121 episodes

For women over 50 who want to beat the conventional wisdom that says aging equals low energy, weight gain, loss of vitality, disease, and a life that gets smaller and smaller. BS! The RWO50 podcast takes on all the myths of aging--body, mind, spirit--with science-based information so you can worry less about getting older and more about getting through that bucket list.
Aging should not diminish your ability to live and love fully. Join the Rebellious Wellness way and learn how to age better and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes you.

Rebellious Wellness Over 50 Gregory Anne Cox

    • Health & Fitness

For women over 50 who want to beat the conventional wisdom that says aging equals low energy, weight gain, loss of vitality, disease, and a life that gets smaller and smaller. BS! The RWO50 podcast takes on all the myths of aging--body, mind, spirit--with science-based information so you can worry less about getting older and more about getting through that bucket list.
Aging should not diminish your ability to live and love fully. Join the Rebellious Wellness way and learn how to age better and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes you.

    "Stress Test" a memoir, becoming a female doctor in the '70s

    "Stress Test" a memoir, becoming a female doctor in the '70s

    My guest this week is retired neonatologist and author, Kaye Drew White. She shares her journey through the male-dominated medical field during a time when sexism and racism were rampant issues. Her memoir, Stress Test, is set to release on June 7th, provides an insightful look into the challenges she faced as a woman in medicine and offers advice for young women pursuing similar careers.
    Key Points from the Episode:
    The struggles of being a female doctor in a male-dominated environmentPersonal tragedies that occurred while learning to be a doctorInsights into daily life in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)Experiences dealing with sexism early in her careerHow societal changes have impacted women's roles and rights over timeThe importance of controlling one's reproductive health for career advancement Reflections on writing as therapy and energy revitalization post-retirement 
    Kaye discusses how her personal experiences influenced her decision to specialize in neonatology, including childhood influences and guidance from mentors during residency. She also touches upon facing discrimination both due to gender within medical school settings as well as serving underprivileged communities.
    Listeners will gain an understanding of what it was like practicing medicine across different hospital environments - from large units at Holy Cross Hospital to smaller NICUs like Shady Grove Adventist Hospital - managing anywhere between 20 to 30 babies at any given time.
    The episode delves into serious topics such as coping with patient loss, malpractice fears, navigating emotional traumas alongside professional responsibilities, balancing work-life pressures especially amidst recent public setbacks regarding women’s healthcare rights following Roe v Wade reversal implications.
    Kay is a good story teller and speaks with compassion about all that she was faced with, societal, personal, and professional.
    You can learn more about Kay and her writings here.

    • 32 min
    End the Toxic Tango, how to reclaim your power in relationships

    End the Toxic Tango, how to reclaim your power in relationships

    This episode is for you if you are suffering (in silence or if you feel everyday is a battle for your self worth), in a relationship gone bad or has been bad for years.
    Shannon Petrovich, LSCW, LISAC, BCD is an expert in the complex world of toxic relationships.
    This is an especially important interview in light of the many studies highlighting how common it is for women to be the victims of verbal abuse, diminishment, and feelings of shame due to a toxic relationship. This can be from a partner, family member, or even an adult child.
    According to the American Psychological Association, "One nationally representative study showed that 27% of Americans are actively estranged from at least one family member."
    Truth is, people who find themselves in this place have often created the very situation they hate. You remember the saying, "we teach people how to treat us?"
    Yeah, that applies here.
    But it's not hopeless. You can regain your sense of self worth and teach your people that who you are is not a doormat or victim. Some will respond positively and some will have to be walked away from.
    Shannon's goal is to help individuals identify toxicity in their relationships and what steps one can take to address these unhealthy dynamics.
    Shannon helped me understand that narcissism isn't one type of individual or behavior but is rather a spectrum of people and behaviors. Bottom line is this is a tricky situation to navigate due to the chameleon-like nature of a narcissists actions.
    Key Points Discussed:
    Personal Experience with Illness: The host shares her recent recovery from illness.Rising Awareness of Toxic Relationships: A reflection on why toxic relationships are getting more attention in light of global situations.Defining Self Within Relationships: Understanding that showing up as your whole self is crucial for healthy interactions. The Spectrum of Narcissism: Insight into how narcissistic behavior varies and its impact on relationships.Internal vs. External Responsibility: Emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between one's own emotions and those projected by others.Navigating Parental Roles & Adult Children Dynamics: Strategies for dealing with expectations set by historical family roles.Recognizing Subtle Forms of Toxicity: Acknowledging that not all toxic behaviors are overtly abusive but may still be harmful.Tools For Recovery & Empowerment:Developing a healthy relationship within oneself before addressing external onesImplementing boundaries
    Shannon offers a free training video on her website to provide initial guidance on handling toxic relationships.
    She also had a support group & masterclass. These are opportunities for deeper learning and community support when dealing with these challenges.
    This episode provides valuable advice for anyone questioning the healthiness of their interpersonal connections while offering practical steps toward resolution and empowerment.
    Remember to visit HealFromToxicRelationships.com for further assistance in healing from detrimental relational patterns.
    Note: Always ensure you're safe when considering leaving a potentially dangerous situation; seek professional help if necessary.

