152 episodes

Frameworks, mental models, and fresh perspectives on Indian public policy and politics. This feed is an audio narration by Ad Auris based on the 'Anticipating the Unintended' newsletter, a free weekly publication with 8000+ subscribers.


Anticipating the Unintended Pranay Kotasthane

    • Government

Frameworks, mental models, and fresh perspectives on Indian public policy and politics. This feed is an audio narration by Ad Auris based on the 'Anticipating the Unintended' newsletter, a free weekly publication with 8000+ subscribers.


    #240 Peering Into the Future

    #240 Peering Into the Future

    Prediction Time
    In a year when countries as diverse as India, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Taiwan, Pakistan and Palau go for their elections, it is tempting to go for an overarching theme for the year while looking ahead. Unfortunately, like these aforementioned elections and the many others that will see about 50 per cent of the human population exercise their democratic choice, there seems to be only a messy mix of political signals emerging from them. Illiberal forces are rising in some places, and autocrats are rubber-stamping their authority in others. Democracy is blooming afresh in a few, while the trends of deglobalisation and closed borders are resonating among others. Of course, there are the wars old and new and, maybe, a few more round the corner to complicate any attempt at a broad narrative for the world. To add to the woes of anyone trying to write a piece like this, the economic macros globally look volatile and inchoate. There is increasing talk of a soft landing of the US economy while the EU and the UK stare at another lost year. Depending on who you speak to, China has either put its economic issues behind it and is ready to charge back with its investment in future technologies like AI, EVs and hi-tech manufacturing, or it is at the “Japan moment” of the late 80s. Japan, on the other hand, is itself having a brief moment of revival, and no one knows if it will have legs or if it is yet another false dawn.
    It is foolhardy to purvey macro forecasts in this environment. But then this newsletter won’t write itself. No? So, I guess the best course then is to make more specific predictions instead of taking big swings and hoping those come true while the macros swing wildly. This will also satisfy Pranay’s pet peeve about generic predictions that I mentioned in the last newsletter. So, let me get going with 10 somewhat specific predictions for next year.
    * President Biden will decide sometime in early February that he cannot lead the Democratic Party to power in the 2024 elections. He will opt out of the race and give possibly the most well-backed Democrat, financially and otherwise, a really short window of four months to clinch the nomination. In a way, this will be the best option for his party. If he continued to run for the 2024 elections, it would have been apparent to many in the electorate that they are risking a President who won’t last the full term. If he had opted out earlier, the long-drawn primary process would have led to intense infighting among the many factions of the party, eventually leading to fratricide or a Trump-like populist to emerge perhaps. A narrow window will allow the Party to back an establishment figure and reduce the fraternal bloodletting. Who will emerge from this is anyone’s guess. But whoever it might be, if (and it is a big if) they have to come up against Trump, they will lose. To me, the only way Trump doesn’t become the next President is if he isn’t on the ballot. And the only way that looks possible is if he loses his legal battles. Otherwise, you will see a second Trump term which will be worse than the first one. 
    * There’s way too much confidence about the Fed having piloted a ‘safe landing’ for the US economy despite the many odds that were stacked against it. I think this is fundamentally misplaced. The fiscal deficit is unsustainable, and much of the soft landing is thanks to it. The GDP growth has been supported by an almost doubling of the federal fiscal deficit. This won’t last. The higher rates that haven’t yet led to any real string of bankruptcies or asset bubble collapses will begin to make an impact. The geopolitical risks that have only been aggravated in the last 12 months and the increasing protectionism worldwide will make it difficult to sustain growth at 2023 levels. My view is that the real landing will be in 2024, and it won’t be soft.
    * China will get more adventurous geopolitically as it we

