133 episodes

Who Is This Podcast For?

If you are thinking about starting, planning or launching an online business, OR, if you've hit a wall with getting clients and feeling overwhelmed, then tune in.

Do you need a roadmap for how to have a solid foundation for your business? The topics I cover are all under this one theme:

These are the things I needed to hear when I was starting out. Not having a solid plan in place could cost you a lot of money, time and frustration. I'll give you the same advice I give my paid coaching clients...for FREE.

Are you planning a second act for your life because of retirement or pending retirement? The small business world is very different than it used to be. Are you in the middle of a later in life pivot and you need to save a lot of time with your new business launch?

Starting an online business with a solid plan is essential for success in today's competitive world. With so many options for everyone to choose from, how will you stand out above the crowd and rise above the noise?

What will be your plan for success? Listen for a fresh perspective from someone that knows what the struggles are and how to overcome them. Listen for some motivation and a 'mindset reset' to help you keep moving forward and to have a perspective of expecting success.

What Will You Hear?

I'll go over the essential tips and strategies you will need to work through, step by step, what are defined as the Dream / Plan / Launch process, which will help you launch your personal brand business from the ground up. I'll go over topics relating to the '7 Basic Building Blocks of An Online Personal Brand Business':

1. Vision

2. Website

3. Product/Service

4. Marketing

5. Email List

6. Branding

7. Copywriting

I also cover through the process of multiple episodes, 'The 3 Systems You Need To Have To Get Clients':

Client Attraction System
Client Conversion System
Client Nurturing System

Listen in, also to some inspiring stories from others that took a bold step out of their comfort zone to pursue their dream of having their own online business.

About the Host

Podcast host, Tom Clairmont has been a Solopreneur for the past 20+ years in the United States and has a special focus on providing step by step personal brand, small business startup coaching, for those that are looking to become a full time or part time entrepreneur.

If you'd like some 1:1 or group coaching on how to start or grow your own personal brand business more efficiently and faster, you can sign up for an open time slot (or get on the waiting list) at: https://calendly.com/tomclairmont/45min

Solopreneur Success Path | Have A Profitable Online Business Tom Clairmont | Helping Solopreneurs Launch and Grow Their Business

    • Business

Who Is This Podcast For?

If you are thinking about starting, planning or launching an online business, OR, if you've hit a wall with getting clients and feeling overwhelmed, then tune in.

Do you need a roadmap for how to have a solid foundation for your business? The topics I cover are all under this one theme:

These are the things I needed to hear when I was starting out. Not having a solid plan in place could cost you a lot of money, time and frustration. I'll give you the same advice I give my paid coaching clients...for FREE.

Are you planning a second act for your life because of retirement or pending retirement? The small business world is very different than it used to be. Are you in the middle of a later in life pivot and you need to save a lot of time with your new business launch?

Starting an online business with a solid plan is essential for success in today's competitive world. With so many options for everyone to choose from, how will you stand out above the crowd and rise above the noise?

What will be your plan for success? Listen for a fresh perspective from someone that knows what the struggles are and how to overcome them. Listen for some motivation and a 'mindset reset' to help you keep moving forward and to have a perspective of expecting success.

What Will You Hear?

I'll go over the essential tips and strategies you will need to work through, step by step, what are defined as the Dream / Plan / Launch process, which will help you launch your personal brand business from the ground up. I'll go over topics relating to the '7 Basic Building Blocks of An Online Personal Brand Business':

1. Vision

2. Website

3. Product/Service

4. Marketing

5. Email List

6. Branding

7. Copywriting

I also cover through the process of multiple episodes, 'The 3 Systems You Need To Have To Get Clients':

Client Attraction System
Client Conversion System
Client Nurturing System

Listen in, also to some inspiring stories from others that took a bold step out of their comfort zone to pursue their dream of having their own online business.

About the Host

Podcast host, Tom Clairmont has been a Solopreneur for the past 20+ years in the United States and has a special focus on providing step by step personal brand, small business startup coaching, for those that are looking to become a full time or part time entrepreneur.

If you'd like some 1:1 or group coaching on how to start or grow your own personal brand business more efficiently and faster, you can sign up for an open time slot (or get on the waiting list) at: https://calendly.com/tomclairmont/45min

    Ep. 135: Why I Hired a LinkedIn Coach

    Ep. 135: Why I Hired a LinkedIn Coach

    Episode Summary:

    Today, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately: why I decided to hire a LinkedIn coach. You see, I've been on LinkedIn for years, but I never really tapped into its full potential until recently.

