136 episodes

This podcast features stories of people doing interesting things in their lives and the lessons we can all incorporate into our own pursuits. Most episodes will feature one or multiple guests and last 20-30 minutes.

Action's Antidotes Stephen Jaye

    • Society & Culture

This podcast features stories of people doing interesting things in their lives and the lessons we can all incorporate into our own pursuits. Most episodes will feature one or multiple guests and last 20-30 minutes.

    Achieving Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment with Brian de Castro

    Achieving Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment with Brian de Castro

    Change is about becoming different in various parts of our lives triggered by our internal desires or external events. Through change, it helps us see new things and grow as a human being spiritually, mentally, and physically, which are all interconnected. How do these aspects of change come together to shape our life?

    Join us in this episode with Brian de Castro, founder of The Domestic Athlete. Our conversation focused on how we can maintain work-life balance, prioritize well-being, and explore creative projects. We also talked about how to align our passions to achieve fulfillment and avoid burnout through intentional management. Brian shared the benefits of exercise, mindfulness, creativity, and self-awareness. Listen to this episode and start transforming your life today!


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    Achieving Work-Life Balance and Fulfillment with  Brian de Castro

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. We all reach that point in life where we want to make some kind of a change and there’s so many different catalysts for change. Probably, if you’ve been listening to the podcast, you’ve heard several episodes with people who have had events such as health scares or even just getting laid off from a job perpetuating a new way of thinking, a new line of, “Okay, what change do I wanna make? What do I think through what do I really want?” However, there are so many components to it. There’s obviously the mental stuff, some of the spiritual stuff that’s been on in the last few episodes, but I’ve also covered on some episodes the physical aspect of it and it all kind of, in a way, goes together. And here to discuss how that goes together, I have the founder of The Domestic Athlete, Brian DeCastro.



    Brian, welcome to the program.


    Thank you. Thanks for having me. Looking forward to the conversation. 


    Definitely. I want to start by orienting our audience here. So what is The Domestic Athlete all about?


    Yeah, good question. Back in 2016, I was actually working, I was on my probably 15th, 16th year working in the same organization. For the last, say, nine years, I was actually employed managing the entire fitness department that consisted of 40 trainers, 20 staff, multimillion-dollar department, there’s a lot of moving parts. It was a very exciting position. We went through a $50 million expansion at the time and we cut the ribbon and then, after that, it was kind of like, “Now what?”




    Ironically, the universe responded and they were actually phasing out people in sort of that middle management position as well. My position got phased out. I drove off the lot with a big smile on my face. I can move on to the next thing but also not with the risk of, you know, I had a family and everything so responsibility and all that stuff. When I started The Domestic Athlete within a month of leaving the club, my passion was in working with regular folks in the grind, day to day, parents, professionals perhaps with families that are trying to keep all the balls up in the air that also need the life force, the inspiration, the excitement. They still want that. You don’t want to wait ’til you’re retired to actually start living your life so how do we keep it all together and keep our life force but also manage all those moving parts, the dance class, the hockey practice, all that stuff, and then paying your bills and then you also have a marriage or relationship or something, right? So there’s so many different things going on.

    So Domestic Athlete is basically people like you and I operating in the sport of life, like I like to call it,

    • 42 min
    Human Designed Strategy for Personal and Professional Fulfillment with Molli Lou Hollows

    Human Designed Strategy for Personal and Professional Fulfillment with Molli Lou Hollows

    We are all trying to build the life we really want, balancing what we are doing with the lifestyle we dream of. However, are we truly making a life that matches our deepest values? How can we be sure our path fits our real goals?

    In this episode, we have Molly Lou Hollows, founder of Strategy Sculptors. Her business focuses on both the practical stuff we need to build and understanding our true selves, so what we create aligns with the life we genuinely desire. Today, we will explore what human design strategy is for business consultant clients. Molli shares what Unified Field Theory and Morphogenetic Field is and how it actually attracts opportunities and experiences by just being themselves with purpose. Join us and align with your true self!