    • 23 min
    #239 Of Screws and Racquets

    #239 Of Screws and Racquets

    Happy New Year
    — RSJ
    Happy 2024, dear readers! 
    We hope 2023 was good for all of you. If it wasn’t, we are glad that it’s behind you. We didn’t have too bad a 2023 ourselves. This newsletter went along swimmingly (or so we think) and we had our book ‘Missing in Action: Why You Should Care About Public Policy’ published on 23 January 2023.
    Why haven’t you bought it yet?
    Anyway, it seems to be doing well based on the modest expectations we had of it. I’m yet to see the pirated versions of it peddled at traffic signals. Heh, that will be the day. But then I see it on shelves of all decent bookstores and that’s quite reassuring. That apart, Pranay had another book (one productive chap, I tell you), When The Chips Are Down on semiconductor geopolitics which is an area that’s going to get more interesting and contentious in this decade. All in all, we ended up writing 44 editions during the year totaling up to over a hundred thousand words. A good year, I guess.
    On to 2024 then. Like in the past, we will indulge ourselves a bit in the first edition of the year. First, looking back at our predictions for 2023 and seeing how badly off we were and then next week, I will be doing a bit of crystal ball gazing for 2024.
    Before I bore you with that, let me share with you this wonderful excerpt from a paper I read recently. Titled ‘Enlightenment Ideals and Belief in Progress in the Run-up to the Industrial Revolution: A Textual Analysis’, it covers an area of eternal fascination for me - Enlightenment and its impact on Western Europe. 
    Interesting conclusions and a must-read:
    “The role of cultural attitudes—specifically, of Enlightenment ideals that had a progress oriented view of scientific and industrial pursuits—in Britain’s economic takeoff and industrialization has been emphasized by leading economic historians. Foremost amongst them is Joel Mokyr (2016), who states that the progress-oriented view of science promoted by great Enlightenment thinkers, such as Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton, among many others, was central to what would become the “Industrial Enlightenment,” and ultimately Britain’s Industrial Revolution. In this paper, we test these claims using quantitative data from 173,031 works printed in England in English between 1500 and 1900. 
    A textual analysis resulted in three salient findings. First, there is little overlap in scientific and religious works in the period under study. This indicates that the “secularization” of science was entrenched from the beginning of the Enlightenment. Second, while scientific works did become more progress-oriented during the Enlightenment, this sentiment was mainly concentrated in the nexus of science and political economy. We interpret this to mean that it was the more pragmatic works of science—those that spoke to a broader political and economic audience, especially those literate artisans and craftsmen at the heart of Britain’s industrialization—that contained the cultural values cited as important for Britain’s economic rise. Third, while volumes at the science-political economy nexus were progress-oriented for the entire time period, this was especially true of volumes related to industrialization. Thus, we have unearthed some inaugural quantitative support for the idea that a cultural evolution in the attitudes towards the potential of science accounts in some part for the British Industrial Revolution and its economic takeoff.”
    2023 Predictions Scorecard
    I had 8 predictions across the global economy, Indian economy and Indian social and political order. So, this is how does the 2023 report card looks like.
    Global Economy
    This is what I had written:
    #1 The trend of securing your supply chain for critical products will get stronger.
    ….but it is clear to most large economies that on issues that concern national security, it will be foolhardy to not plan for worst-case scenarios any longer. And national security could mean

    • 25 min
    #238 Everything's Connected

    #238 Everything's Connected

    India Policy Watch #1: Like a Kid in a Candy Store
    Insights on current policy issues in India
    — Pranay Kotasthane
    In the previous edition, I asked you to name your favourite sports policy to date. I don’t have a great answer myself. Nevertheless, my candidate would be liberalising FDI in retail.
    When posed with such questions, we often get anchored to the way governments are organised. The best sports policy can only be made by the sports ministry; the best education policy can only be made by the education ministry, and so on. These answers assume that the public policy system is a linear, deterministic system with a small number of variables and negligible overlap across ministries.
    But as we discussed in edition #213, it is useful to characterise public policy as a complex system. Such a system is greater than the sum of its parts and these parts interact and share information with each other. Complex systems display non-linear behaviour as small actions can have large effects while large actions can have small effects. As a result, decomposing the system into its constituent parts, and analysing them separately often results in inaccurate analysis.
    Deploying the complexity lens makes us think beyond narrow sectoral policies. In the case of sports, it means we can think beyond the obvious candidates such as Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS), Fit India, or Khelo India. As an amateur sports enthusiast, I contend that liberalising FDI in retail had a disproportionately positive impact on sports in India because that policy led to the world’s largest sporting retailer setting up shop in India.
    Until fifteen years ago, buying sports equipment was not very different from purchasing soap at a kirana store. The options were limited and the buying experience was consistently disappointing. Moreover, equipment of only the most popular sports found space in the retail storefront.
    All that changed with the entry of the French sports retailer, Decathlon; first in the cash-and-carry segment starting in 2009 and as a single-brand retailer in 2013 after the FDI policy allowed 100% FDI in single-brand retail. Decathlon has given the Indian sports enthusiast a choice and a range of sporting equipment that my 20-year-old self would find unimaginable. Allowing FDI in e-commerce was the next step jump, making these sports equipment accessible to people outside Tier-I cities.
    I wish we had a real study of the consumer surplus generated by FDI liberalisation. Nevertheless, this example shows how sector-agnostic liberalisation can have a major impact. Ten years after the entry of Decathlon, further liberalisation of multi-brand retail is needed to bring more competitors into the sector, benefiting Indians at large.
    Of course, no one policy can solve all problems. All success is multi-causal, especially in a complex system like public policy. But my aim here was to make you think beyond ministry turfs when approaching questions of this nature.
    India Policy Watch #2: Holiday Reading
    Insights on current policy issues in India
    — Pranay Kotasthane
    The year-end holidays are approaching. So what’s the best way to spend the holidays? Reading, of course. This time around, I want to recommend some classic reports that tried to diagnose India’s condition. Initial conditions matter a lot in a complex system, hence I’ve picked out reports that give a fair account of the problems that India inherited in various domains around the time of independence.
    * Economy: Milton Friedman visited India twice in the 1950s and wrote two stunning articles on “Indian Economic Planning” and “A Memorandum to the Government of India 1955”. His diagnosis rings true even today. Centre for Civil Society has compiled the essays into a book.
    * Public Policy and Administration: Paul Appleby’s Public Administration in India-Report of a Survey was an important report where the American consultant tries to diagnose problems with India’s public administratio

