uncertainty of 2020, and how he tackled that moment of disorder and shepherded his company to the other side. He also offers up some other nuggets of wisdom he learned from traveling to Richard Branson’s island, from listening to Ex-Navy SEAL Jocko Willink’s podcast, and from reading Victor Frankl’s “The Man’s Search for Meaning.” Above all, Jeff explains that the key to resilient leadership is maintaining a progressive, forward-thinking perspective.
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    Key topics discussed: 
    The COVID-19 Pandemic: Jeff recalls the difficulties that Product Launch Formula went through in 2020 and how he was able to move forward. 
    Organizational Communication: In difficult times, Jeff believes strongly that we need to be able to emote and discuss freely within our organizations.  
    Jeff’s Love of Meditation: Jeff’s daily meditation practice has a ripple effect on how he acts in every situation throughout the day. 
    Perspective vs. On-the-Ground Knowledge: As the leader of the company, Jeff reflects on how he now has more perspective, but less information on the daily happenings of the company, and how leaders must be able to balance these two opposing forces.
    The Stories We Tell Ourselves: We’re all constantly creating self-mythologies about our lives. Jeff believes that we have the choice to make these narratives solution-based instead of problem-focused.  
    Key takeaways: 
    Mental resilience is experiencing a setback and understanding that it’s an event, it’s not who you are. 
    We need to address problems, but we can’t dwell on them. How do we move forward?
    As you move higher up in a company, you’re responsible for less daily tasks, but you’re responsible for more time. You have to become a visionary. 
    We have to remain inspired and positive at all times. Then when adversity rears its head, we’re ready to take it on. 
    True leaders must adopt a servant mentality. How can we best serve our team and our company?
    Resources Referenced in the episode: 
    “Good to Great” by Jim Collins
    “The Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl 
    Jocko Willink’s podcast “Jocko Podcast”
    Got a question for us? 
    Go to DaretoLaunchShow.com to submit a voicemail with your question, and you might hear the answer on one of our next episodes!
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    • 35 min
    Marketing Your Authentic Self with Michael Maidens

    Marketing Your Authentic Self with Michael Maidens

    Join your hosts Chris Saunders and Jeff Walker in welcoming Michael Maidens to the podcast this week! Michael is an entrepreneur, educator, and lifestyle creator. He also happens to be an incredibly skilled tennis instructor, and you’ll see why that’s worth mentioning shortly! Over the years, Michael has shepherded over 90 successful launches, helping all kinds of businesses, projects, and products get off the ground. In today’s episode, Chris and Jeff dig into Michael’s specialty: authenticity online. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the boom of the online knowledge-based economy, flocks of coaches, specialists, and creators have turned to developing coaching platforms. And in this increasingly crowded space, the key to standing out is all about showing the world exactly who you are through authentic marketing. As Michael sees it, there’s a bit of bravery required. Being your true authentic self online can be intimidating, but at the end of the day, all you really have to distinguish yourself from the pack is...you! Sure, there might be 50 other folks offering coaching for your expertise, but none of them are exactly like you. Leaning into your authentic self, and infusing that individuality into your marketing copy and your offer, is the key. There will be some roadblocks and risks along the way. And with this self-revelation often comes a fear of rejection. “What if people don’t like my true self?” That’s where bravery comes in. You have to keep trying. If you don’t succeed right out of the gate, the timing could be off! Or perhaps your copy just isn’t fully aligned with your personality. The more time you spend refining your offer and your copy to reveal your authentic self, the closer you’ll get to where you need to be. Above all, Michael preaches the importance of focusing on outcomes in your offer. We can’t just tell people how many videos or workbooks they’ll get with our services. People need a promise of what they will become at the end of the process. And if you can make that promise so exciting that people genuinely want to share it, you’re on the right track.
    For the Bonus Discussion with Michael: Text: BONUS2 to 1(888)-530-0282

    Key topics discussed: 
    Michael’s’ Story: How he went from a tennis pro to a visionary entrepreneur and how the lessons he learned from tennis apply to his work today.
    The Current Online Landscape: How our online arena has become ultra-competitive and what we can do to stand out. 
    The Product Launch Formula Effect: Jeff and Michael discuss how they met, how their relationship has grown, and how our live events and masterminds have impacted Michael’s journey. 
    Michael’s First Huge Success: Michael explains how a hugely successful documentary launch taught him a million lessons about marketing and set him on the right path. Plus, Jeff and Chris remind him that he accidentally invented the standard for documentary marketing. 
    Jeff’s Experience with Authenticity Online: Jeff walks us through the humble beginnings of his online newsletter in 1996 and how he learned the true value of authenticity. 
    Key takeaways: 
    Authenticity makes up for credentials. When you’re getting started, you might not have the necessary credentials to compete with other players. But what you do have is your personality and your individual perspective. Lean into that. 
    Authenticity is the most sustainable mode of communication in marketing. When you’re not forcing anything, your marketing will feel natural. You’re not ending your livestream or your webinar feeling like a fraud or a trickster. You just continue being yourself! 
    We don’t need to sell to everyone. No matter what your specific makeup might be as a person, there is an audience of people who want to hear from you. 
    Imposter syndrome is healthy. It’s a sign that you have heart, empathy, and you’re not blinded by arrogance. Reframe it as a gift.
    Visualize the outc