    Listen to the podcast here:

    Human Designed Strategy for Personal and Professional Fulfillment with Molli Lou Hollows

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. I’ve been doing a bunch of these podcast interviews and I’ve witnessed a whole bunch of different motivations, a whole bunch of different reasons why we all build our businesses and/or passion projects of any kind. Some of it’s based on certain specific circumstances and others based on something that we’re called to do, but at the core of everything that we’re trying to do, the journey that we are all on right now, is trying to build the life that we really want. Then there’s kind of a juxtaposition, a meetup of the physical thing that we’re building, what we’re actually doing as well as the lifestyle we’re trying to achieve, whether it be escaping something we don’t want or whether it be feeling really in touch with having our lives be in alignment with who we truly are. My guest today, Molli Lou, is the founder of Strategy Sculptors, and her business actually works at that intersection of physical, tangible thing we need to build as well as understanding who we are at a course that what we’re building actually matches the life that we really truly want.



    Molli, welcome to the program.


    Hey, Stephen. Yeah. I’m excited to be here. Super awesome. 


    Oh, that’s amazing. Now, first of all, let’s get a point in time out. How long have you been at it with Strategy Sculptors?

    Well, in 2020, that’s when I really started my full-time entrepreneurial journey. I think a lot of us did. We were all home so we all were questioning things and really looking at ourselves in a different way. We were all at home and so I really started to be like, okay, I’ve always wanted to do this. So I dove into it and I started going to school for hypnotherapy. I already had gone through and was a certified breakthrough coach, specifically, and I just felt like I needed something more tangible to use than coaching just for me.

    Coaching is great but I have always felt like I was going towards a framework that I was creating on my own, that I was going to enter the framework eventually.Share on X

    I ended up working towards other things. I felt limited, actually, by the hypnotherapy. I wanted to use it as a tool but I wanted to be able to make it scalable so that I could make as much income as I wanted and I wanted it to be more flexible because the one on one, it gets old.

    Rediscovering Your Authentic Self To Thrive with Leah Beltz

    Rediscovering Your Authentic Self To Thrive with Leah Beltz

    Have you ever felt lost in your own life? Wondering who you truly are beneath all the roles and expectations? How do you rediscover yourself and build the confidence to live authentically?

    In this inspiring episode, I am joined by Leah Beltz, a passionate Co-Active coach and skilled facilitator with over 23 years of experience across global organizations. She is the founder of Honor The Space and creates a space for people to feel seen, heard, challenged, and supported in their growth, helping them live with more clarity, confidence, and connection to their purpose. 

    Today, Leah shares her journey of self-discovery, how she found her authentic self through The DigⓇ method, and how she now helps others do the same. She discusses the importance of knowing your history to understand your path, the unique process of The DigⓇ, and how creating space for yourself and others can lead to personal growth. Leah's story is one of overcoming fear, embracing vulnerability, and stepping into her true self. Listen now to start your journey toward living a more authentic and confident life!


    Listen to the podcast here:

    Rediscovering Your Authentic Self To Thrive with Leah Beltz

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. I’m a big fan of music. I’m a particularly big fan of Pitbull, I listened to his Globalization channel on XM Radio. I’m a fan of him as a person as well. He has a lot of things he says on the channel, one of them is if you don’t know where you’re coming from, you don’t know where you’re going. Similar to what Bob Marley said, when you know your history then you know where you’re coming from. And so I want to talk to you today about a process that I underwent several months ago around kind of taking my life experience, my life story and trying to distill it down into kind of an easily digestible piece of information for me to keep with me, and there’s a process called The Dig that was administered to me by my guest today, Leah Beltz, the founder of Honor Your Space.



    Leah, welcome to the program. 


    Hi, Stephen, welcome. It’s nice to be here again. 


    Yeah, it’s wonderful to have you. And, first of all, tell us a little bit about The Dig, since I kind of started that whole thing. I know you’re a facilitator, you’ve worked with a lot of clients on this program. 


    I can give you a short answer and I can give you a long answer. The short answer, if I were to describe it in only two words, I would describe The Dig as self-discovery. So similar to what you said with Pitbull, kind of understanding where you’ve come from to understand where you’re going. I would say the longer version of that, The Dig is a one-on-one facilitated method of self-discovery that helps you get epic clarity on who you are and how you operate so that you can then live with more confidence and connection to your life’s purpose. 


    So, we’re talking about clients here and people who have had a lot of life experiences because most people do and most people have a lot of things they’ve gone through in life that just ends up being confusing, because it’s like, “Why this? Why that?” So, what’s the journey, the customer journey, for anyone who speaks product, around that person who comes to you and just like, “Okay, well, I had this happen, I had that happen, and I’ve had these experiences, and WTF?”?


    Right. What I love about The Dig, what makes it unique is the actual process that we go through. So, I want to acknowledge there are a lot of tools and processes like this. The Simon Sinek Find Your Why or the Pursuit of Happiness, all these different things, but what makes The Dig unique is the process which w...

