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台式英文bye bye ,15分鐘學會美國人說的話。


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台式英文bye bye ,15分鐘學會美國人說的話。


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    這句英文怎麼說 #192 我要去獨旅啦~

    這句英文怎麼說 #192 我要去獨旅啦~

    快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    I’m going to travel by myself./I’m going to travel alone.
    (*be going to 後面接原形動詞)

    travel by myself 跟 travel alone 有什麼不一樣?
    -a solo trip
    -traveling solo

    self-guided tour (有特定的行程,明確的時間)traveling freely / free travelno set plans 沒有特定的獨旅
    independent travelbackpacking (背包客)跟團
    travel with grouptour grouptour group member(s) 團客
    D: Eleanor, why do you look so happy?
    D: 你怎麼看起來這麼開心?
    E: Because I’m going to travel by myself. I’ve made a plan to visit Okinawa in September.
    E: 因為我要去獨旅啦!我計劃九月要去沖繩玩~
    D: Wow, that’s great. But can you drive? I’ve heard that It’s more convenient to travel by car in Okinawa.
    D: 挖~那很棒誒!但是你會開車嗎?我聽說去沖繩玩要會開車比較方便
    E: No, I can’t. I’ll join a day tour.
    E: 喔不會ㄚ,但我會參加一日團。

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    • 16 min
    這句英文怎麼說 #191 我腦袋一片空白

    這句英文怎麼說 #191 我腦袋一片空白

    快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    My mind's gone blank./ I’m drawing a blank./My mind just blanked out.

    My mind's gone blank./ My mind went blank.
    I’m drawing a blank.
    *blank (a.) 空白的,茫然的
    a blank sheet of paper 一張白紙Please sign your name in the blank space. 請在空白處簽名a blank expression 茫然的表情(n.) 空白處,空格
    Fill in the blanks on this form. 將這份表格填好My mind just blanked out.
    I had a brain fart/ brain fade.

    沒想清楚 can’t think straight
    I regretted what I did last night. I wasn’t thinking straight.恍神、放空、發呆 space out/ zone out
    整理一下思緒 gather your thoughts

    Erskine:I’m supposed to tell you something, but I can’t think of what it was.
    Duncan:Don't worry, it happens to everyone.
    Erskine:Yeah, but my mind went blank as soon as I saw you.
    Duncan:Seems like you’re having a brain fart. Take a few minutes to gather your thoughts.

    Describe a time when your mind went blank.
    doing job interviews-I hate doing job interviews. It’s not that the questions are difficult, I just get brain fade as soon as I walk into the room. giving a speech/ presentation- got distracted by technical problemstalking to your crushfeeling scaredwalking through doorways like kitchen- forgot what to do

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    • 15 min
    這句英文怎麼說 #190 別客氣~多吃點!

    這句英文怎麼說 #190 別客氣~多吃點!

    快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    Help yourself./Please have some.

    (X)Eat more.
    (O)Help yourself./Please have some.
    我們經常問人「吃飽沒」、「多吃一點」,直譯成英文聽起來就是不自然。Eat more是祈使語句,比較是命令人的口氣。
    Help yourself 是指「自己來,別客氣」,也可以用 please have some,意思是「來一點,別客氣」。
    No need to be polite.不用客氣
    吃飯當中可以說的吃多一點:feel free to have more/ eat what you like

    問候的時候會說「吃飽了沒」Are you full? vs Have you eaten? (or Did you get anything to eat?)
    自己吃飽要先離席的時候會說「你們慢慢用喔~」"Take your time."、"Enjoy your meal." 或是 "No rush, savor your meal."

    Connie: Hi, Duncan! Welcome to our picnic event.
    Duncan: Hey, Connie! This is awesome, I'm really looking forward to enjoying some food.
    Connie: Haha, Well, help yourself. I prepared some snacks specially for this event. I hope you'll like them. Please have some!
    Duncan: That's so thoughtful! I'm sure I will, thank you for preparing them.

    小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj
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    • 16 min
    這句英文怎麼說 #189 英該美問題 feat.Dom

    這句英文怎麼說 #189 英該美問題 feat.Dom

    加入「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」可以解鎖常春藤網站上海量文章、影片,包含特別企劃「英文整聊室」,由賴世雄老師解析你最常犯的文法錯誤!
    1.你可以收藏自己專屬的單字、片語~打造自己的英語字典!What’s more!
    使用「折扣碼」ivybar300 可現折 300元

    How many languages do you speak? What are they?What do you do for a living?How long have you lived in Taiwan?
    knackered - exhausted 筋疲力盡的”It’s been long day at work. I’m absolutely knackered.”
    cheeky - in a teasing, playful manner / naughty 調皮的,放肆的,很快地做的“He’s a good kid but he can be a bit cheeky.” ”You cheeky bastard.” / “have a cheeky pint”
    gutted - very disappointed 沮喪的,失望的“I was gutted when I saw my test results.”
    ”The kids will be gutted when he hears the trip was canceled.”
    faff (around/about) - waste time 瞎忙”Don’t you have work to do?, You should quit faffing around.”
    ”I’ve been faffing about all morning, I should get going.
    naff - poor quality / crap 劣質的,品質很差的“This phone I bought is pretty naff, I’m going to return it.”

