1 hr 30 min

3 - Seven Questions: From Bondage to Freedom | Swami Tattwamayananda Vivekachudamani | The Path of Wisdom

    • Spirituality

Verses: 51, 71, 89, 98, 99

The 4th question: 'How shall I be liberated?'
Answer: The means to attain spiritual liberation:
- Detachment and withdrawal from all the impermanent things.
- `shama’ (शम), dama (दम), titiksha (तितिक्षा), giving up of all karmas, etc.
The 5th question: What is anatman?
Answer: Elaborate Analysis of the Non-Self (anatman):
-Descriptions of sthula-sharira (gross body) & sukshma-sharira (subtle body).
-The journey of life does not end with death.
-Death is only a transition point in the journey of life.
-The quest for Truth is a unique spiritual privilege.

Verses: 51, 71, 89, 98, 99

The 4th question: 'How shall I be liberated?'
Answer: The means to attain spiritual liberation:
- Detachment and withdrawal from all the impermanent things.
- `shama’ (शम), dama (दम), titiksha (तितिक्षा), giving up of all karmas, etc.
The 5th question: What is anatman?
Answer: Elaborate Analysis of the Non-Self (anatman):
-Descriptions of sthula-sharira (gross body) & sukshma-sharira (subtle body).
-The journey of life does not end with death.
-Death is only a transition point in the journey of life.
-The quest for Truth is a unique spiritual privilege.

1 hr 30 min

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