    Coming Out Stronger After Life’s Toughest Moments with Elizabeth Soto-Baez

    Coming Out Stronger After Life’s Toughest Moments with Elizabeth Soto-Baez

    Have you ever experienced that one life event that completely changes everything? That moment where your life shatters and you're forced to go deep within yourself to rediscover who you are. How do you navigate such a transformation and come out stronger on the other side?

    In this empowering episode, I am joined by Elizabeth Soto-Baez, the founder of Launch Your Life Coaching. Elizabeth is a life coach, women’s empowerment coach, and trauma-informed breathwork facilitator specializing in helping divorced or separated women. With nearly two decades of experience building communication lines between children and families, she now focuses on empowering women to reconnect with themselves and others. 

    Today, she shares her own story of realizing her marriage was over, the challenges she faced, like financial struggles, loneliness, and finding herself again outside of marriage. She also shares how she helps her clients through similar journeys, using mindset coaching and breathwork to turn grief into empowerment and growth. Listen now and start your journey toward a more empowered life!


    Listen to the podcast here:

    Coming Out Stronger After Life's Toughest Moments with Elizabeth Soto-Baez

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. Now, I want to talk to you all about something that a lot of us are going to encounter in one form or another in our lives, and that is that one life event that really changes everything, that one life event that really shatters what your life was and forces you to go inside, look a little bit deeper into kind of who you are in order to create what’s new in order to discover yourself on a whole new level. My guest today, Elizabeth Soto-Baez, specializes in helping women going through divorce, which is oftentimes a situation where they have their world that was just completely shattered by this event and suddenly no longer with their partner and need to kind of learn who they are outside the context of their marriage. She is the founder of Launch Your Life Coaching. She is here today to talk to us about her experience with her clients.



    Elizabeth, welcome to the program.


    Stephen, thank you so much. I’m excited to be here and to chat with you. 


    Definitely. And so you started your business based on a personal experience. 


    I did, I did. So, in 2019, I realized that after 13 and a half years of marriage, it wasn’t working. It hadn’t been working for a really long time. When I got married in my early 20s, I committed to being a married person. I really wanted what the idealized marriage is projected as, a partner, someone you grow with, your best friend, someone that you do all the hard things and all the wonderful things with and celebrate with. And I came from a family background where divorce was prevalent. All of my aunts and uncles had been divorced except for one. 




    Many of them had been divorced more than one time. And I thought, okay, my family doesn’t understand how to do relationships. Cool. I’m going to be better. What I didn’t account for in my own thinking and my commitment to do marriage well was that the person you marry has to also be committed to that. 



    They also have to want to grow and change and celebrate and work through hard things and be open and that wasn’t the experience that I had. And, in 2019, I had a revelation and I was like, this is not what I thought it was going to be and I’ve done every single thing that I know of to make it good, but if he doesn’t cooperate, whatever that looks like, I’m just dragging myself through the mud.

    Building Real and Meaningful Connections with Coach Lee Hopkins

    Building Real and Meaningful Connections with Coach Lee Hopkins

    Loneliness and feeling disconnected are common experiences today, affecting how we feel about life. The longing for real connection is stronger than ever. But it's not just about having lots of friends; it's about having meaningful connections that make us feel understood and valued. How do we close this gap and build relationships that truly matter?

    In this episode, I have the pleasure to chat with Coach Lee Hopkins, the founder of Patterns of Possibility. Coach Lee Hopkins is an expert in helping people build more meaningful connections in both their personal and professional lives.

    Throughout the episode, Coach Lee guides us through understanding the nuances of genuine connections, both online and offline. He talks about the complexities of modern-day interactions, offering actionable strategies to enhance the depth and authenticity of our relationships. Learn how small, intentional steps can lead to profound shifts in our relationships, bringing us closer to a life filled with genuine connection and fulfillment.