    • 27 min
    Veganism isn't always healthy, especially as we age

    Veganism isn't always healthy, especially as we age

    My guest, Daina Rasutis, is a  a Nutrition Therapist Master. Looking for a way to heal her gut, her chronic acne, and increasing fatigue, she turned to a plant based diet.
    To start, things seemed to be going well. Things improved but she never returned to health. In fact, over time, she felt worse and her symptoms returned.
    We discussed the importance of protein--specifically animal protein--as we age. It benefits the gut, our muscles, immunity, and more. For those who have concerns about how animals are processed, an egg from a humane farm fed organic food to supplement their grazing, is the answer.
    Key Points Discussed:
    Daina's Background: From civil environmental engineering to sustainable food systems and eventually finding her passion in nutrition therapy.Vegan Journey: How going vegan initially improved Dena's chronic conditions like acne but later led to energy depletion and gut issues.Protein Importance: The critical role animal proteins play in maintaining gut health versus relying heavily on supplements or processed foods.Gut Health Focus: Why as we age, especially for women over 50, it becomes essential to prioritize gut health through proper nutrition including adequate protein intake.Muscle Maintenance: The significance of preventing muscle loss by ensuring enough dietary protein paired with resistance training as one ages.Digestive Changes with Ageing: Understanding that our body produces fewer enzymes and stomach acid as we get older which affects digestion.
    Insights Shared:
    Transitioning from Veganism:
    Dena discusses how she gradually introduced eggs then fish back into her diet after realizing plant-based eating was not supporting her well-being effectively.
    Bone Broth Benefits:
    Although not complete in amino acids profile compared to other animal products, bone broth is beneficial for skin, bones, and particularly soothing for the gut lining during healing processes.
    Common Misconceptions:
    Addressing common misunderstandings about heartburn relief methods such as antacids which can lead to more harm than good by reducing crucial stomach acid production needed for immune defense against pathogens.
    Food Sensitivity Testing & Stool Analysis:
    Highlighted importance of identifying individual food sensitivities through testing rather than elimination diets alone; also understanding one’s microbiome state via stool tests.
    Headaches & Gut Connection:
    Discusses how chronic headaches can often be linked back to gut issues—whether it’s due to food sensitivities or poor digestion leading systemic reactions within the body.
    This episode challenges listeners who are considering or currently practicing veganism while emphasizing the necessity of listening closely to their bodies’ needs—especially regarding protein consumption—and adjusting their diets accordingly as they age. If you’re looking beyond conventional wisdom towards a fully expressed life at any age without compromising your wellness goals, tune in now!
    Her website is Table to Crave.
    You can find Daina on IG.
    If you have questions about your own choice of foods and how it impacts healthy aging, DM me on social @rebelwell50 or send an email to gregory@rebelliouswellnessover50.com

    • 30 min
    Dr. Michael Roizen, Can We Really Turn Back Time?

    Dr. Michael Roizen, Can We Really Turn Back Time?

    Today, I have the privilege of hosting Dr. Michael Roizen, a renowned expert in reversing and rebooting aging. 
    His CV is extensive, you can read about him here. In 2007, Dr. Roizen was named Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic, the first such position in a major healthcare institution in the United States.
    The concept might sound like something out of science fiction, but Dr. Roizen discussed real scientific endeavors aimed at reversing biological aging. He opened up about cutting-edge technologies such as 3D organ printing – which may one day allow us to replace aged organs with new ones – and research on telomeres and stem cells that are at the forefront of longevity studies.
    Key Takeaways:
    Reversing Biological Age: Dr. Roizen discusses how we can not only prevent but reverse our biological age through various methods.Future Innovations: A glimpse into future advancements such as 3D organ printing and breakthroughs in research that could allow us to reset our age back to our forties.Real Age Concept: An explanation of Real Age – an assessment tool that determines your body's health relative to your calendar age based on lifestyle choices.
    Take the Real Age test at ShareCare.com. Caveat. I took the test, which is long but multiple choice, and I knew based on some of the questions I was in trouble. The algorithm recommended that I don't eat enough whole grains--I eat almost none--or legumes, not good for my genetic profile, or fruit. I don't love fruit but do eat about two apples a week and berries or melon in season. It's pretty old school/western medicine oriented. I also got points off for not having a flu shot every year and never having had a pneumonia vax.
    Preventing Structural Change: Importance of avoiding severe structural damage now so you can benefit from potential future therapies.Health Parameters & Longevity Preparation: Insights into six parameters of health including diet, exercise, stress management (highlighted as most important), connection with others, and sleep quality.Metformin and Aging Debate: Discussion about Metformin's role in anti-aging; while it has been hyped up within certain circles, Dr. Roizen advises caution unless pre-diabetes or diabetes is present.Telomere Testing Accuracy Concerns: Skepticism around telomere length tests due to variability; emphasis on stem cell telomeres being more crucial than other cells' for longevity.Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD): Explanation of Valter Luongo’s FMD which resets genes allowing for increased stem cell growth upon resuming a normal diet after fasting periods.
    Supplements That Work: A brief mention at the end regarding supplements that may provide more benefits than risks according to Longevity.com’s scientific advisory board evaluations - baby aspirin twice daily, CoQ10, probiotics like Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis HN019™️ , vitamin D above 50 ng/ml levels and half a multivitamin twice daily were highlighted among others.
    Dr. Roizen's latest book, he has written or co-authored numerous books, is a...