    It all started when I realized that despite my tech background and knack for DIY, there were certain areas where I could use some expert guidance. After researching various LinkedIn experts, I stumbled upon one whose content really resonated with me. I booked a free strategy session, and after chatting with him and seeing his track record, I was sold.

    Now, I'll be honest, the cost gave me pause at first. But after weighing the potential return on investment and consulting with my wife, we decided to take the plunge. And let me tell you, it's been one of the best decisions I've made for my business.

    Since enrolling in the coaching program, I've seen incredible growth in my LinkedIn presence and overall business. The personalized strategy, ongoing support, and practical guidance have been invaluable.

    So, why am I sharing this with you? Because I want you to know that seeking expert help isn't a sign of weakness—it's a smart business move. Whether it's LinkedIn coaching or support in another area, investing in specialized guidance can supercharge your growth and open up new opportunities.

    So, as you navigate your own entrepreneurial journey, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Trust me, it can make all the difference. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, keep chasing those business dreams!

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 15 min
    Why I'm Rebranding the Podcast

    Why I'm Rebranding the Podcast

    I just wanted to explain why I'm doing a slight rebrand for the Show and how I wanted the front line image to reflect better with the content of the Podcast.

    Thanks for listening and your continued support and encouragement along the way.

    The core aspect of the Podcast will stay the same.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 3 min
    Ep. 134: The 3 Systems You Must Have To Get Clients

    Ep. 134: The 3 Systems You Must Have To Get Clients


    In this episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, Tom Clairmont dives deep into the vital topic of client acquisition and the essential systems for achieving it. Focused on streamlining processes, Tom shares his insights and personal experiences in incorporating effective systems into his business, aiming to guide listeners toward more efficient client acquisition strategies.

    Tom begins by demystifying marketing funnels for newcomers, explaining the "know, like, trust, try, buy" process. He emphasizes the importance of flooding the top of the funnel with targeted prospects to ensure a smoother transition through the funnel stages, detailed by the acronyms TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU. Tom stresses the need for a client attraction system, client conversion system, and client nurturing system, intricately woven into the business's foundation, to facilitate this journey.

    Highlighting content creation's critical role in attracting clients, Tom insists on a clear understanding of the target audience to ensure the marketing funnel is filled with qualified prospects. He shares practical tips on website design, leveraging SEO with the Yoast plugin, and optimizing LinkedIn profiles to enhance visibility and attract the right audience.

    Tom provides a detailed walkthrough of his strategies for LinkedIn, including profile optimization using Canva Pro, engaging posts, and targeted connection invites based on event participation. He also discusses leveraging webinars, podcasts, and email marketing to funnel potential clients into the engagement process.

    As listeners move through the middle part of the funnel, the client conversion system comes into play, aiming to transform observers into potential clients. Tom shares his approach to building trust and authority through complimentary Zoom calls, offering a glimpse into his training program and onboarding process, facilitated by tools like DocuSign to streamline the signup process.

    Finally, Tom addresses the client nurturing system, focusing on delivering exceptional value to create "raging fan customers" and encourage referrals, thus bypassing the traditional marketing funnel. He outlines options for clients to engage with his services at various levels, from online training videos to comprehensive training programs, with opportunities for upgrades and continued engagement through monthly retainers.

    This episode is not just a guide but a comprehensive blueprint for small business owners and solopreneurs aiming to establish or refine their client acquisition systems. Tom encourages listeners to reach out for his ebook or connect with him directly for more in-depth insights and assistance.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com
    Online Course: Solopreneur Success Plan
    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 20 min
    Ep. 133: The problem with having a decent income from your business

    Ep. 133: The problem with having a decent income from your business


    In this episode, your host delves into the critical aspect of income goals in the entrepreneurial journey. Tom Clairmont underscores the importance of having clear income objectives to not only measure progress but also to prevent complacency.

    He emphasizes that setting income goals isn't an act of greed or selfishness but rather a necessary mindset for solopreneurs. Success hinges on consistently pushing forward, and this proactive approach can make all the difference in an ever-changing business landscape.

    Tom acknowledges the allure of a stable income once a business is established, recognizing it as a significant achievement. However, he urges caution, highlighting a potential pitfall. Suppose a solopreneur relies heavily on a single substantial client for their stable income. In that case, they might face a precarious situation if that client's circumstances change, jeopardizing their financial stability.