    Listen to the podcast here:

    Building Real and Meaningful Connections with Coach Lee Hopkins

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you selling for less. Today, I want to talk to you a little bit about loneliness, lack of connection. Now, you probably heard a lot of talk about the loneliness epidemic. One of the decisions I often cite in some of my presentations is that a survey was conducted around how many close friends people have, because loneliness is not just about how many people you’re around, it’s not just about isolation, it’s also about the meaningfulness, the depth of the connection. A survey conducted in 1990 showed that over 60 percent of all people said they had five or more close friends, how they would define as close friends. That same survey conducted in 2021 put 48 percent of all people in the one to four category for how many close friends they had and an alarming 12 percent actually reported having zero close friends and this is impacting just our quality of life in general so it’s good for us to kind of regroup and think a bit more about how we actually form meaningful relationships with other human beings. And to that topic, I bring you my guest today, Coach Lee Hopkins. Coach Lee Hopkins is a social connections coach, founder of a company called Patterns of Possibility. With this company, he uses a simple three-step process to help his clients find and maintain closeness in their friendships.



    Coach Lee Hopkins, welcome to the program.


    Thank you so much for having me here. I’m so glad to talk about this topic because it affects so many people. 


    Let’s start with what’s affecting people. What are you observing in the world today, like right now, regarding the quality of our connections we’re making between human beings?


    The quality of our connections. What I observe is there’s all kinds of statistics out there. As you pointed out, there’s some statistics about the relationships that my own observations is searching through TikTok and being on social media, listening to what other people are experiencing as well as watching and seeing my own experiences is that we’re not as connected as we were before and I would love to just tackle that and look at it from a different angle because what I define as connection is a little bit different than what most people do.

    They think simply because we are focused on being online so much that we’re disconnected.
    Stephen Jaye


    Reversing Chronic Disease & Recovery Strategies with Oliver Eehn
    Tue, 23 Apr 2024 03:00:40 +0000
    Chronic diseases are on the rise, affecting mil

    Taking Their Seat: Women Leading in Male-Dominated Industry with Rhonda Skallan

    Taking Their Seat: Women Leading in Male-Dominated Industry with Rhonda Skallan

    Despite being underrepresented, the truth is, women can thrive, excel, and lead. Their resilience, creativity, and determination often outshine the barriers they face. 

    In this empowering episode, our guest, Rhonda Skallan founder of Spark Alchemy, is here to prove just that. She shares valuable insights and strategies on how women can not only survive but thrive in these challenging environments. Rhonda's passion lies in empowering women to not just join the conversation but to lead it with confidence and authority. Through her work, she ensures that women have a seat at the table and are equipped to make impactful contributions.

    Listen in as we discuss typical male-dominated industries, the experience of women in these fields, leadership barriers, and the power of building supportive networks. Tune in now and empower yourself to rise above limitations!


    Listen to the podcast here:

    Taking Their Seat: Women Leading in Male-Dominated Industry with Rhonda Skallan

    Welcome to Action’s Antidotes, your antidote to the mindset that keeps you settling for less. Now, we all have our dreams, we all have our passions, we all have what we want out of life, and, hopefully, some of the episodes you’ve already listened to is giving you a good idea of how to figure out what it is that you actually want. But once you figure out what it is you actually want, there’s many different barriers that can get in our way. Nothing is really that easy, especially developing a life that’s a little bit outside the box or outside of what’s expected. Some of these barriers could take the form of feeling like you don’t belong, feeling like you don’t really have the right to communicate. So, today, my guest is Rhonda Skallan. She is the founder of Spark Alchemy and she helps women in male-dominated industries.



    Rhonda, welcome to the program.


    Thank you, thank you, and thank you so much for having me here today. I really appreciate it, Stephen.


    Well, thank you so much for taking the time out to talk to me and my audience today. So, first of all, I want to start off by asking what is a typical male-dominated industry and what does that feel like for some of your clients?


    That’s a great question because most industries are male dominated. My background tends to specifically be in construction, technology, finance as well as education, healthcare, and entertainment, and I would say all of those have a healthy dose of male dominance, especially when you think about combining them. So doing healthcare construction and technology construction. I decided I could go ahead and double down on that male dominance in a couple of those industries.


    Now, are there industries that are female dominant or are there industries that are balanced, that have found a way to kind of work through some of this?


    I really haven’t seen a balanced industry as much as maybe some female-dominated industries, maybe in the younger children, preschool, elementary-type education spaces, some of the service spaces of retail, sales, things like that, but I really haven’t seen a balance as much as I’ve seen one or the other. I will say what I know from some of the research that I’ve done with the Bureau of Labor Statistics for Women, the only industries where women make more money than men tend to be in childcare or those type of service-oriented businesses, which are also some of the lowest paying businesses.


    Now, you also talk a lot about how a woman feels in a male-dominated industry. Are there any industries out there that just the percentages work out one way but do a better job of preventing making people feel like outsiders,

    • 43 min

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