    讀高難度小說學文法 Read long and difficult novel to learn grammar跟讀 Shadowing看到不會的單字馬上查字典 Look up new words that you don’t know狂背單字 Memorize a large amount of words看影集、聽音樂 Watch TV series or listen to music


    小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj
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    • 36 min
    這句英文怎麼說 #188 你免肖想啦!

    這句英文怎麼說 #188 你免肖想啦!

    「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」使用折扣碼 ivybar300 可現折 300元

    快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    You wish./ In your dreams./ Nice try./ Not a chance.
    “You wish.”-to indicate that what the other person wants or hopes for is unlikely to happen. eg. winning a lottery.
    eg. “One day I will marry Taylor Swift.” “Yeah, right. You wish.”

    “In your dreams.”-Similar to "You wish," this phrase is used to express that the idea or desire mentioned is unlikely to occur in reality. eg. someone saying they could easily beat a professional tennis player.
    跟“You wish.”類似,例如有人說他可以輕易打敗專業的網球選手。
    eg. I feel like this lottery ticket is a winner. “In your dreams.”

    “Nice try.”-to acknowledge that someone made a good attempts at something, but they failed. Or to point out that someone’s trick has been found and was not successful. eg. someone trying to steal more cookies and you catch them.
    某人嘗試做某事或惡作劇結果失敗,被你抓到,你就可以說“Nice try.”,例如某人想偷你包包,或偷拿更多餅乾,但失敗被你抓到

    “Not a chance.”- a straightforward expression to reject a a suggestion or idea, indicate that there’s no possibility of it happening. eg. someone asking if they could cut in front of you in a long line.
    就是用來回絕對方的意見或想法,告訴他:「你別想了!」「不可能這樣做的!」「門都沒有」等於 “No way.”
    eg. Can I cut in front of you? Not a chance.

    "Not happening."
    "Not gonna happen."

    實際一點 Be realistic.
    有可能 possible/ possibility
    不可能 impossible/ impossibility
    請別人幫忙 Do someone a favor./ I need a hand./ Give me a hand.
    拒絕 reject/ turn down

    Erskine:Duncan, I need a hand. Could you pass me the broom and dustpan?
    Duncan:No pro, I’ll go get it. Here you are, the broom and dustpan.
    沒問題,我去拿。來,掃把跟畚箕 benji。
    Erskine:Now that you’ve got the broom and dustpan, why don’t you just help me clean up a bit?
    Duncan:Not a chance. Do it yourself!

    小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj
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    • 22 min
    這句英文怎麼說 #187 只要我不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人

    這句英文怎麼說 #187 只要我不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人

    快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    💡 If I’m cool with it, it’s on them if they feel awkward / cringe.
    → 表達自信,不在意別人看法。 (you don’t need to worry how other ppl think)

    If…是假設句be cool with sth=to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion 樂於接受現在的狀態 / 建議New Jeans “cool with you” 意思就是『 和你在一起很開心 』awkward (adj.) 尷尬的it’s on sb 某人有責任(對某件事)/ not my concern / not my business-negative, directly deny sth
    cringe (口語)尷尬 / 原本是動詞(v)
    Taylor Swift “Learn to live alongside cringe. Cringe is unavoidable over a lifetime.”
    alongside (adv.) 在…旁邊 / 與…一起unavoidable (adj.) 無法避免的embarrassing (adj.) 尷尬的 / humiliating (adj) 羞辱的
    cringe-worthy(adj.) (某人事物)令人難堪的 / cringe-inducing (adj.) 讓某人尷尬的…

    💡 embarrassed / embarrassing / awkward 有什麼不一樣?
    embarrass-ed :ed 結尾,用來形容人的感受
    embarrass-ing : ing 結尾,用來形容引起感受的事物.
    awkward : 形容人際之間關係的尷尬

    D: Hi, Eleanor... uh, what happened to your forehead?
    嗨,Eleanor. 呃…你的額頭怎麼了
    E:Hey, Duncan, let me tell you, I bumped into the door at the convenience store this morning. It was sooooo awkward.
    D:Don't worry about it. If you're OK with it, it's on other people if they feel awkward.
    E: I guess, but I think I won't go to that store again anytime soon.

    小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj
    留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments

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    • 16 min

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