    • 42 min
    How to prevent Dementia with Mitchell Clionsky

    How to prevent Dementia with Mitchell Clionsky

    Going out on a limb here when I say, no one wants dementia.
    When I heard about the new book, Dementia Prevention, Using Your Head to Save Your Brain, I knew I wanted to interview the author(s). Luckily, one of them reached out to me, to you the audience, thinking it might be something we'd be interested in. Ya think?
    This episode is chock full of what contributes to dementia, who might be heading that way, and what we can do to prevent it or slow the progression.
    Mitchell told me "80 percent of people over the age of 50 are somewhat or very worried about dementia. That can be paralyzing, if all you do is worry. That's why when we talk about in the book, don't be a dementia worrier, become a prevention warrior. There's a very active approach that is based on real science."
    You know I love the science and bring it he did.
    Here are the key points we discussed
    Demystifying Dementia: Understanding that genetics and lifestyle both play roles in brain health.Prevention over Worry: Shifting from anxiety about dementia to becoming an active 'prevention warrior.'Interdisciplinary Approach: The importance of integrating knowledge from various medical fields such as cardiology, endocrinology, sleep medicine, etc., for effective dementia prevention.Early Detection & Action: Advocating regular cognitive assessments during annual check-ups and taking action based on results.The Power of Lifestyle Changes: Emphasizing simple yet significant habits like walking 10 minutes thrice a day or ensuring good quality sleep.Understanding Different Types of Dementia: Clarifying misconceptions between Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia among others.Role of Medication & Substance Use: Cautioning against long-term use of anti-anxiety medication or excessive alcohol consumption which may impair cognitive function.
    Dr. Clionsky also highlights the significance of maintaining social connections and mental stimulation in preserving cognitive health.
    The Clionsky's have created a checklist for anyone who wants to see where they are when it comes to dementia potential. It's your chance to construct your individual Dementia Prevention Model. Your results will grade you as "on target," near target," or "off target." Read more here and take the quiz.
    Find them on Facebook. Meet them and their 2 beautiful dogs at https://braindoc.com/
    If you find yourself near or off target and what a simple roadmap to get you to on target, check out my Power of 5 free email course. It's all you need to give your body the advantages you need to age in good health--brain included.

    • 40 min
    Women suffer from our broken healthcare system

    Women suffer from our broken healthcare system

    Learn how to navigate a broken healthcare system. 
    Susan Salenger is the author and researcher behind SIDELINED: How Women Can Navigate A Broken Healthcare System. Sidelined examines the many ways in which some women manage and sometimes mismanage their healthcare.
    Systemic issues plague our healthcare system—less funding for women’s health research and gender biases can put lives at risk. I brought Susan on to dive deep into why this happens and what needs fixing.
    These are quotes from some of the women Susan interviewed for her book:
    "I told my doctors about my pain for years, but they told me it was all in my head...""My doctor said I needed a hysterectomy to relieve my symptoms that I was sure were just normal menopause. Unfortunately, I agreed to the surgery anyway. Why did I agree to that?” "If men had cramps, they'd have cured this by now..."These and countless other comments from women who've suffered at the hands of the healthcare industry are frighteningly common, but they don't have to be. 
    Healthcare Disparities: Women face longer wait times for emergency treatment like heart attacks and are often misdiagnosed or prescribed antidepressants instead of receiving proper diagnoses.Research Funding Inequality: Female researchers receive less funding than their male counterparts, especially when researching diseases prevalent among women. This leads to limited knowledge about female bodies within the medical community.Importance of Second Opinions: The critical role second opinions play in diagnosing from different perspectives due to thousands of diseases sharing similar symptoms.Doctor-Patient Communication Tips: Writing down symptoms before an appointment helps both patient and doctor stay focused; repeating back what you heard ensures understanding; bringing someone along offers additional support.Medication Research & Cautionary Tales: It’s crucial to research any new medication interactions thoroughly – even if there’s only a small risk factor involved.Navigating Hospitals & Surgery Prep: Ensuring hospitals specialize in your specific condition/surgery type while also confirming surgeon experience levels can mitigate risks associated with treatments.
    Final Thoughts: This conversation sheds light on systemic issues within healthcare affecting women disproportionately. It empowers listeners with strategies for proactive self-care management by advocating assertiveness during medical appointments, thorough research practices, and demanding quality care without compromise.
    Remember to tune in next week as we continue breaking barriers and exploring more ways to achieve optimal wellness after 50!
    Find Susan on these 3 Social Media platforms: https://www.tiktok.com/@grandma.gains Where she shares her weight lifting tips

    • 35 min

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