39 min

Remember (Hebrews 13:7-9‪)‬ E.P.I.C. Word of Truth

    • Christianity

The Faith Foundations website mentioned in this message has foundational and doctrinal messages (audio and full notes). You can access it at the following link: Faith Foundations for the Church
This passage, encapsulated in the single word "Remember," serves as a poignant reminder of our duties, our doctrines, and our devotion to the Almighty.
First, we are called to: Remember Faithful Leaders (Hebrews 13:7). The writer of Hebrews urges us to recall those who have spoken the Word of God to us, whose faithfulness echoes through the corridors of time.
Their examples, their sacrifices, and their steadfastness in the face of adversity serve as beacons, guiding us in our own pilgrimage of faith.
Second, we are to: Remember Our Unchanging Savior (Hebrews 13:8). In a world of shifting sands and fleeting ideologies, our Lord Jesus Christ stands as the immutable Anchor of our souls. His unchanging nature is our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer, offering us stability in a world of uncertainty.
Third, we are to: Remember Right Doctrine (Hebrews 13:9a). The writer warns against being led astray by diverse and strange teachings. We are called to hold fast to the sound doctrines passed down to us, doctrines that are rooted in the unchanging Word of God.
Lastly, we are to: Remember Grace (Hebrews 13:9b). It is by grace that we are saved, through faith, and not of ourselves. This grace is not a license to sin but a call to live in obedience to God's Word, empowered by His Spirit. So, let us heed the call to remember.
Let us remember the faithful leaders who have gone before us.
Let us remember the unchanging Savior who walks beside us.
Let us remember the right doctrines that guide us.
And let us remember the grace that sustains us.
May this remembrance be the foundation upon which we build our lives, to the glory of our God. Imagine you are on a hiking trail in beautiful East Tennessee, surrounded by dense forest (which I hope to be on such a trail in a couple of weeks).
And as you walk, you notice that the path splits into two. One trail is well-worn, with clear signs pointing the way, while the other is overgrown and barely visible.
The well-worn path represents the teachings and examples of faithful leaders who have gone before us. These leaders have faithfully proclaimed the Word of God, guiding us on the right path. Their lives serve as signposts, pointing us toward Christ and His unchanging truth.
On the other hand, the overgrown path symbolizes the diverse and strange doctrines that seek to lead us astray. These teachings may seem new, different, and appealing at first glance, promising easy answers or worldly wisdom. However, they ultimately lead to confusion, spiritual danger, and death.
As we navigate through life, we are faced with these two paths. The challenge is to Remember the example of those who have faithfully taught and lived out the Word of God while rejecting the false teachings that seek to divert us from the truth.
Hebrews 13:7-9 reminds us to remember these faithful leaders and to be wary of strange doctrines. Let us stay on the path of truth, firmly grounded in the unchanging grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Faith Foundations website mentioned in this message has foundational and doctrinal messages (audio and full notes). You can access it at the following link: Faith Foundations for the Church
This passage, encapsulated in the single word "Remember," serves as a poignant reminder of our duties, our doctrines, and our devotion to the Almighty.
First, we are called to: Remember Faithful Leaders (Hebrews 13:7). The writer of Hebrews urges us to recall those who have spoken the Word of God to us, whose faithfulness echoes through the corridors of time.
Their examples, their sacrifices, and their steadfastness in the face of adversity serve as beacons, guiding us in our own pilgrimage of faith.
Second, we are to: Remember Our Unchanging Savior (Hebrews 13:8). In a world of shifting sands and fleeting ideologies, our Lord Jesus Christ stands as the immutable Anchor of our souls. His unchanging nature is our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer, offering us stability in a world of uncertainty.
Third, we are to: Remember Right Doctrine (Hebrews 13:9a). The writer warns against being led astray by diverse and strange teachings. We are called to hold fast to the sound doctrines passed down to us, doctrines that are rooted in the unchanging Word of God.
Lastly, we are to: Remember Grace (Hebrews 13:9b). It is by grace that we are saved, through faith, and not of ourselves. This grace is not a license to sin but a call to live in obedience to God's Word, empowered by His Spirit. So, let us heed the call to remember.
Let us remember the faithful leaders who have gone before us.
Let us remember the unchanging Savior who walks beside us.
Let us remember the right doctrines that guide us.
And let us remember the grace that sustains us.
May this remembrance be the foundation upon which we build our lives, to the glory of our God. Imagine you are on a hiking trail in beautiful East Tennessee, surrounded by dense forest (which I hope to be on such a trail in a couple of weeks).
And as you walk, you notice that the path splits into two. One trail is well-worn, with clear signs pointing the way, while the other is overgrown and barely visible.
The well-worn path represents the teachings and examples of faithful leaders who have gone before us. These leaders have faithfully proclaimed the Word of God, guiding us on the right path. Their lives serve as signposts, pointing us toward Christ and His unchanging truth.
On the other hand, the overgrown path symbolizes the diverse and strange doctrines that seek to lead us astray. These teachings may seem new, different, and appealing at first glance, promising easy answers or worldly wisdom. However, they ultimately lead to confusion, spiritual danger, and death.
As we navigate through life, we are faced with these two paths. The challenge is to Remember the example of those who have faithfully taught and lived out the Word of God while rejecting the false teachings that seek to divert us from the truth.
Hebrews 13:7-9 reminds us to remember these faithful leaders and to be wary of strange doctrines. Let us stay on the path of truth, firmly grounded in the unchanging grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

39 min