    Tom's message is clear: don't become complacent with a stable income; keep striving for growth. He encourages listeners not to rest on their laurels but to maintain their drive and urgency to secure new clients continually.

    To avoid the vulnerability of relying on a single client, Tom suggests considering the possibility of hiring a virtual assistant. Delegating lower-level tasks can free up time for solopreneurs to focus on higher-level strategic activities that propel their business forward. Tom shares his own experience working with a virtual assistant to maximize efficiency and expand his business.

    Tom emphasizes that growth should be a multi-faceted endeavor, not just financial but also emotional, health-related, and overall well-being. He encourages solopreneurs to constantly review, modify, and improve their goals while remaining in a state of continuous learning.

    Despite the potential challenges in finding the right virtual assistant, Tom underscores its worth in terms of relieving the solopreneur from tasks that hinder growth. He believes that this investment is instrumental in maintaining momentum and achieving consistent progress.

    In conclusion, Tom leaves his audience with a powerful message: to avoid self-sabotage and keep moving forward, solopreneurs must be conscious of maintaining momentum and constant growth, even during periods of financial success. This episode serves as a reminder that success is not only financial but also holistic, encompassing various aspects of life.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 10 min
    Ep. 132: How I've been using AI for my business

    Ep. 132: How I've been using AI for my business


    In this episode, your host, Tom Clairmont, explores the challenges of being a solopreneur and the constant quest for making business operations easier without compromising quality. Tom introduces a lead magnet he created called "The Tools We Use," which provides valuable insights into online tools he personally uses in the business startup process.

    Tom acknowledges the perpetual need for new tools, especially in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI. He shares his recent experiences with using Chat GPT, highlighting how it's become an indispensable tool for generating content and fulfilling various roles within his business.

    Tom goes on to discuss specific scenarios in which he has utilized Chat GPT. From transforming podcast transcripts into engaging summaries to crafting website content, generating lead magnet ideas, and even exploring children's book concepts, Tom showcases the versatile applications of AI-powered content generation.

    Additionally, he emphasizes the growing role of virtual assistants, made more efficient by AI tools, in small businesses. Tom encourages listeners to leverage these technologies to streamline their operations and enhance productivity.

    Throughout the episode, Tom emphasizes the importance of embracing AI tools, such as Chat GPT, as valuable resources to simplify and enhance business processes. He invites listeners to share their own experiences and questions related to AI tools by emailing him at tom@tomclairmont.com.

    As the episode concludes, Tom leaves his audience with a sense of empowerment, reinforcing that AI is a valuable ally in the entrepreneurial journey, simplifying tasks and expanding possibilities.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 15 min
    Ep. 131: Debunking Myths: Launching an Online Business Later in Life

    Ep. 131: Debunking Myths: Launching an Online Business Later in Life


    In this podcast episode, Tom Clairmont takes on the myths and misconceptions surrounding launching an online business later in life, sharing valuable insights and debunking common misconceptions. Here's a summary of the key points covered:

    • Age Is Just a Number: Tom emphasizes that age should not deter anyone from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. Regardless of age, there's ample time to achieve success, and opportunities are not limited by a narrow time frame.
    • Risk and Financial Stability: Tom challenges the belief that starting something new later in life is riskier. He argues that having financial stability and resources accumulated over the years can actually reduce the risk associated with launching a new venture.
    • Tech Savviness Isn't a Must: Tom dispels the myth that one needs to be a tech guru to succeed online. With the abundance of tech resources, courses, and virtual assistants available, lack of tech expertise should not hold anyone back.
    • Cost of Starting: Tom highlights that starting an online business or podcast doesn't have to be costly. There are affordable options, including freelancers and AI tools, making it accessible to those on a budget.
    • Building Speed: The speed of building a business depends on available resources and goals. Tom emphasizes that it's possible to start small and grow over time, dispelling the notion that it will take too long to establish a business.
    • Action and Decision-Making: Tom encourages taking action and making decisions, emphasizing that the fear of making the wrong choice shouldn't deter aspiring entrepreneurs. Mistakes are part of the journey and provide valuable lessons.
    • The Right Mindset: Tom acknowledges that not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship. It requires motivation, decisiveness, resilience, and belief in oneself. Without the right mindset, success can be elusive.
    Listeners are left with a clearer understanding that age should not be a barrier to pursuing entrepreneurial dreams. Tom's insights challenge common myths and offer a fresh perspective on starting an online business later in life.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasclairmont/


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/solopreneur-success-path/exclusive-content

    • 14 min

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