    • 7 min
    #237 Looking Under the Hood

    #237 Looking Under the Hood

    Course Advertisement: Admission to Takshashila’s Graduate Certificate in Public Policy (GCPP) programme is now open. Start your 2024 with a course that will equip you with the tools to understand the world of public policy. Check all details here.
    India Policy Watch: In Search Of Growth
    Current policy issues in India
    — RSJ
    A quick macro update. The RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) met this week and, as was widely expected, kept the repo rate unchanged at 6.5 per cent for the fifth consecutive time. The Governor gave the usual explanation of global political risk, higher volatility in global financial markets, and continued inflationary expectations as the reason for keeping the policy stance unchanged as ‘withdrawal of accommodation’. And the Governor was quite clear that there is no ‘inadvertent’ signalling to the market that it has actually moved to a ‘neutral’ stance with its prolonged pause on rate hikes:
    “Reaching 4 per cent (inflation target) should not just be a one-off event. It has to be durably 4 per cent and the MPC should have confidence that 4 per cent has now become durable.
    We are very careful in our communication. There is no inadvertence in any of our communication. So, if somebody is assuming that it is a signal to move towards a neutral stance, I think it would be incorrect.”
    Well, that takes care of any possibility of a rate cut before next year's elections. And what’s the need, really? Between now and the elections, there’s always an inflation risk on vegetable and food prices. Also, while crude oil price has been on a downward trend during this year which has helped on the inflation front, there’s no guarantee how that will trend given the global geopolitical situation remains uncertain. Most importantly, what’s the need to signal any rate cut when the GDP growth numbers are coming in significantly above even RBI’s somewhat optimistic forecasts at the start of the year? Q2 GDP grew at 7.6 percent, almost a full percentage point above estimates, leading the central bank to up its full-year forecast to 7 per cent. All good news so far. Further, the RBI note had this optimistic comment for the near term:
    “The healthy twin balance sheets of banks and corporates, high capacity utilisation, continuing business optimism and the government’s thrust on infrastructure spending should propel private sector capex.” 
    Well, you can go back to the past six quarters, and you will find similar sentiments about an impending private sector capex boom from both the government and the private sector. But it is turning out to be a bit of a mirage. While both the corporate and bank balance sheets are the healthiest they have been in the past two decades, there is a continued ‘wait and watch’ approach on capex, which has mystified most observers. While the consumption growth remains robust, there are early signs that this lag in private capex is beginning to slow down corporate revenue growth. From the Business Standard:
    “.... the slowdown in corporate revenue growth over the last one year has begun to reflect in India Inc’s capital expenditure as there is a close correlation between growth in net sales and investment in fixed assets. The net sales of 725 companies, excluding BFSI and state-run oil & gas firms, were up 4.2 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) in H1FY24 – the lowest half-yearly increase in the last three years and down sharply from 12.2 per cent growth in the second half of FY23 and 31.3 per cent growth in the first half of FY23.”
    As if on cue, the Chief Economic Advisor (CEA), picked the issue of sluggish private capex at a CII event this week. Instead of the expected anodyne address at events of this nature, he made some very insightful points. First, he correctly pointed out that to expect consumption to continue to drive GDP growth while private capex sits out for as long as it has defies logic. Consumption, as we have pointed out more than a few times here

    • 14 min
    #235 Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

    #235 Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

    Read the full text here.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit publicpolicy.substack.com

    • 18 min
    #221 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    #221 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit publicpolicy.substack.com

    • 21 min

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