    • 1 hr 13 min
    Building Unstoppable Teams with Mike Michalowicz

    Building Unstoppable Teams with Mike Michalowicz

    Episode Overview:
    In this episode of "Dare to Launch," hosts Chris Saunders and Jeff Walker are joined by Mike Michalowicz. Mike is an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and author known for his innovative approaches to profitable business practices. His latest book, "All In," focuses on creating and leading high-performing teams. We’re big fans of Mike’s work and this new book is no exception. In today’s episode, Chris and Jeff pick Mike’s brain on his secret to employee training and development in 2024. Mike’s success has everything to do with the way he’s treated his employees over the years, and while his methodology might seem straightforward, it’s actually pretty revolutionary in solving employee retention issues. And it works! When Mike walks into the office, his employees don’t suddenly go dead quiet. And that’s because he builds a safe, comfortable dynamic with his team. He’s realized over time that when we force employees to comply, they will seek to defy. We need to redefine our relationships with our employees and understand how supporting their individual goals and happiness is beneficial for everyone involved. If we trust and support them, they’ll do the same for us. Mike has implemented key strategies to help his employees grow through his companies, often to the point where they end up evolving out of their current roles and moving onto new opportunities. And this is actually a net positive for any company as Mike sees it! The best way to get your team to buy into your goals is to support their goals on an individual level. Company growth and employee growth should operate in tandem, and Mike has tons of fun stories to show how and why that’s the case. 
    For the Bonus Discussion with Mike on “Hiring based on potential” TEXT: Bonus1 to 1(888) 530-0282 
    Get other bonuses & goodies in the Dare to Launch Bonus Vault at DaretoLaunchShow.com/taco 
    Key Topics Discussed:
    Mike Michalowicz's Background: Introduction of Mike as the force behind several multi-million dollar companies and the author of influential books like "Profit First" and "All In."
    The Genesis of "All In": How the challenges of the pandemic led Mike to prioritize writing "All In," focusing on overcoming difficulties in team dynamics, such as recruiting issues and the shift from desired to demanded workplace flexibility.
    Leadership and Learning: Mike discusses his journey from struggling leader to a more competent one, emphasizing that the best leaders often teach what they need to learn themselves.
    Employee Dreams and Aspirations: The importance of understanding and nurturing employees' individual dreams to inspire and retain top talent. Mike shares practical steps and examples of how to implement this in any business.
    Cultural and Tactical Adjustments for Remote Teams: Strategies for maintaining a strong team culture and high engagement, even with remote team members.
    Real-Life Examples from Mike's Experience: Mike shares anecdotes, including a memorable moment involving unconventional underwear choices during a critical business operation.
    Key Takeaways 
    Many people in the workforce have forgotten how to dream. We need to relearn the capacity to dream. Understand your employees’ dreams and figure out how to attach them to the work that they’re doing. 
    The typical mindset is “Do what you need to do at work. Your life is your life.” We’ve transcended that in 2024. What you do at work should help you progress your life goals. 
    Helping your employees get to the next level means that they might leave you. But that’s a good thing! Great leaders help people in their growth towards what they really want to do. It’s a fluid experience through the company. 
    If you treat employees well, they’ll put the word out for you when they leave. 
    We need to hire employees based on their potential. You don’t need to be looking for people who are rockstars now, you want to find the

    • 1 hr 11 min
    The TikTok Ban: Strategies to thrive in uncertain times

    The TikTok Ban: Strategies to thrive in uncertain times

    Join us for this enlightening episode of "Dare to Launch," where your hosts Chris Saunders and Jeff Walker dive deep into the recent buzz around the potential TikTok ban in the U.S. Congress. Amidst uncertainties and concerns, this episode sheds light on what the potential ban means for entrepreneurs, influencers, and the digital landscape at large.
    In this episode, Chris and Jeff discuss:
    The background of the TikTok ban and its implications for data privacy and national security, comparing U.S. and Chinese regulations on business data sharing
    The potential impacts on businesses, influencers, and users who rely heavily on TikTok for marketing, engagement, and community building
    Strategies for entrepreneurs and TikTok influencers to navigate the potential ban – including diversifying platforms and building more resilient business models
    The importance of building an audience you own, focusing on email lists and direct communication channels as more stable assets in your business toolkit
    Jeff shares insights from his extensive experience in digital marketing – emphasizing adaptability, resilience, and the power of building strong relationships within the industry
    Chris and Jeff explore the broader implications of social media platforms' lifecycle, the inevitability of change, and how to prepare for and adapt to these shifts
    Key takeaways:
    The "TikTok ban": Understanding the potential ban, its current status, and what it could mean for users and businesses alike
    Diversification and adaptability: The critical importance of not relying solely on one platform for your business or personal brand
    Building your asset: Why your email list is your most valuable asset and how to grow it effectively
    Navigating change: How to remain resilient and adaptable in the face of platform changes and bans.
    Resources Mentioned:
    TikTok user statistics 
    Learn how to build an email list and launch your own business online with Launch Quickstart – our free training at https://jeffwalker.com/ 
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    • 48 min

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